『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

Arael@2002-11-25 09:14

最初由 whatever 发布

Man, usually in every forum I have to account, one present the M, another present FM;but for this one I just have one, and I didn't sign the sex. whatever, I don't care whether you guys think I am a little boy or little girl. If you think I am a little boy, then I am a little boy, If you think I am a little girl then I am a little girl.

ah... that's an interesting strategy..
I wonder if any of my popgo friends does that too :P
I guess many girls don't mind pretending to be guys... But I will never pretend to be a girl on-line :P And also, I'll probably feel cheated if some guys do that...:P

Hope you'll get well soon...
Personally, I prefer Chinese herb to Western medicine....
But I don't know if there is any Chinese doctor in your area...

whatever@2002-11-26 07:19

I was eating the Chinese medicine. But aside from eat medicine, I have nothing else to do.
Btw, If a guy pretend to be girl for hankering GF, that can be understand. But if a guy pretend to be girl for cheat the other guys, that's so gay.

myrion@2002-11-26 09:17

最初由 whatever 发布
I was eating the Chinese medicine. But aside from eat medicine, I have nothing else to do.

but to tell the truth, i believe "taking more rest" is the best medicine than any others for u:):)

whatever@2002-11-28 07:32

Well, now my voice sound better, I can speak clear, and more sound like my voice. I can sing a little bit, but I still can't sing too high. I will be fine. Thanks guys.

shaka@2002-11-28 10:55

hello everyone! i'm new here.
it's interesting to read all your posts here. i really enjoyed it.
Hope to make friends with you all ^^

shaka@2002-11-28 11:01

a brief self-intro..
i'm from Shanghai. now study in Singapore.
i'm an experienced Er-hu player ^_^, learned it since kindergarten. (i noticed there are alot of musicians here..)
i'm a member of the school's Chinese orchestra. Recently i was promoted to be the concert master of the orchetra. Quite proud of that :P

whatever@2002-11-29 02:43

Haha, welcome, nice to meet you here. I think that's really cool to be the concert master of the orchestra,huh. My school will have a band concert on Dec. 5 , and a chorus concert on Dec. 6. My cousin and I are busying in prepare.Wish me luck! :)

myrion@2002-11-29 09:28

最初由 shaka 发布
a brief self-intro..i'm from Shanghai. now study in Singapore.
i'm an experienced Er-hu player ^_^, learned it since kindergarten. (i noticed there are alot of musicians here..)
i'm a member of the school's Chinese orchestra. Recently i was promoted to be the concert master of the orchetra. Quite proud of that :P

oh boy!!!
shaka is my favorite anime character for many many years since i was a child. i'm very very very~~~~glad to see u here:):)

at the mention of the chinese orchestra, a chinese zither suddenly comes to my mind. haha~~i am not sure what concert master u figure above it is...u mean the band conductor or the chief like the head of the instrument players??both r wonderful, and deserve to be with honors.

oh, i forgot to tell u one thing, i like ur head photo very much:):)
anyway, welcome and have a nice chat here~~

whatever@2002-11-29 09:44

Hey, everybody, how is your Thanks Given Day? I have a great day. I came to Melbone with my two cousins, my father and my uncle, aunty. There's a big party there in the church.There're lot of the Chineses there, and many, many good food. But my cousins and I don't care about that. We play basketball with other Chinese and Taiwanese children. We have a happy time. What about you guys.

whatever@2002-11-29 09:47

Well, tomorrow is a great shopping day,we decide to wake up at 6:30, then go to Warmark, Publix, Mall, shopping. I got to buy a new CD-Rom, my old one have stuck. Don't miss the good chance.

myrion@2002-11-29 10:27

i have a nice thanksgiving, too. actually i bought a turkey about 1x pounds 2 days ago and preserved it with garlic, pepper, rice wine until this morning. coz i have no interests about the american traditional style such as bread or celery as stuffing, instead of cooking potatoes, carrots, meatballs with chinese bbq sauce as "mine". at noon, i packed it in oven bag then put into oven baked for 3 hrs...
haha~~though i have not eaten the original one and do not know the taste it is...by way of my friends finishing all dishes i made, i am sure my turkey is very very yummy:):)

it's a thanksgiving day for man, but a suffering day for many turkeys@_@

kkk60091@2002-11-29 12:00

are you in u.s. ? thanksgiving isn't a big deal, you can only see less people on the street. that's all

whatever@2002-12-01 05:12

There's a the 39 th Space Coast art show held in Cocoa Beach today. Well, there're lot of people. Many students from different schools join the students' art show. I was one of them, and I was also one of two from Cocoa Beach High School. The students from Merritt Island High School's art works were awesome, a girl was 11 grader, her oil paintings like the real. The judges love my painting too(especial the bird painting), but there're too much good painting, and the prize were limited, so I didn't win any prize. However, two old ladies( there're mother and daughter), love my bird painting, two paid $40 to buy my painting. Well, that's my best painting, I spent a mouth on it, but I knew they will really take care my painting, so I thought that was worth, and I sold to them.(I am sorry about that cause I can't show you guys painting forever)And I also sold other two.
I knew other students didn't sell any of their drawing or painting or photograph, because they don't care about the money. But my chorus have a trip on April, and the trip is really expensive, I need money, other wise, I wouldn't sell any of my art work.
After the students' art show, my dad and me went to many, many different art store along the street. I saw many, many different kinds of good art works.
And I know I can do better next year, and I have confidence that I can win next year.

whatever@2002-12-01 05:24

最初由 kkk60091 发布
are you in u.s. ? thanksgiving isn't a big deal, you can only see less people on the street. that's all

Well, the day after thanksgiven is a big deal. Many people go shopping at the early morning. Such my family and my cousins' families, we went to shopping at 7:00 in the morning. But unfortunate, my cousins and I went to buy the batteries and tools with my dad, and my aunties went to Circle City but DVD, but they didn't know how to buy the CD player and scaner. So, when my cousins and I, my dad got there, all the cheapest scaner were gone( the original prize was $65, and at that day just $15), and the cheap and nice Cd player also. Just I was really lucky, there's still one at the secrect corner that no other body saw it. But there's no more for my cousins, so they were a litter bit sad and mad. However, we decide to shopping again at Dec. 26. Next time, we won't loss the good chance.

shaka@2002-12-02 20:09

最初由 myrion 发布

oh boy!!!
shaka is my favorite anime character for many many years since i was a child. i'm very very very~~~~glad to see u here:):)

at the mention of the chinese orchestra, a chinese zither suddenly comes to my mind. haha~~i am not sure what concert master u figure above it is...u mean the band conductor or the chief like the head of the instrument players??both r wonderful, and deserve to be with honors.

Pity that he's not your favourite now ;-)

I don't know what concert master actually is myself. Trust me it's not as important as it sounds. I'm not even a member of the admin committee.
Or perhaps I heard wrongly and they were actually talking about 'concert bastard'? haha..
