『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

whatever@2002-12-23 02:30

We have 6 period per day, school begin at 8:30, end at 3:15.

Lizard@2002-12-23 09:45

oh~`de schedule is about da same., my regular schedule is from 8:30 to 3:10.
n'..do u hav n'e plans for the break~?

暗黑天使@2002-12-23 09:54

well... i guess it's ok for me... but still, I wish to speak & read & write as much Chinese as I can, because it's really hard to practice Chinese here. And I HATE ENGLISH!!!!

silverpin@2002-12-23 15:22

wow~~ seems like u guys are going to have great holidays, and mine, hehe, already started ^^ the final concert is finished two days ago and it was a great success. we are all happy now~~ no sckoos for two weeks, yeah~~~~
and the flute solo, yes, the ones i 'm in charge to play piano for was finished too. the teacher is really happy and the band teacher fed me as thankness. ^^ the meal was really good, hehe~~
how are u guys going to arrange ur holidays? i'm going to spend a great time in learning japanese, and pracitising drawing ^_^

happy holidasy ^_^

silverpin@2002-12-23 15:26

btw, shaka sang, the place is really really nice! is it in singapore? howcome i've never seen it b4 when i was there o_O ? it must be a great enjoyment to play in that auditorium.
perform jan ma? hope success ^^

shaka@2002-12-23 16:15

最初由 silverpin 发布
btw, shaka sang, the place is really really nice! is it in singapore? howcome i've never seen it b4 when i was there o_O ?

yah, it's in singapore. construction was just completed one or two months ago that's why you didn't see it.

最初由 silverpin 发布
it must be a great enjoyment to play in that auditorium.
perform jan ma? hope success ^^

Thank you very much! :)

indeed, i'm excited already. i will have two solo parts. just hope i will not mess it up :p

whatever@2002-12-24 06:34

最初由 silverpin 发布
wow~~ seems like u guys are going to have great holidays, and mine, hehe, already started ^^ the final concert is finished two days ago and it was a great success. we are all happy now~~ no sckoos for two weeks, yeah~~~~
and the flute solo, yes, the ones i 'm in charge to play piano for was finished too. the teacher is really happy and the band teacher fed me as thankness. ^^ the meal was really good, hehe~~
how are u guys going to arrange ur holidays? i'm going to spend a great time in learning japanese, and pracitising drawing ^_^

happy holidasy ^_^

Well,well,well, after the sing at Disney at 24th, I will have some fun at Disney with my family, and a after that, I must finish the reading of Alas, Babylon. And I have to finish the drawing also.

Bty, I have a really important question want to ask everybody here. I must study another foreign languege between French and Spanish. Do you think which one is better for a Chinese like us.

whatever@2002-12-24 06:38

最初由 shaka 发布

yah, it's in singapore. construction was just completed one or two months ago that's why you didn't see it.

Thank you very much! :)

indeed, i'm excited already. i will have two solo parts. just hope i will not mess it up :p

Yaliyaliya, you're a lucky guys, we admire you, and good luck buddy, We hope you will have a good performing in such a good place.

myrion@2002-12-24 08:19

最初由 whatever 发布
Bty, I have a really important question want to ask everybody here. I must study another foreign languege between French and Spanish. Do you think which one is better for a Chinese like us.

i have no idea as to the level of which one is easier. but in my opinion, spanish is more practical than french. at least, the former is much used in many places not including spain but also latin america:):)

最初由 shaka 发布
indeed, i'm excited already. i will have two solo parts. just hope i will not mess it up

wish u success and enjoy it:):)

whatever@2002-12-24 12:20

Well, myrion you may right, but there're so much Americans can speak Spanish well, however there're not so much Americans can French well. Of course, if I learn Spanish I will have many people to talk with, but I feel Spanish is hard to pronounce, and French is little bit easier to pronounce. Maybe I will talk to my school's French teacher and Spanish teacher in the begining of next semester.

Lizard@2002-12-25 22:28

最初由 whatever 发布
Well, myrion you may right, but there're so much Americans can speak Spanish well, however there're not so much Americans can French well. Of course, if I learn Spanish I will have many people to talk with, but I feel Spanish is hard to pronounce, and French is little bit easier to pronounce. Maybe I will talk to my school's French teacher and Spanish teacher in the begining of next semester.

Spanish & French..
personally,i prefer Spainish..
although french is the 2nd language in Canada..,i dont like it.i feel very strange to french.

as u mention,,,french is easier for u to pronounce,but pronunciation is not a big problem.. just like Japanese and English, u may feel that japanese is very easy to pronouce as u first look at a few words.however itz much harder when u r actually learning it..

just make a lil' suggestion,,anyhow, interest is most important.

whatever@2002-12-26 12:01

Well, Lizard, you may right, and I know exactly what you talking about, and I don't know why even I didn't study any Spanish, I just feel I don't like it. But I know myself is kind of wired, I can feel my brain is always try to block something that I don't like when it is going to come to me. However, when I touch this thing, I may change my mind and love this thing or remain the same. And that is the reason why I still concern about choose Franch or Spanish.
SO, is there anybody study Spanish or Franch here, please tell me about your experience of your study of Spanish or Franch. Thanks!

kiasushou@2002-12-26 16:07

最初由 shaka 发布
whatever, do you make posts elsewhere in the forum? i didn't see any in other sections...why i ask? just curious :)

next Jan, my secondary school orchestra will stage a public concert in the newly built Esplanade - Theatre on the Bay. It is a magnificent structure, despite the fact that it looks extremely like, well, durians. some say it looks like the head of a fruit-fly, hehe. The concert hall has a capacity of 1800, that's a huge one. It will be a memoriable experience for me, so i'm looking forward to that. After all, that's my reason of staying here for the long holiday.

i want to eat durians !!! no, actually i hate the smell.

let's see what's inside the durian..

...a big concert hall. Man, i'm going to perform there!

wah....even i have been studying at singapore for 3 years , i never seen such building...where is it located?

shaka@2002-12-26 21:41

are you serious??? :D
it's just beside Suntec City and Marina Sqr
Mr. Kiasu must have been mugging all the time and completely lost contact with the outside world :D

kiasushou@2002-12-26 22:00

最初由 shaka 发布
are you serious??? :D
it's just beside Suntec City and Marina Sqr
Mr. Kiasu must have been mugging all the time and completely lost contact with the outside world :D

i think so.....I only step outside university less than 50 times last year and visit Suntec 3 times only -_-0....

The most recent one is went to the Expo Exhibition Hall to participate the e-gaming contest around early of December
