『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

shaka@2002-12-31 20:39

sure. i will thank them personlly as well.

another of my friend replied. this time, slightly different view. answers in the order of your four quesitons:

1)Once you learn the basic rules of pronounciation, it is not difficult. The
majority of learners do not have problems in this area.
2)One tends to mix up the spelling of words. My spelling of English words
suffered because i often got confused with French. However, your friend should
not be scared off by this as the mix-ups are very occasional and do not have a
very serious effect.
3)In some ways. French grammar is very systematic and once you learn the general
rules it is quite easy to master.
4)The best way is to immerse yourself in the language. Read online french
newspapers, story books, listen to french songs, watch french films etc...
However, one must find material which is suitable for how well one knows the

hope it's useful.

ThunderBird@2002-12-31 20:46

最初由 whatever 发布

Well, that may be a point. But the more important thing of this thread is a place for pratice. Everybody should not be shy here, nobody will laugh at you, and we can't see each other. And another thing we must use to is think in English, if we can do that or try to do that, no matter we talk or type, we still can improved our English, and I made this thread just hope to give everybody( include me) a chance to pratice.
And you said no body here can correct our grammar or spelling mistakes! Nah, even you talk to the Foreign people, you also can't tell you make a mistake or not. And when a baby is learning speaking, can he or she tell they make a grammar mistake or not? No, however when a bady is learning speaking,they just say it, they just say what they want, that's it, and they don't anything about gramma. And so do us, forget the gramma and the spelling mistakes, just say it, type it , tell or share whatever you want.We must learn the English like the baby learn speaking. That's the most important thing we suppose to do here.

I'm not trying to discourage people not to speak Eng here. However, we are supposed to be professional. Once we make mistakes, we are ought to correct them as soon as possible. Or we just ignore them. What do you think?

ThunderBird@2002-12-31 20:53

最初由 whatever 发布
Well,well,well.Back to the question I asked. Did somebody study French or Spainsh here. Please tell me about your experience.


shaka@2002-12-31 21:35

最初由 ThunderBird 发布

I'm not trying to discourage people not to speak Eng here. However, we are supposed to be professional. Once we make mistakes, we are ought to correct them as soon as possible. Or we just ignore them. What do you think?

The same question has been raised before. For fear that it might affect the atmosphere here, nobody so far points out errors openly. I don't think we should correct every mistake. sometimes it's just careless. Besides, it could be rather impossible because you may end up re-writing the entire piece.

Perhaps it's a better approach if you just PM the writer if you care to correct the mistakes. Or better still, showing the writer the correct version by implicitly writing it out in your reply. That makes learning fast.

Personally, i'm open to all 'debuggers' :D just correct me if there serious mistakes. If we let mistakes linger, we deceive the purpose of this thread.

ThunderBird@2002-12-31 22:12

最初由 shaka 发布

The same question has been raised before. For fear that it might affect the atmosphere here, nobody so far points out errors openly. I don't think we should correct every mistake. sometimes it's just careless. Besides, it could be rather impossible because you may end up re-writing the entire piece.

Perhaps it's a better approach if you just PM the writer if you care to correct the mistakes. Or better still, showing the writer the correct version by implicitly writing it out in your reply. That makes learning fast.

Personally, i'm open to all 'debuggers' :D just correct me if there serious mistakes. If we let mistakes linger, we deceive the purpose of this thread.

I give up!!!

whatever@2003-01-02 02:47

最初由 ThunderBird 发布

I'm not trying to discourage people not to speak Eng here. However, we are supposed to be professional. Once we make mistakes, we are ought to correct them as soon as possible. Or we just ignore them. What do you think?

Hey,buddy, if you really care about the gramma and the spelling mistake, I get an idea.
Do you know Microsoft Word have a tool is used for check and correct the gramma and the spelling. Everytime I need to write the essay, I use Microsoft Word to write, after I finish the essay, I use that tool to check and correct my gramma and spelling mistake. You may try that if you like.

gggghost@2003-01-02 15:55

最初由 ThunderBird 发布
I don't think it's helpful. Say, I've got 7 Chinese girls in my Group, which is only 9 in all! I had to give up using English after classes. Can you believe it? My oral English is so terrible just because of such surroundings! I don't think our English will be improved just by typing some Eng words here. What is more, no body here can correct our grammar or spelling mistakes!

Yeah...Igot the same problems, I'm living with my Chinese friends, and so many Chinese students in my class, when I do some group jobs. Chinese is the preffered. Not because I want to, but the environment push me to. But this thread is a way that we can practice writing. About listening and speaking, do it as much as possible in the daily life will be more helpful.

gggghost@2003-01-02 16:15

最初由 whatever 发布
Well, Lizard, you may right, and I know exactly what you talking about, and I don't know why even I didn't study any Spanish, I just feel I don't like it. But I know myself is kind of wired, I can feel my brain is always try to block something that I don't like when it is going to come to me. However, when I touch this thing, I may change my mind and love this thing or remain the same. And that is the reason why I still concern about choose Franch or Spanish.
SO, is there anybody study Spanish or Franch here, please tell me about your experience of your study of Spanish or Franch. Thanks!

My teacher used to speak some French in class, and one of my classmate is from Mexico who used to speak Spanish with his friend in the break time. Both of French and Spanish, OH MY LORD~~ are from Mars. They r make no sense. But if we're talking the pronunciation here? I think Spanish is much more better, coz I like flamenco so much~~~

Arael@2003-01-02 17:19

最初由 whatever 发布

Hey,buddy, if you really care about the gramma and the spelling mistake, I get an idea.
Do you know Microsoft Word have a tool is used for check and correct the gramma and the spelling. Everytime I need to write the essay, I use Microsoft Word to write, after I finish the essay, I use that tool to check and correct my gramma and spelling mistake. You may try that if you like.

I haven't used Word for a long time...
But I don't think Word's grammar checker is actually useful? I remember that it can only correct some very simple mistakes?
Unless a current version has improved a lot?

shaka@2003-01-02 18:47

in fact, in my opinion, even if Microsoft Word is intelligent enough to correct all mistakes, we should refrain from using it, especially for people who wish to improve grammar and spelling.

Why I say so? Because Word changes the mistakes automatically for you, as you type. You may not even be aware of those mistakes and they are already corrected by Word. How then can you know your problems and avoid them in future?

My suggestion is to use Notepad to type your compostion. After you finish, copy and paste it into Word and let Word do proof-reading for you. You can see your mistakes immediately.

Of course, like what Arael said, Word is simply inept in correcting all the mistakes, especially those less obvious ones. And sometimes it changes what is actually correct. I'm used to British spelling. Everytime I type 'ise', Word changes it to 'ize'. I set the default dictionary to be British, but it stubbornly changes back to American by itself after some time. It's hopeless.

ThunderBird@2003-01-02 19:10

最初由 whatever 发布

Hey,buddy, if you really care about the gramma and the spelling mistake, I get an idea.
Do you know Microsoft Word have a tool is used for check and correct the gramma and the spelling. Everytime I need to write the essay, I use Microsoft Word to write, after I finish the essay, I use that tool to check and correct my gramma and spelling mistake. You may try that if you like.

I've already done it.

Lizard@2003-01-02 19:14

最初由 shaka 发布
in fact, in my opinion, even if Microsoft Word is intelligent enough to correct all mistakes, we should refrain from using it, especially for people who wish to improve grammar and spelling.

Why I say so? Because Word changes the mistakes automatically for you, as you type. You may not even be aware of those mistakes and they are already corrected by Word. How then can you know your problems and avoid them in future?

My suggestion is to use Notepad to type your compostion. After you finish, copy and paste it into Word and let Word do proof-reading for you. You can see your mistakes immediately.

Of course, like what Arael said, Word is simply inept in correcting all the mistakes, especially those less obvious ones. And sometimes it changes what is actually correct. I'm used to British spelling. Everytime I type 'ise', Word changes it to 'ize'. I set the default dictionary to be British, but it stubbornly changes back to American by itself after some time. It's hopeless.

does the Word change ur mistakes automatically?? isnt there a clue on each mistakes?? such as underline or sth..
i think itz helpful.

whatever@2003-01-03 04:47

最初由 Lizard 发布

does the Word change ur mistakes automatically?? isnt there a clue on each mistakes?? such as underline or sth..
i think itz helpful.

I agree, I didn't set change the mistakes automatically. The Word just tell me the mistake and I must change every mistake by hand. But as shaka said, we can't depend on it if you want to improve our gramma and spelling. The best way to improve our gramma and spelling is read more and write more. I wonder why the girls write faster and better than boys in my school, because the girls often write notes to their friends, as they often read and write, their reading and writing skill improve.

myrion@2003-01-03 10:17

i agree with Arael. i do not think word is a very useful tool for us to check the grammar. though it is easy to operate, an obvious mistake we make will still pass over. i believe reading more and more is the best policy to improve writen english:):)

Raywell@2003-01-03 11:00

What I think about Writing is just open ur mind, blow up ur teacher's head with ur CRAZY IDEA.
