『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

ThunderBird@2003-01-03 23:12

最初由 Raywell 发布
What I think about Writing is just open ur mind, blow up ur teacher's head with ur CRAZY IDEA.

For God's sake…………

Lizard@2003-01-04 14:20

最初由 whatever 发布

I wonder why the girls write faster and better than boys in my school, because the girls often write notes to their friends, as they often read and write, their reading and writing skill improve.

my friend writes notes to me everyday in my law class ~~~i m going crazy..T-T

不再征服@2003-01-05 05:20

Do you mean you want to enforce a English-only policy in this entire section? Not all foreign Chinese speak English you know.. some speak Japanese
Whatever, I will just write in whatever language as I please.

whatever@2003-01-05 10:34

最初由 不再征服 发布
Do you mean you want to enforce a English-only policy in this entire section? Not all foreign Chinese speak English you know.. some speak Japanese
Whatever, I will just write in whatever language as I please.

Gosh, why the people are such............ :mad: Who want to enforce a English-only policy in this entire section?I am not the board master. Did you mistake something? Of course you can write in whatever language you want in this entire section, except this for thread. Because this is an English thread. If you like, you can also make a Janpanese thread or Spanish thread or whatever the languege thread is. For this thread, just please write in English, because this is an English thread. You can talk whatever you want in this thread, just please use English, that's all.

whatever@2003-01-11 12:15

Time flies. A week of a new semester passed. There're always a lot of fun stuffs in a new semester. Let's see what I met.
Well, usually I don't like the first school day, I guess lot of people here just like me,you know, you don't want to get out of the bed, and when you go to school, you still feel tired, and you will feel nervous or excited to meet the new faces. There're a lot of new students go to my school this semester. And I met a new teacher face in 1 period---Mr. Kessel. He is my economic teacher. He is a 26 years old, and really funny teacher. And he always get a smiling face, you will like him when the first time you meet him. He got a lot a funny stuff, such as a toy police hat, everytime he see a student reading other book in class or a student use cellphone in the class, then, he will put that toy police hat on, and play the police music, and take over the books or the cellphone.Of couse he will return them to the student after class.
There're lot of such this thing of him. Just like today, he made a song called "Oh, Scarcity" then he called us used the tune of "Oh, Christmas tree" to sing it. Then my classmates sang like a dying dog (Of course I am one of the students did not sing), and that is the most horrible song I never hear before. And then, he made us feel we were taking the chorus class( of course is horrible), he called the first row sing first ,then the second, the third, you can't hear what they sing, and I felt I am back to the Chinese market. I was laughing the whole class.

whatever@2003-01-11 12:52

Let's see what else I get. There's a chorus women's group from other state came to my school, and sang to my period and 5-period. All I feel about them after they sang is amazing, they sang wonderful. They balance and unify well, each part of this women's group is really strong, even they just got less than 14 or 15 people(I don't remember exactly the number), and they separate into 5 or 8 parts, and almost each of them have a solo part in the songs. And after they sang, they introduced theirselves and the group,they are all senior students.They record a CD every year, and they sing many different place. I recognized that there're two Chinese in the group, one is from NewYork, another one is from HongKong. And we asked a lot of question like how they pich up a song, how they organize, how they pratice very part of the group, and so on.
After that, they want to hear us sing. Gosh, that's horrible, after the Christmas break, we forgot most of them, and we didn't practice at all. Fortunately, we sang fine.
That really nice that such a good women's group share their experience to us, and we analysis their advantages and disadvantages, in the future time our women's group will improve after this share.

Lizard@2003-01-11 12:53

Chinese market~~?!
that's funny anyways.
p.s. does the new semester get started right after the break?/

whatever@2003-01-11 13:12

In Fl, mostly is started at 1,6 or 1,7

whatever@2003-01-11 13:20

最初由 Lizard 发布
Chinese market~~?!
that's funny anyways.
p.s. does the new semester get started right after the break?/

Chinese market? Did you ever go to the market when you were in China. All the people is taking about their own thing, you can hear many different voice, some of the people are argue about the price, some of the people are yelling, and some of people are choosing the food. It's really noice, but you can't hear excetly. Just like the students sang in that economic class. You just can tell they were sing, but you can't tell what they were singing, you just feel a lot of dying dogs around you.

Lizard@2003-01-11 13:26

haha~~i c~~. my teacher in china always said that the class was like a market!...so noisy~

shaka@2003-01-11 15:49

whatever, do you still remember the song?
i really want to know how they changed the lyrics :)
it must be fun.

"oh scarcity, oh scarcity, of all problems the most fundamental.." :D

whatever@2003-01-11 23:47

最初由 shaka 发布
whatever, do you still remember the song?
i really want to know how they changed the lyrics :)
it must be fun.

"oh scarcity, oh scarcity, of all problems the most fundamental.." :D

Geez, shaka don't tell me you want to sing this song. It's funny though. Think about it, if you used one song's tune but change the lyrics. I don't remember the whole song my teacher made, it's like:

Tune: Oh Christmas tree, oh Chirestmas tress, how lovely of your branches.
Lyrices: Oh scarcity, oh scracity, we have to make a choice.
Tune: Oh Chirstmas tree, oh Chirestmas tress, how lovely of your branches.
Lyrices: Oh scarcity, oh scarcity, we can not have all the things.

Well, that's all I remember, most of my classmate sang, but the sang like a dying dog. If you ask me who sang the best in class, then I will tell you Mr. Kessel, the economic teacher. He sang with lot of moods, maybe because he made the song. Geez, my friends who took economic last semester told me, there're a lot of songs like this one will coming in the future time. Gosh, help!

whatever@2003-01-26 01:09

Well, long time no see ya. I was busy these day, so that I didn't reply here.
Guess what? I just had a really funny economic class. I wonder why my economic teacher love the crazy things so much. Let see what I got this time. He gave every group(two students per group) a sheet, that's an incomplete story, and there're some blanks need to fill in.
Well here is the rule, all the students should not read the story before you fill all the blanks, and one student cover the sheet, and just see the clue what kind of the words should fill in the blank( like noun, adjective, verb ect.), then ask another student get a word. now below is my parter and my story. And I am the one gave the words. It's really funny. PS: Mr. Kessel is our economic teacher.
Seeking a new career? Be a (noun) newspaper or just look like me! In just (number)9999 sessions, we can have you (verb ending in "ing") dying, (verb ending in "ing")sleeping, and (verb ending in "ing")dancing like a top-paying (noun)soda. Opportunities in this (adjective)awkward field are limitless. There is no Fee! Just come in for a free consultation. Our expert(plural noun)stop signs will analyze your (noun)soup and determine your potential for success in this (adjective)chubby field. Use your natural (noun)flower to ear (adjective)messy money and have time to (verb)fight your dreams too. Just ask (person in room)Mr.Kessel who came to us looking like a (noun)sock out of (noun)glasses and in just ten days we improve his/her (noun)flash light 100%. We even corrected his/her horrible (noun)underwear. It was just in the nick of time because the (silly word)idiot Squad was ready to ban him/her form the (noun)sleigh.Don't wait another day.Time is running out.

rek137@2003-01-26 03:02

Arretez de parler anglais je ne comprends rien
il n'y a pas que des anglais ici quand meme
que faire des gens comme moi alors? des gens qui sont en etranger parlent d'autres langues et qui sont nul en anglais ?
et en plus c'est un bbs d'animation et de manga je vois pas l'interet

bon, peut etre j'suis un peu exessive mais je parle sincerement, pensez a nous les cretins qui sont nul en anglais , et merci!

encore une chose:


whatever@2003-01-26 03:27

Jeez, is the lady up there speaking some French or Spanish or any other language? It don't make sense. Anyway, if you are speaking French, then teach me, I will happy to be your student.
