『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

whatever@2003-02-13 10:49

最初由 Lizard 发布

we talk about almost everything that we can think of.;) there is not limitation. so it's hard to tell u know^^
we talk about study. something like "what do u feel about Geometry?" "how is ur teacher?"...
u know~one of my friend has a crash on a boy in my grade,:D when we talk, she talks about everything that is related to that boy:p :p ..and now,,i know exactly what she's gonna tell me as we meet ^^;;

That's funny, well, we used to talk about our class too, and I think most the girls like to talk about guys, so that, if your friend has a crash on a boy, then it's impossible she is not talking about that boy when she see you everytime. My firend always say this sentance,"I want that little boy."

whatever@2003-02-22 10:32

Hey, gus, our chorus had a competition tonight. And we actually sang pretty good, even we got a hard judge. Although he is a hard judge, but he is really good and really funny. And I thought he like us, if we are lucky, we could go the the state competition. And I will go play for a little girl for solo. After that my period will dance for two sangs. Wish me luck, and wish me not going to mess up.

justinpoon@2003-02-23 08:07

i think we should hire an american to join in the web, and correct the grammar for us. So we will know what kind of mistake we make. you know, our grammar are quite horrible. well, just my opinion, don't get too serious on it.

whatever@2003-02-24 02:13

Hey, that's a really good idea, but how to hire? I could called my younger cousin(she borned and grew in America) to correct mine. What about you guys, I think you guys also could find a friend to do that.

whatever@2003-02-24 02:35

I am so happy, my chorus did greaat in competition this year. My period and the Madrigal group got the ?????(I forget that word), so that we could sing to state. And my period also got the ????? for special charactery. Furthermore two of girls from my period also got the ????? for solo. It's great. I am so excited now, I really want to say congratulation to myself and my friends. But I did really hard on yesterday. In the morning I went to do the beach clean up, and after that I went to Rockledge High for the chorus competition. First I was play the music for solo of a little girl. After that I got to practice for the special charactery of my period. After the chorus competition, I got to went back to my school, and helped in the kitchen. Because there's a acrobatic competition held in my school. There're lots of students from other school ate in our cafeteria. So it's really busy in the kitchen, my cousin and I are the hardest worker, we made a lot of hamburgers and Hotdogs, tuna sanwinges, and many other foods. After they finish eating, we clean the tables, organized many things and put them back into the store room. Fortunately, we could eat there, but I worked the whole day, and I was really tired, and I got a sick this morning.

justinpoon@2003-02-24 07:42

i have a friend that excellence in english, but he can't read and type chinese at all.

justinpoon@2003-02-24 07:46

how come my level is 1!!!!!, and how to use the money and the MP.

whatever@2003-02-25 07:29

upstair, because your registered date is Feb 2003, so that your level is 1. And the money is use to buy the user name and passwords for FTP.

whatever@2003-02-25 07:33

最初由 justinpoon 发布
i have a friend that excellence in english, but he can't read and type chinese at all.

So does my younger cousin, she borned in America, of course she is excellence in english but she can't read and type chinese at all.

Lizard@2003-02-25 15:24

Oh my goodness....I have tons of work to do this week!!!
Photography assignment n' the pinhole project r due 2morrow..i've only done the first part so far.I have Calculas test on Wed. The poem is also due on wed.. 3 piece of poetry analysis r due on thurs.darn!!!i almost forget about the physics test on thurs.
i got to stay up all night T-T

whatever@2003-02-26 09:19

good luck upstair, I will just like you later

怜水晶@2003-02-28 21:50

i can't speak so much good english

justinpoon@2003-03-08 07:57

that's ok, as long as you try to use english to communicate with us.

whatever@2003-03-09 01:44

Hi, guys I had a extremely boring Friday. My friends were gone for the field trip or stay at home. And my evil economic teacher was back. First he kick me out of classroom for fun(凸#=_=#凸)then he gave us a surprise assessment, most of us didn't read the book, so I guess most of us failed. The following periods were not much better then this. I was sleeping in chorus, daydreaming in English, playing puzzle game in math, and doing homework in chemistry. Usually I am talking to my friends in class, but that day, I was so boring, and that's all I could do. T_T , IoI.

Lizard@2003-03-09 13:33

最初由 whatever 发布
good luck upstair, I will just like you later

Sorry!!I was so busy that i didn't reply u~~!
Thanks so much^^
and finally,it's March break!!Though it's only a week..I'll have a rest!:D :D

Hi, guys I had a extremely boring Friday. My friends were gone for the field trip or stay at home. And my evil economic teacher was back. First he kick me out of classroom for fun(凸#=_=#凸)then he gave us a surprise assessment, most of us didn't read the book, so I guess most of us failed. The following periods were not much better then this. I was sleeping in chorus, daydreaming in English, playing puzzle game in math, and doing homework in chemistry. Usually I am talking to my friends in class, but that day, I was so boring, and that's all I could do. T_T , IoI.

I had a extreme busy week, but i was like doing nothin' after all.:(
