『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

bbqbbqbb@2003-03-10 00:25

on tuesday ,i have exams ,i hope i can pass

whatever@2003-03-10 01:18

最初由 Lizard 发布

Sorry!!I was so busy that i didn't reply u~~!
Thanks so much^^
and finally,it's March break!!Though it's only a week..I'll have a rest!:D :D

I had a extreme busy week, but i was like doing nothin' after all.:(

I got to take FCAT these two week, most the teachers didn't give us homework, and that's why so boring. Well the spring break is coming, I hope I can have a good break instead of a boring break.

Lizard@2003-03-12 09:51

最初由 whatever 发布

I got to take FCAT these two week, most the teachers didn't give us homework, and that's why so boring. Well the spring break is coming, I hope I can have a good break instead of a boring break.

...hehe..i'm having a boring Break..

gokou1628@2003-03-12 17:21

finalyl find a pure english thread which i really hope for...
since i don't like to type chinese even though i can read it and understand it... i still prefer typing in english...

Lizard@2003-03-13 02:09

最初由 gokou1628 发布
finalyl find a pure english thread which i really hope for...
since i don't like to type chinese even though i can read it and understand it... i still prefer typing in english...

:p hope u'll enjoy it^^

Re: An English thread, hope everybody enjoy it

jingwen@2003-03-13 02:49

最初由 whatever 发布
I suggest , in this paster(just this one), let's talk in English ,don't tall Chinese. Well, maybe that's a little bit unfair, but I think, not all the people in here are good in English , some of us are still suck. So, we gotta practice and pratice.

Just Free talk , everything is Ok, but in English. (just in this paster)

I found a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes in your poster.:o

Re: Re: An English thread, hope everybody enjoy it

Lizard@2003-03-13 03:05

最初由 jingwen 发布

I found a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes in your poster.:o

^^that was written by the time Whatever started to write in english here.
If u read the whole thread..u'll find out that she really make a great progress. It's amazing when u witness one's improvement.

Re: Re: Re: An English thread, hope everybody enjoy it

jingwen@2003-03-13 05:15

最初由 Lizard 发布

^^that was written by the time Whatever started to write in english here.
If u read the whole thread..u'll find out that she really make a great progress. It's amazing when u witness one's improvement.

This indicates the practices are useful.:)

Re: Re: Re: Re: An English thread, hope everybody enjoy it

Lizard@2003-03-13 05:37

最初由 jingwen 发布

This indicates the practices are useful.:)

yeh~:p :p
what should i say.....
Remember to vote for my works~~!

http://popgo.net/bbs/showthread.php?s=&threadid=107160 :D thx

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: An English thread, hope everybody enjoy it

jingwen@2003-03-13 05:48

最初由 Lizard 发布

yeh~:p :p

you need to modify this poster.
too few words.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: An English thread, hope everybody enjoy it

Lizard@2003-03-14 06:50

最初由 jingwen 发布

you need to modify this poster.
too few words.

...Thx for pointing me out^^""

Itz so cold in Toronto~!!!!!I HATE WINTER! It's like half year winter, half year the other three seasons..
gosh~~Spring,where r u.......??

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: An English thread, hope everybody enjoy it

jingwen@2003-03-14 07:40

最初由 Lizard 发布

...Thx for pointing me out^^""

Itz so cold in Toronto~!!!!!I HATE WINTER! It's like half year winter, half year the other three seasons..
gosh~~Spring,where r u.......??

I'm in Houston, very southern part of U.S.
so it's very hot
during these days,
almost like it's already summer!
I only have been U.S. for two years,
so I don't have fitted in this humid weather.
What a bad weather!

lesley@2003-03-14 08:40

great great!!!!!let's talk about the comic ok??? it is the bbs for comic

jingwen@2003-03-15 05:07

最初由 lesley 发布
great great!!!!!let's talk about the comic ok??? it is the bbs for comic

It's a comic bbs, but not absolutely.
We don't neet to always talk about comic right here.
If you want, don't come here, please go to the other region of popgo/bbs.

Lizard@2003-03-15 06:37

最初由 lesley 发布
great great!!!!!let's talk about the comic ok??? it is the bbs for comic

Sure we can talk about animations~
at thesame time..i think itz ok to talk about anything we want here as long as it doesn't violate the regulations.
