『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

jingwen@2003-03-15 06:41

we're all in abroad.
here is a refuge
we can talk about our life and feelings.

Re: Re: An English thread, hope everybody enjoy it

whatever@2003-03-17 04:51

最初由 jingwen 发布

I found a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes in your poster.:o

hahahahahaha~~~~, gosh, I can't believe I wrote that thread. Thanks for posting it out. If you didn't post it out, I will never notice that my English have improved that much. :p

whatever@2003-03-18 10:42

Well guy, I am so happy. My school chorus did really well in the competition, and we got XXXXX( I don't know how to spell that words)for everything, we could go to the higher competition again. But we got lot to learn. wish me luck

skybrother@2003-03-18 13:28

I love Chinese, it's far more flexible than English. But, slackers like me are often too lazy to type Chinese. Plus, the area I used to live in has almost no Chinese. The only way I can survive is to speak and write in English. And, ususally I don't like to speak any foreign language in front of people, because sometimes they feel uneased from such isolations.

Try to write a short novel in English. It helps a lot.

whatever@2003-03-19 10:17

Buddy, I know exactly what you feel. In my school, my cousins and I are the only people who can speak Chinese. We used to talk in Chinese when we are in school, even sometimes I feel don't like it. And people always try to figure out what we said, and sometime, they ask us what we said, and I used to tell them too. Well, that's lot of trouble, but it's cool to talk in Chinese sometime, because no one else could speak your language.

Lizard@2003-03-22 06:29

最初由 whatever 发布
Buddy, I know exactly what you feel. In my school, my cousins and I are the only people who can speak Chinese. We used to talk in Chinese when we are in school, even sometimes I feel don't like it. And people always try to figure out what we said, and sometime, they ask us what we said, and I used to tell them too. Well, that's lot of trouble, but it's cool to talk in Chinese sometime, because no one else could speak your language.

I thought there were lots of chinese speakers around u.. i remember u mentioned it somewhere in this thread..

暗黑天使@2003-03-22 08:05

最初由 skybrother 发布
I love Chinese, it's far more flexible than English. But, slackers like me are often too lazy to type Chinese. Plus, the area I used to live in has almost no Chinese. The only way I can survive is to speak and write in English. And, ususally I don't like to speak any foreign language in front of people, because sometimes they feel uneased from such isolations.

Try to write a short novel in English. It helps a lot.

I understand, and I am in a worse situation. Everyone around me speak Cantonese!? And of course, someone from Beijing (i.e. me) found it a pain in the ass, because you know they are talking something similar, but you have no way of figuring it out...

Unlike you, I am extremely concerned about my ethical identity. I speak Chinese whenever I can (unless talking to native English speakers of course), and my parents are quite frustrated that they cannot practice English at home (I am still in high school). But I don't want to live a life that is no different from others. I am Chinese, and I think the Chinese way. And the only thing I cannot tolerate is to be completely assimilated and lose my identity. As a result...

I am in Scarborough/Toronto, and I wish to find some friends here, hehe.

Nice to meet everyone!!

Lizard@2003-03-22 10:50

最初由 暗黑天使 发布

I understand, and I am in a worse situation. Everyone around me speak Cantonese!? And of course, someone from Beijing (i.e. me) found it a pain in the ass, because you know they are talking something similar, but you have no way of figuring it out...

Unlike you, I am extremely concerned about my ethical identity. I speak Chinese whenever I can (unless talking to native English speakers of course), and my parents are quite frustrated that they cannot practice English at home (I am still in high school). But I don't want to live a life that is no different from others. I am Chinese, and I think the Chinese way. And the only thing I cannot tolerate is to be completely assimilated and lose my identity. As a result...

I am in Scarborough/Toronto, and I wish to find some friends here, hehe.

Nice to meet everyone!!

:D Nice to meet u too. btw,im in north york^^.
we probably have differnt opinions. If u are in this society, or if u consider urself one of the members, there is nothing wrong of speaking english.and i don't think we will lose our identities just because we do not always speak in chinese.

雨过天晴@2003-03-22 13:00

最初由 暗黑天使 发布

I understand, and I am in a worse situation. Everyone around me speak Cantonese!? And of course, someone from Beijing (i.e. me) found it a pain in the ass, because you know they are talking something similar, but you have no way of figuring it out...

Unlike you, I am extremely concerned about my ethical identity. I speak Chinese whenever I can (unless talking to native English speakers of course), and my parents are quite frustrated that they cannot practice English at home (I am still in high school). But I don't want to live a life that is no different from others. I am Chinese, and I think the Chinese way. And the only thing I cannot tolerate is to be completely assimilated and lose my identity. As a result...

I am in Scarborough/Toronto, and I wish to find some friends here, hehe.

I lived in Toronto last year. there's tooooooooooo much Cantonese in Toronto!!!!!!!!!!! I just HATE it!
think about it, there was about 20 Chinese in my class (about 3/5). only about 8 people can understand Mandarin and only 7 can read and rite Chinese. and that's in North York, from what I heard Scarborough's situation is worse...

in Hamilton there's much more people speaks Mandarin than in Toronto. and there's so much people come from BeiJing!!
Darn it! why didn't I come to Hamilton at the first place?

whatever@2003-03-23 10:33

最初由 Lizard 发布

I thought there were lots of chinese speakers around u.. i remember u mentioned it somewhere in this thread..

There're many Chinese speakers around me, but there're all my family member, and most of they can't speak English, that's why I have to speak Chinese with them. But I didn't often meet them(except my parents), and most the time I spend, is in my school, and I told you that there're some other Chinese in my school, and they all burned in America, so that you can't speak Chinese. And that's why I have to learn to speak English on my own, I have no Chinese helper. But well.. I got many American friends, and they help me well.

whatever@2003-03-23 12:04

Well, I could speak both Cantonese and Mandarin pretty well, but ah.. in my school, nobody can understand these two Chinese languages except my three cousins and a new Chinese student(I just talked to him twice in 3 months).

Lizard@2003-03-25 04:53

最初由 whatever 发布
Well, I could speak both Cantonese and Mandarin pretty well, but ah.. in my school, nobody can understand these two Chinese languages except my three cousins and a new Chinese student(I just talked to him twice in 3 months).

Lucky eh~
I have too many chances to talk in both cantonese and mandarin...>_<

jingwen@2003-03-25 05:07

I'm come from Hefei, but my mom's family are all Cantonese. My family members in the United States are all speak Cantonese.But I can't,too poor.Whan I was a child, my grandparents are used to ask me to learn Cantonese. But I never did that, because I really don't like this kind of language. I think Madarin is sounds more pretty.I came here, I found some of my cousins who were born in here, they only can speak Cantonese and English, they even cannot speak or understand any Mandarin!

sharky@2003-03-26 01:58

So, what is wrong with Cantonese?
I grow up with it and it is absolutly fine. My Mandarin is bad but I use Mandarin if I need to comunicate with someone who speaks it. (Hack! I even try to use Japanese when speaking with Japanese friends, tried but not very successfull) I think learning Cantonese and Mandarin is not big deal, just try to use it and it will be fine. If you are in a place that people speaks X, it is appropricate to learn and speak X.

jingwen@2003-03-26 06:50

I don't like Cantonese.
I mean the language, not the people.
It's not sounds good.
