『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

xliz@2003-07-21 18:36

最初由 whatever 发布

Bah, so do I. And everywhere in my room is such as mess, except my bookshelf is really clean and neat. Is that amazing?

my bookshelf is also clean and neat, since all my textbooks are so thick and heavy that i dont dare to put them in my bookshelf (ps. i put them under my bed...hehe~~~)..

whatever@2003-07-23 00:08

There's no space under my bed. I put all of my drawings and painting tools under my bed. And my text books are pretty thick too, and I don't want to pull them out either. But sometime I have too, cuz, I always forget some of stuff in the text books.

emb422@2003-07-25 04:06

Talking about bookshelves, I just brought one three days ago. Now I have 2 bookshelves but I still cannot fill all my books in, pretty sad, right? I got all my sci-fi and fantasy books in the den, and all the "classics" and "test-prep junks" in the new bookshelf, which is actually in my room. I plan to buy two more bookshelves and fill a side of the wall in my room. I went to my school today, and realized they really messed up my schedule. It was rather FUNNY, since there's no sign of ENGLISH on the schedule. I was so lucky that my counselor actually saw me and we worked the problem out. I guess I really will be stressed up next year with four AP courses at school and AP Macros Economics that I would take online.

whatever@2003-07-25 11:32

My summer is almost ended, and I am going to register at Augest 1, and the school will start at 6 or 7. What a boring summer I had. I didn't do too much things, that sucks. And I have to finish three drawings in a week, not easy. And I plan to test the driver's test before the summer is ended. The worst thing is I didn't finish my math project, maybe I will copy someone's, if anyone would let me do that. Whatever, school, school, I don't like you.

emb422@2003-07-25 12:25

School starts here (Hillsborough County) at August 7th. I can't wait! Finally I'll be back to school and see my friends again!

花开煌煌@2003-07-25 12:37

Summer has almost ended.....

I didn't do research for my honors thesis as I was supposed to.
I didn't review for GRE as I was supposed to.
I didn't write my personal statement like I was supposed to.

I feel like a big failure..... :(

whatever@2003-07-25 21:22

Don't be so frustration pal. I didn't finish my drawings which I suppose to finish. And I didn't finish my math project either. Oh, and I never go to the English web site which I suppose to go and practice there. And I didn't do any community service either(jeez, that's a big deal, I need 180 hours of community service for IB program). Most of people made a big plan before the summer start, but not much of them could achieve their plan completely.

emb422@2003-07-25 23:43

I had to read 8 books for school required summer reading. I still got four more books to read since I spent all my time reading other "more interesting" books.

花开煌煌@2003-07-27 02:29

最初由 whatever 发布
Don't be so frustration pal. I didn't finish my drawings which I suppose to finish. And I didn't finish my math project either. Oh, and I never go to the English web site which I suppose to go and practice there. And I didn't do any community service either(jeez, that's a big deal, I need 180 hours of community service for IB program). Most of people made a big plan before the summer start, but not much of them could achieve their plan completely.

Yeah I suppose you are right. My excuse would be I am taking 14 credits of summer classes.....

Reminds me of summer vacations in China, though....how I always left almost all the homework undone until the last week or something. :D

escaflownepon@2003-07-28 08:01

you all are better then me.....my god..........

silverwhite@2003-07-28 11:20

my summer is so screwed -_-
hav to take this stupid SAT summer course....>.< but it's so hard for me since my english sux...

霸王哆啦@2003-07-29 11:47

All my summer vacation was spent in goofing with my new computer - -!
I remember i've made a guarante 4 work harder if i can get it.
as a matter of fact......i even was ready to restdudy the subject that will be tested after holiday.
u gusess what happened?i,the guy who didn't see one page of the textbook passed the exam meanwhile other assiduous students failed- -~
i still believe there's sth terrible in our school's computer.

whatever@2003-07-29 11:58

Hey guys, I went to Disney with my cousins yesterday, it's great, fun, and tired, we walked about 10 hours. We went to the magic kingdom and Ecopt(I forget how to spell).
It's pretty hot, so that we sweated really bad, but still we played really happy. We rode the "Space Mountain", the high-speed roller coaster in dark, there're many little shining little which look like the stars that makes you feel you are taking a ride in the space. It's reallly cool and excited. And we took a rode to "ghost house", there's something happened there. After we took a ride, we got off the car, and my skinny cousin started to talk about how unscare the ride were, and then there's a server(all the servers in the ghost house don't have emotion on the face which looks like a ghost)stood behind him and stared at him fo 20 seconds, and my skinny cousin was still talking, after he saw we smile, he turned around, and that server was trying to scare him, and he just smile to the that server for a minute. It's really funny. We also took a ride of "space spin", "causelt progress", "x-s test".
In Ecopt, we took a ride of "Test track", which is the fastest track of disney, and took 7 different track test, it's fun, and excite. And after the test, we sat in some cool cars and take pictures(the cheapest one is 56,300), it's awesome.
Wow, we forgot what is called hungry, tired, even it's extremely hot for 6 hours, and raining really heavily, and extremely hot again. However, when we exited Disney, we almost fall on the ground and sleep there, we finally found out that actually we were hungry, tired and stunk.
After we went home, we all fell asleep, and I didn't awake until 1pm in the afternoon. My skinny cousin and I will sing in Ecopt again this christmas and we will have tickets again, so that we could go to Disney again. Sweet!!!

花开煌煌@2003-07-29 15:12

Oooh, my BF and I went to Orlando Disneyworld last winter vacation. It was really fun! Universal Studios, too.

FYI, it's Epcot--Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow (or Every Payday Comes on Tuesday). :D

banxginji@2003-07-29 23:39

hey everyone ^_^, i hope its not too late to join the conversation.
im a native spanish & english speaker, so..if anyone wants to practice or just wants to talk let me know!
