『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

whatever@2003-07-30 00:39

最初由 花开煌煌 发布
Oooh, my BF and I went to Orlando Disneyworld last winter vacation. It was really fun! Universal Studios, too.

FYI, it's Epcot--Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow (or Every Payday Comes on Tuesday). :D

Wow, went to with your BF, how lovely! Too bad I always go with my cousins. Uhmn......maybe I should find a BF, but ah....so far I don't have any crash on anyone. Blah....:D

whatever@2003-07-30 00:55

最初由 banxginji 发布
hey everyone ^_^, i hope its not too late to join the conversation.
im a native spanish & english speaker, so..if anyone wants to practice or just wants to talk let me know!

cool, nice to meet you. Let's be friend. Do you have AIM or MSN?I'd like to talk to you, my AIM screen name is x3Dgame, for MSN is daodanhou@msn.com welcome to talk to me.

emb422@2003-08-01 04:47

I don't know what to say about theme parks...
I went to Epcot 4 times, Islands of Adventure twice, Universal Studios twice, MGM Studios twice, Magic Kingdom twice (including one which I was so bored that I made my mom to leave early with me...), Sea World once, and Busch Gardens at least 4 times...
It gets really boring after a while. Now, I think it's not worth the money to go to theme parks anymore. It's the same mundane stuff and it makes me so exausted afterwards. My mom feels even worse, since she had to go to Epcot 3 times within a month. (she probablly have been there for more than 7 times... I guess there are always cons of having too many friends...)

whatever@2003-08-02 09:22

最初由 emb422 发布
I don't know what to say about theme parks...
I went to Epcot 4 times, Islands of Adventure twice, Universal Studios twice, MGM Studios twice, Magic Kingdom twice (including one which I was so bored that I made my mom to leave early with me...), Sea World once, and Busch Gardens at least 4 times...
It gets really boring after a while. Now, I think it's not worth the money to go to theme parks anymore. It's the same mundane stuff and it makes me so exausted afterwards. My mom feels even worse, since she had to go to Epcot 3 times within a month. (she probablly have been there for more than 7 times... I guess there are always cons of having too many friends...)

Well, Epcot it is pretty bored, but I will have to go there at least 4 more time before I graduate. Why? cuz every christmas our chorus sing there with other schools twice. And we will get as least 4 tickets. Considering the tickets are free, if we don't go and have fun, it would be a waste. This time, I just go with my cousins, next time, I will go with my friends. Ps: I could never spend the money on the theme park ticket, except for treating.

emb422@2003-08-03 12:15

Although I think Disney itself is pretty dull, Epcot is still my favourite amusement park.

3 days before school starts, 3 more summer reading to go...

whatever@2003-08-06 10:24

Well, emb422, looks like you did lot of things this summer huh?By the way, what is the author of "the tale of two cities?

whatever@2003-08-08 11:11

Hey, I am back to school. How do I feel about the first school day? Blah, it such as mess. There're lot of new students here, bah, too much new faces.
My first period is french, the class is ok, the teacher is fun, but my classmates are almost from other schools.
2nd is chorus, this year, my chorus teacher put me in the best quire, so that is the good thing, and many of my friends are there.
3rd is math, jeez, the class sucks, I could tell, there're not much smart people there, maybe me and another chinese people are the smartest person in that class.
4th is AP US history. The class is big, but still cool, and it's going to be my hardest and toughest class this year. The teacher require us to read 8 books relate to the text book on our own, write at least 48 essay in the year, and we must read at least 80-120 pages of the text book per week(oh my my good god, I am going to die).
5th is chemistry II, it's the greatest class, there're only 16 people in my class, and only 9 of them are in my grade. We are going to do lot of lab(oh, we got a new science wing, it's for lab), do lot of fun stuff in that class. Oh the text book has the cool CD with it, it has some sample exercise, quiz, 3D pictures about some reactions stuffs like that.
6th is English, the teacher is nice and tough, she require us to read lot of books too. The good thing is, one of my best friend is in that class too. Bad thing is, one of the person I hate is also in that class. Blah, that sucks.
Anyway, that's my first school day, how is yours, tell me some thing about it. :D :D

花开煌煌@2003-08-11 05:21

最初由 whatever 发布
Well, emb422, looks like you did lot of things this summer huh?By the way, what is the author of "the tale of two cities?

Charles Dickens.

emb422@2003-08-12 11:09

School started last week.
After hours of struggling to get a schedule change, my class was settled.
1st pd-AP Enviromental Science: actually, I do not know a thing about enviromental stuff, but i'll do fine. Teacher's easy...
3rd pd-AP Chemistry: Tough class! But thank goodness only 20 people are in the class. *I hate crowd*
4th pd-Analysis of Functions (pre-calc): easy... I knew the teacher for two years already... small class, less than 25 people.
5th pd-AP Language and Composition: tough stuff, but great teacher. need to work some more on my writing.
6th pd-AP US History: i'm good with history, but my teacher has been mean. He is trying to scare people away from his class. Assignment due on 1st day, quiz on 2nd, and test on 4th day of school. By the way, he used a slingshot to shoot at people who talked in class.
7th pd-French III: probablly my 2nd easiest class. (first's math) I've been knowing the teacher for 2 years.
8th pd-Physics Honors: Huge class. *hate crowd!* teacher cannot control the class. Everyone's talking... he can't even speak right.

whatever@2003-08-14 09:21

I am totally stressed, no wonder all the 11 grade IB students from last year say that the IB 11 grade is like go to hell, you are totally stressed, and you need to do lot of homework, most of the students doing there're until like 2 or 3 am in the morning. I am really bad at history, any the AP US history is the hardest class to me. OK, I have a history test tomorrow, wish me luck.

emb422@2003-08-14 10:18

Hey, don't complain too much.
I'm good at history yet it still took me to 1 o'clock last night to do the reading and take the notes.

Harmatia@2003-08-14 11:52

AP US History was probably my favorite class in high school, try to enjoy it while you can~~ :)

whatever@2003-08-17 02:27

Well, enjoy the AP history class???Nah, that's impossible. Just like I called other IB students to enjoy the chemistry class. Both are impossible. And thanks Harmatia, I found the book and the vidoe in library. It's a pretty good book.

Harmatia@2003-08-17 04:35

最初由 whatever 发布
Well, enjoy the AP history class???Nah, that's impossible. Just like I called other IB students to enjoy the chemistry class. Both are impossible. And thanks Harmatia, I found the book and the vidoe in library. It's a pretty good book.

Heehee, AP Chem kicked me ass....just like intermediate Japanese kicked my ass this summer.

And you are welcome! :D

emb422@2003-08-18 09:04

AP Chemistry and AP US History is nothing in comparson to the unmanuable burden of AP English... we have to do 45 journals per 9 weeks, that's 5 every week! Also, a paper is due next wednesday. I am working so hard now~~~
