『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

lcp@2003-09-14 09:50

Let me come to join you even my English is
not good.

Harmatia@2003-09-14 09:51

to icp: your English seems perfectly fine to me.

whatever@2003-09-20 11:25

Oh, my god, I had a horrible day that I never have before. Our school had a bomb drill today, actually there's a real bomb this time.
Near the end of 3rd period, there's a announcement that all the teachers and students needed to go to the football field. Well, our nightmare began. It's 95 degree outside, and we were stay in the sun for more and 1 hour. More worse, cuz today it's the lab day, so those people who have IB Chemistry II(included me)had to wear long pants, close toes shoes. Everyone sweated badly, most of the guys took of their shirt, girls rolled up the shirt. My head could cook an egg. The track could used as microwave, some students put some cup of noodle on the field, it's heated after 10 minuted.
Theremore, later, the teachers separated all the students into three part, and sent them to different place. The best place was the cafeteria of our elementary school, the worse place was stay in the football field. My class was sent to the gymnasium of the elementary school. There's no air-conditioning, and crowded like the nest of the ants. And we were starving, some of the students faint. And we were doing nothing there.
The students began to call their parents to come and check them out, but we don't allow to used cell phone. So we used it in the bathroom. If you go in to the bathroom, you could see many people holding the cell phone and called.
Of course, I called my aunt at 1:30, and she arrived at 2:00, but there're too much parents there that she can't check my cousins and I out until 2:30. Anyway, when I got out there, I finally woke up from the nightmare.
I asked a out the old teacher that does this happened before, and he told me that it happens almost every 5 years, and last time, it only took 2 hours, but this time it took almost 4 hours, and we all did a great job.

seiyafan@2003-09-20 12:14

最初由 charles28 发布

最初由 @pple 发布
Je deteste ton anglais.

What are u talking about?

My 3 years of French tells me that pple did not like your English.

whatever@2003-09-20 22:18

I just learn french, but I could tell that too. Oh man, whatever

Lizard@2003-09-21 03:27

最初由 whatever 发布
Oh, my god, I had a horrible day that I never have before. Our school had a bomb drill today, actually there's a real bomb this time.

real bomb...?wow,that's scary.
last winter,i had an awful fire experience too..
since heating was always on in winter, we were all in summer/spring clothings inside. when the fire alarm rang, we gotta leave the building.. unfortunately it was a snowy day outside, so when we went out, we were all frozen. the whole process lasted 20mins.. we were standing in the snow with -20 degree celsius wind speed the whole time...everyone kept shivering as hell..
finally, we found out that was neither a real fire nor a drilling..just some stupid guy pressed the alarm button, making the whole school undergo such a horrible "frie drill"= =

whatever@2003-09-21 05:52

Well, luckily, it's just a fire drill, if that was a really fire, then I guess your experience would be much worse, such as standing in the snow with -20 degree celsius wind speed the whole time for more than an hour. Anyway, I don't want any experience like these again at all.

emb422@2003-09-22 06:02

Real bomb? Nice, really nice...
Oh well, my rationale told me that even if the bomb is real, the chance of explosion is less than 20%...
Last year, we had 30 bomb threats, all from the same person.
He was arrested and was only sentenced for 20 years. He must be lucky. (It should have been 5 years per bomb threat, so that counts to about 150 years...)

HikaruHYH@2003-09-22 09:22

damn, I seen this thread since last summer @_@
how come no one come to clear this thread?

Lizard@2003-09-22 09:55

clear the thread?
normally threads here will last 4ever..(i mean if the forum is not gonna be closed..)

emb422@2003-09-24 10:42

Hey, there is nothing wrong with longlivity...

whatever@2003-09-26 09:52

最初由 HikaruHYH 发布
damn, I seen this thread since last summer @_@
how come no one come to clear this thread?

Are you kidding??I had been written dairly and the important events of my school in this thread for a year. And there's nothing wrong with it?? If this thread is cleared, my money will become around -1000, probably.

whatever@2003-09-26 10:21

Oh man, I just took the AP history test for chapter 9-10 yesterday, and today we needed to write a in time essay. Well, either of these freak me out.
Maybe because I studied too much on before yesterday night, so yesterday, when I was taking the test, I screwed couple question, such as there's a question like "list at least 3 compromises and explain what they are", well, I just remember the 3/5 compromise and that's it. When I finished the test and looked at the book, I felt like an idiot, the number of Senators and Representatives are two other compromises, I mean what can I forget that??It's like everyone should know it.
More worse, the in time essay, you can not used neither book nor notes, we need to write 4 paragraph in 50 mintues, it's the practice for the AP exam. So, when we got to the class, and our teacher wrote out the question, then we needed to start writing. The question was " During Washington and Adam's Administration, to what extant they follow the guideline of the Constitution, and how did they improve America's economy". Ok, I remembered what happened during Washington's administration, so I just dadadada, and wrote out my first two paragraph. But when I went to the third paragraph, I was stuck. I didn't remember anything that happened during Adam's administration except the XYZ affairs and the Convention of 1800, but they's nothing to do with the questions. I was sitting there for 10 minutes and trying to squeezed something out of my brain, and finally I squeezed the Navy Department and the Alien Law and Sedition Act out, but I only had 5 minutes left. When the teacher said there're only 30 seconds left, I was in the middle of the third paragraph, and I just ended it, and wrote a really dumb conclusion--Both Washington and Adams mostly followed the constituion and did a great job for improving America's economy.
Man what dumb that is. That's not suppose to be an junior student's conclusion for essay.
Anyway, I just having a really bad week.

雪@2003-09-26 14:53

Big mistake
Today, I got a Biology exam, I spent a lot of time of it. From 3PM to 4AM this morning. (Only spending 4 hours for sleeping)

There is a unforgiving mistake. The answer is Adhesion, but I put


THese two words are not relate each other...

Hoping I don"t have another unforgiving mistake......

btw,only god won't make mistake but god gets an A,i get an F..hahah


i work flat out the night, but it didn't work it out as i thought.

it is counter-productive to sleep late.so having more sleep is a part

of strategy of dealing with an exam...

same experience so i post again~~!

lcp@2003-09-26 16:55


Big mistake
Today, I got a Biology exam, I spent a lot of time of it. From 3PM to 4AM this morning. (Only spending 4 hours for sleeping)

There is a unforgiving mistake. The answer is Adhesion, but I put


THese two words are not relate each other...

Hoping I don"t have another unforgiving mistake......

btw,only god won't make mistake but god gets an A,i get an F..hahah


i work flat out the night, but it didn't work it out as i thought.

it is counter-productive to sleep late.so having more sleep is a part

of strategy of dealing with an exam...

same experience so i post again~~!

I guess you are probably very frustuated , have been reading
the same item posted twice.
