『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

whatever@2003-10-03 10:31

最初由 jingwen 发布
scholarship is not only bound to instate, outstate colleges and universities also can give you good deal of scholarship and financial aids.

It may if you have some special talent also got a really really good grade and SAT score(maybe need to up to 1400). And beside, many of my friends are planning to go to UF too, and UF got a really good music and art program. Of course, I will try to go to a better college, but if I can't, I will just try to go to UF.

whatever@2003-10-03 10:42

Hey guys, today is the IB celebration of class 2005 for my school. It celebrated that my class got into the IB program after 2 year IB prep. All of the IB students looked happy, but many of them actually were talking about the homework(though the IB teacher promised us that no homework is due tomorrow, and there will be no test), and couple of them were actually bring the homework and doing it during the celebration(I am one of them). However, after our IB teacher's request, we put it away, but still we went home early and continued doing it. Man, we all stress out, those IB students from class 2004 shared some experience about their junior year to us, we all know it's hard, and everyone is stress out, but it's worthy, and it'll pay back for what we have done.

jingwen@2003-10-04 04:29

最初由 whatever 发布

It may if you have some special talent also got a really really good grade and SAT score(maybe need to up to 1400). And beside, many of my friends are planning to go to UF too, and UF got a really good music and art program. Of course, I will try to go to a better college, but if I can't, I will just try to go to UF.
Well, good GPA is more important than high SAT score, and you need to do a lot of extra activities, have good leadership and character. But really it's not hard to get scholarship, much easier than in China.I want to go to UCLA, Cornell, or Rice, hopefully...:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

whatever@2003-10-04 10:39

最初由 jingwen 发布
Well, good GPA is more important than high SAT score, and you need to do a lot of extra activities, have good leadership and character. But really it's not hard to get scholarship, much easier than in China.I want to go to UCLA, Cornell, or Rice, hopefully...:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Different state has different situation, the colleges here think SAT is more important than GPA, and you have get some state award for the special talent. For example,a singer need to get a suprior for state competition(solo), for a piano player, need to get at aleast a interstate musician, which it's not easy. Leadership, are you a president in your school or any important club? That's what the colleges looking for here, I don't know why? I joined the space coast art competition once, but I didn't get any award (I got 50 bucks though, someone bought my best painting), and I don't think I could join it again this year, it's on Nov. I need at least 5 drawings to join it, I have 3 are finish, but my two best drawing for this year were semi-finish, and I never have time to finish them.

emb422@2003-10-04 13:14

I believe that SAT score is more important than GPA, because SAT is a standarized test.
After SAT should be the rank, not GPA, because different districts use differnt GPA scales. The rank tells the exact place which a student stands in his/her school. (works differently for people in special programs such as IB, though...)

jingwen@2003-10-04 23:39

GPA and class rank are more important than SAT score, it says on the collegeboard official anouncement, it says good SAT score cannot make up your GPA, it says American colleges look at how you did in your past time more than only one test score.

whatever@2003-10-05 02:38

Oh man, what I heard from the college board is totally opposite, of course for those students in the special program are sort of differet. But anyway, we don't suppose to get a straight A in our transcript, but a 1200 or below SAT score right?? So that's what I need to work on, I need to at least make up to a 1270 or higher, otherwise it's meanless for geting a straight A in my transcript.

seiyafan@2003-10-05 03:42

The problem I see with you people is that you like to apply one rule to everything. And this often doesn't work. So I suggest you to do some research and then decide. Of course the best would be when you are good in everything, but often most the people don't fall in that category.

jingwen@2003-10-06 00:04

最初由 whatever 发布
Oh man, what I heard from the college board is totally opposite, of course for those students in the special program are sort of differet. But anyway, we don't suppose to get a straight A in our transcript, but a 1200 or below SAT score right?? So that's what I need to work on, I need to at least make up to a 1270 or higher, otherwise it's meanless for geting a straight A in my transcript.
A SAT score of 1270 is not high at all, I have to work hard to get at least 1400 SAT score in order to go to the universities I want to go and get enough scholarship to pay for the high tuition. I also have straight A on my transcript. I am in several clubs and organizations, I have more than 100 community service hours. But I am not the official of anything, I only have been here for one year, lots of stuff I still not really know, my English is still not good enough. That's a big problem. I hope I can do better in this area later this year or next year. I am running for the secretary of my class now, I am busy with my speech. You must to do well in every aspects to impress college admission committee. Another very important thing is your essay, it's a good opportunity to "talk" directly to the college admission committee. You need to think about how to write it since now, how to show your maturity and show you're a thinking and feeling person. Try to make your essay has a positive effect.

whatever@2003-10-06 01:36

最初由 jingwen 发布
A SAT score of 1270 is not high at all, I have to work hard to get at least 1400 SAT score in order to go to the universities I want to go and get enough scholarship to pay for the high tuition. I also have straight A on my transcript. I am in several clubs and organizations, I have more than 100 community service hours. But I am not the official of anything, I only have been here for one year, lots of stuff I still not really know, my English is still not good enough. That's a big problem. I hope I can do better in this area later this year or next year. I am running for the secretary of my class now, I am busy with my speech. You must to do well in every aspects to impress college admission committee. Another very important thing is your essay, it's a good opportunity to "talk" directly to the college admission committee. You need to think about how to write it since now, how to show your maturity and show you're a thinking and feeling person. Try to make your essay has a positive effect.

I got that, but those college admission committee will not read your essay or talk with you unless you get the GPA and SAT score which they want (that's what people told me here). And here, we need three essays, one from ourselves, one from our teacher, which prove that we have a special talent, and one from the people we have served for CS hours, which prove that we have done a great job. Oh well, we all need to work hard, after all English is not our first language.

emb422@2003-10-07 08:14

Here is what I consider a "high standard" in high school that may be suitable for Ivy League schools:
1. SAT score: more than 1500
2. GPA: 3.9/4.0 or higher weighted GPA
3. Rank: Top 5, at least. (actually, top 10 is fine)
4. Community Service: don't know, at least I got over 100.
5. Decent essay
6. good recommandation letter from teachers.
7. be an athelete (i am not)
8. Join varies clubs, and show some leadership.

jingwen@2003-10-08 08:40

最初由 whatever 发布

I got that, but those college admission committee will not read your essay or talk with you unless you get the GPA and SAT score which they want (that's what people told me here). And here, we need three essays, one from ourselves, one from our teacher, which prove that we have a special talent, and one from the people we have served for CS hours, which prove that we have done a great job. Oh well, we all need to work hard, after all English is not our first language.
The other two esays you mentioned actually are recommendations, you best have three recommendations.

jingwen@2003-10-08 08:44

最初由 emb422 发布
Here is what I consider a "high standard" in high school that may be suitable for Ivy League schools:
1. SAT score: more than 1500
2. GPA: 3.9/4.0 or higher weighted GPA
3. Rank: Top 5, at least. (actually, top 10 is fine)
4. Community Service: don't know, at least I got over 100.
5. Decent essay
6. good recommandation letter from teachers.
7. be an athelete (i am not)
8. Join varies clubs, and show some leadership.
In fact, if you want to be Top 5 in my school, your GPA must be higher than 4.1:rolleyes:

whatever@2003-10-09 08:54

最初由 jingwen 发布
In fact, if you want to be Top 5 in my school, your GPA must be higher than 4.1:rolleyes:

Inmy school, we make rank for IB students and for regulater student, which is not in the IB program(both need to get higher than 4.0 to be in top 10 though). And we could take those special courses or join in some special program to add your GPA, ( I am not sure what it is, but it can not add more than 0.5 for total).

whatever@2003-10-09 09:17

最初由 emb422 发布
Here is what I consider a "high standard" in high school that may be suitable for Ivy League schools:
1. SAT score: more than 1500
2. GPA: 3.9/4.0 or higher weighted GPA
3. Rank: Top 5, at least. (actually, top 10 is fine)
4. Community Service: don't know, at least I got over 100.
5. Decent essay
6. good recommandation letter from teachers.
7. be an athelete (i am not)
8. Join varies clubs, and show some leadership.

Oow, not east huh, especially No.1 (at least for me that's the hardest one). Oh well, I don't have money to be in those school, so I am not going to try so hard or kill myself.

Everyday school day in this year seems like an year long, I always feel like I have many things that I didn't finish or left out. And there're so much going during activity period that I can not deal with all, so does other IB students. I was absent for three classes yeasterday, and I had three big test today. It had been crap, I found that I had lot of stuffs need to make up, and I missed the madrigal try out for test the make up chemistry test, which it's really sucks, and I have the franch oral test tomorrow, and I need to make up those things I missed yesterday.
And I will have my second in time essay in AP history tomorrow, and another Chemistry test(these two things are always freak us out). Wish me luck, I really need to keep my A in history.
