『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

emb422@2003-10-23 06:24

By the way, our GPA system works like this:
The base is the same 4.0 scale as most of the other high schools.
For every honors class one takes, a 0.04 is added each semaster if one gets a C or above.
For every AP class one takes, a 0.08 is added each semaster if one gets a C or above.

seiyafan@2003-10-23 06:28

So if you are aiming for 7.2, you need to take at least 40 AP classes. I don't think there are that many. :D

emb422@2003-10-23 10:34

actually it only takes about 7-12

seiyafan@2003-10-24 02:52

Then it's definitely more than 0.08

whatever@2003-10-26 00:00

最初由 emb422 发布
By the way, our GPA system works like this:
The base is the same 4.0 scale as most of the other high schools.
For every honors class one takes, a 0.04 is added each semaster if one gets a C or above.
For every AP class one takes, a 0.08 is added each semaster if one gets a C or above.

Jeez, that's crazy, if that could happen to my school would be good. Oh well, I know that's impossible. You are lucky that you are free. But I am not, I have two whole sciences projects to do, one is due on Nov. , another one is due on Feb. And I have a AP History and Chemistry test next weeken, so no free weekend.

whatever@2003-10-26 00:22

It had been a long and great week. This week was our spirit week. Everyday was dress up day.
Monday was pajamas day. Many people wore their Q pajamas, I wore a pajamas with many bear on it, so it's pretty cool. However, the most surprising one was there's a guy who wore only an underwear to school(Jeez, you could see the shape of ?@#$&$*#).
Tuesday was Pirate day. Of course, many students, even teachers dress up as a pirate, but no weapon!!! :D
Wednesday was mis-march day. Which mean, dress up weird. Most of the students wore different colors of socks and different shoe on each feet. My friend's custom was great. She wore a big, tall, pink wig, and everyone played it (move my friend's head)everytime they see her(included me :D).
Thursday, the greatest day of the week, it's customs day. And also, it's Mole day, 6.022*10 to the 23. Different people wore different customs(they all buy in WarMark or WalGreen). I, of course dress up as a mole for both Mole day and custom day. There're couple people were dress in a big fat balloon, and everyday just kicked them everytime they see them. And our IB teacher dress up as Petty Pen, she looked so cute. Theremore, my coursin and I(both of us were mole that day), had a great performing in the class. That morning when I got to school, I suddenly want to do more for the day, so I wrote a mole story, and asked my cousin to perform it with me, of course it's really funny and great, my Chemistry teacher almost cry b/c she laugh so much.
Friday is the spirit day, we need to wear our school color red(blood doesn't count), white(teeth doesn't count), and blue. And we also have our homecoming game that night. Our Ap history teacher(also is our football coach) said if you go to the game and cheer our football played up, you got five piont extra credit on quiz. So all the IB student went. However, the game was kind of boring, we all just talked there, and only paid attention to the game when our team was going to make a touchdown.
Anyway, the week was great.

whatever@2003-10-26 00:35

Today is Saturday, and I woke up 6:30(pretty early huh) for the Beautiful Cities Project. So my coursin and I went to Cocoa at 8:00, and planed for do our community service. Well, we get there, we found a person who was setting up the stuffs. However, when we tell him that we tell them we were volunteers to help for the Beautiful Cities Project, that guy call a lady who was the supervisor of the project, she was she thought there's no one coming, so she canceled it. What the H??? !!!!! I mean were you an idiot, if she cancel it, so why didn't she let the schools notice, or she just cancel it on Saturday morning?? I really want to smash her face. Many schools had a homecoming game last night, and we stayed up really late last night, and we woke up really early this morning for the BC project, if she cancel it, she should at least let us know. How could a such unorganize, undetermine person be a superviser for the such important project. I am so mad. But whatever, I need to take my stuff instead of spend more time to mad at this lady.

whatever@2003-10-30 09:26

Men, I had a pretty bad week. Yesterday we got a extremely hard chemistry test. Well, usually every test only included one or two chapters, this time was three chapters, and we learned them in the same amounts of time as usual, and those stuff were pretty hard, and totally new for us. I thought I got at least 2 or 3 multiple choose wrong, which worth 8 to 12 points, and I think I got the last two of the last word problem wrong, which might worth 8 points. So, it's pretty bad.
More worse was the AP History test today, I got a 64 for it, and highest we got is 84 overall, so I may got a 80 or 83 on the scale, but still, that's a pretty low grade. But I suppose the get a low grade, because I didin't read one chapter, if I got a good grade, then it's really unfair to those students who read the whole things and study a lot on it. Oh well, I don't care(actually I do), I will make it up.

Well the excited thing is the IB students begin to do our huge science project, which have 10 IB students or AP science students in one group. And the project is going to be interesting, although the assessment is really lame(investing the Indian river estuary system??what the H!!!). Whatever.................

whatever@2003-11-07 09:02

huwww.....finally, my chemistry project was done, and my group got a pretty good presentation too. It's a Energy source project, which we would choose some energy source to build and run a theme park. I was the only one who doing geothermal, everyone just laugh, because they thought FL don't have volcano, so we can't not geothermal energy. Well, the point is they didn't do enough research, but I did, it doesn't necessary to use geothermal energy to produce electricity, we could use it for the air conditioning and heat. Sound impossible, well I dont' feel like to explain it here, but it's really neat, and it's good for the evironment too, and it's cheap and efficient. Maybe I will install one when I have money.

seiyafan@2003-11-07 09:47

Neat stuff, I like that. ;)

xliz@2003-11-07 10:13

whatever, i enjoy reading ur articles, but when u say "multiple choose", u meant "multiple CHOICE questions", right?

i'm having my study-vacation (which is one week break just b4 the exams, we study at home and prepare for the exams). it's a bit painful. i need to study a lot and force myself not to think about the computer and games etc. although it's a "holiday".... >__<

emb422@2003-11-07 12:09

xliz, let me correct you a little bit. The official name for Multiple something is called MULTIPLE GUESS! The laws of statistics work!!

emb422@2003-11-07 12:11

It's such a short week.
I took SAT II Chinese last weekend, such a piece of cake...
I spent this entire week studying and doing more homework; the only intersting thing is that I played with my friends online a few days ago. Also, I went to the bookstore and brought Milton's Paradise Lost, but I don't really have that much time to read it.

xliz@2003-11-07 18:53

最初由 emb422 发布
xliz, let me correct you a little bit. The official name for Multiple something is called MULTIPLE GUESS! The laws of statistics work!!

hehe~~ emb422, thx for ur "correction"~~ ^__^

i heard that if u choose (or guess) B for all ur questions, u generally will get a higher mark than choosing all A/C/D....

give it a try in ur next quiz or exam... (just kidding... ^__^)

i'm reading my molecular biology lecture notes... painful... so many topics and annoying slangs... really want to give up...

whatever@2003-11-11 06:04

Grrrr................I am so mad, I was pissed by my Chemistry project grade. Actually, everyone in my class was pissed by our project grade, we all think we did pretty good, and we did actually had a great presentation, but guess what we have, the highest one is 143/150, and rest of us were like 120/150 or 118/150, and that totally kill our grade. My grade was dropped from a 98.3 (the second highest of all classes), to a low B (it's like the middle). And I don't know how my chemistry teacher grade our project? Other classes told me that she graded really easy on their class, so why being so tough to my class, is it that because we are smarter, so we deserve to be tougher?? Gr..I am so mad.
And more worse was our Group 4 science project for IB(even bigger one), the statement is just some lame and the problem or hypothesis need to be related to chemistry, biology and physic. My group(9 people)discuss about an hour, and we still can not come up with a good hypothesis that is related to three science.
I mean the project is really interesting, just the statement is some lame, and we also have a lot of other requirements on our hypothesis.
Anyway I am going to buy a piano tomorrow(hopefully I will get one that I want), and the chorus winter is coming, but I never have enough time to practice all those music. Well, I don't care, I may not play all of them, maybe I will just call my teacher to hire a professional one to play all of them, so that i won't hang myself on the roof every morning (just kidding :D ).
