『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>[聊天]同性恋者也能注 ..

Harmatia@2004-05-11 10:18

要举例子不如举Gertrude Stein.....

暖羊羊@2004-05-11 19:55


styxson@2004-05-11 21:29


Rande@2004-05-11 22:35


雾之心@2004-06-19 23:24

啊。。在台湾同性恋也可以结婚对吧??? 我也觉得那没什么不好的阿。。。

standoffish@2004-06-20 03:17

最初由 Exodus 发布

hehe, first of all, I would like to point out my post on last page, which stated my support towards homosexual marriages, however, I'm bored and would like to argue your point.

One problem with homosexual marriages: It doesn't take into account the impact on children. If same-sex relationships become the law of the land, then homosexual marriage will be presented to America's schoolchildren as the equivalent of heterosexual marriage.

Here's how and why it will happen. Right now, the vast majority of U.S. public school districts have put themselves in a very vulnerable position, one that conservatives have been warning about for years but few school boards listened. What they've done is add under their non-discrimination policies the category of "sexual orientation." It only remains for enough time to elapse – and for same-sex marriage to be legalized – for "gay" education activists to force schools to implement sweeping changes in curricular content.

Among those changes will be "diverse" textbooks that include same-sex couples as role models, even for little children. To refuse such content will be considered "discrimination," and the American Civil Liberties Union and Lambda Legal Defense Fund will take that district to court, as they have recently in order to force homosexual clubs onto schools. If not those two well-heeled groups, then the National Education Association will sue, as it has promised, on behalf of any teachers involved. Increasingly liberal courts, modeling themselves after the Supremes, are pretty likely to rule in favor of such plaintiffs.

That also goes for the "right" of teachers who are homosexual to wear wedding rings, talk about their homosexual spouses with students and introduce spouses at school functions. Your little Katie will learn in kindergarten that "Mrs." Jones is married to another "Mrs." Jones – and that she can grow up and choose to do the same if she wishes. It is, after all, her "right."

Grade-school and middle-school anti-bias units will now crank into high gear the focus on homosexuals and cross-dressers. Because marriage is now legalized, children will be persuaded in misleading material that anyone who objects to homosexual behavior is not simply biased, that person is breaking the law. The take-away for students from these shallow lessons will be that it is illegal to criticize homosexuality, and every person young or old should be protected from the mean conservatives. Standing up for equality in America will translate into the freedom to practice homosexuality for every student who "discovers" such inclinations.

Do I detect some circular logic at work here? Do you notice that you began your tirade with the premise that Gay is an abomination? Whereas whether homosexuality is wrong has been a subject of debate for eons, you already have the answers a priori. Good for you.

最初由 Exodus 发布
Sex education will be required to take into account this new form of "family" and abstinence – until – marriage education will take a twisted new turn. Suddenly, it will be co-opted by Planned Parenthood and other liberal activists with their own unique spin. Every student will be taught that, of course, abstinence until heterosexual or homosexual marriage is fine if that's one's choice. But since pregnancy isn't a danger for homosexuals, sex can be a wonderful option for younger and younger people – as long as it's carried out "responsibly," of course – like brushing one's teeth. To not teach this would be, again "discrimination" based on sexual orientation. Condoms are always available for those who can't wait. Let's show you third-graders how this condom fits on this banana, just so you are prepared.

Jesus Christ, you extrapolated all that on your own?
"But since pregnancy isn't a danger for homosexuals, sex can be a wonderful option for younger and younger people"
Ever heard of "Slippery slope" logical fallacy? The quote here best exemplifies it... By the way, you said it, not the liberals, so don't throw the "straw man" tactic in the mix.

最初由 Exodus 发布
Expect a whole new crop of young adult novels featuring same-sex romance leading to marriage to appear instantly and be adopted just as magically by middle-school and high-school language departments throughout the U.S. Your 13-year-old Kyle will be required to read and give a book report on a novel where Bruce and Jason meet, date and get married. What won't be covered is how Bruce and Jason split up a year later after cheating on each other dozens of times.

Again with your psychic ability to see into the future... I JUST CAN't COMPETE! By the way, you are totally right, infidelity only happens among gays.

最初由 Exodus 发布
And it gets better (or worse). This stop-gap standard will last for just a few years, until the inevitable next piece of the puzzle is in place. Hank and Jim will petition the courts to allow Mary, the biological mother of "their" adopted child, to become part of their marriage. After all, what business does the court have in their bedrooms, determining who they have a right to love? Along about this same time, Cindy and her partner, Luke (who is really Lucy, except that she dresses like a man) will demand that the law recognize Luke as a "husband" in spite of her biology. And so will emerge the accompanying new curricular materials reflecting the legalization of group marriage and transgender unions, making sure every U.S. school child knows that these are future options for him, her or them.
In such a legal and educational environment, what happens to religions that don't believe homosexuality is moral? Will those religions and their ancient teachings eventually come before some future Supreme Court and be told that they are guilty of discrimination? That their beliefs are no longer constitutional because of privacy rights?

If this sounds like lunacy, it's because it is. What we do in the bedroom has always been public, in the form of what we call a family. It becomes what we teach and pass on as wisdom to our children. And if we aren't sure what "wisdom" entails, by golly, you can tell us~

"What we do in the bedroom has always been public"
Look, sex ed is never a big part of schooling, so stop using the children as a leverage in your argument(and I use the word argument loosely) Homosexuality exists whether you like it or not, and it's better to tolerate it than to persecute it. Making up far-fetched scenarios that put gays in a bad light is hardly sound reasoning. It is "straw man" tactic.

"Will those religions and their ancient teachings eventually come before some future Supreme Court and be told that they are guilty of discrimination"
Guess what? Per your logic they are already guilty under the civil rights act of 1964, under which discrimination on such grounds as sexual orientation was illegitimated. I guess someone hasn't been reading the papers since the 60s~

A flood of words rarely contain a drop of reason. If this is how you debate, I'd say your superb writing skill won't save you from getting a "F" in your college writing class...:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

free2flyaway@2004-06-22 17:10



rainy326@2004-06-22 20:00


悲桔梗@2004-06-23 19:59


雨过天晴@2004-06-23 20:20


芭比娃娃@2004-06-24 22:07


雷 雷@2004-06-25 04:51


鴻@2004-06-28 08:47




lushiya@2004-06-29 12:06


bluefogxt@2004-06-30 07:58

