最初由 WINGX 发布
me too.
i installed google tool bar and it can block pops
seiyafan@2003-12-09 14:36
http://www.turnofftheinternet.com/seiyafan@2003-12-10 02:47
这个有意思的没人看?dmd216@2003-12-10 05:23
pretty funny, worth a laugh.tBlue@2003-12-10 15:43
吓我一跳,本来昏昏欲睡的,给楼主这么一吓,反而清醒了不少,继续上网:Pjsan@2003-12-11 03:01
That is funny! But getting back was a pain.tsubasa6405@2003-12-11 03:14
ㄜ...被嚇一跳ThunderBird@2003-12-11 03:39
我上当了——+aerospace@2003-12-12 19:02
我装了popup blocking的东西,没效果。。。。kamen@2003-12-13 03:26
iT IS NOT FUNNY.......so25@2003-12-15 11:42
so so. a bit surprised at the begining.WINGX@2003-12-15 12:37
me too.yayahorse@2003-12-15 18:19
不敢看,老被人吓的缘故,汗~~~chenwu@2003-12-15 23:15
犹豫了一下kingking@2003-12-16 03:23
haha.. very funnyflavia@2003-12-19 10:39
引用最初由 WINGX 发布
me too.
i installed google tool bar and it can block pops