最初由 JanusWang 发布
politics is far from me. I only support those who can wake up the economy, and can offer more jobs.
Are you conservative, liberal, or neutral?
emb422@2004-01-19 13:28
I am just curious about whether people here are more conservative or more liberal...emb422@2004-01-19 13:32
I consider myself a liberal... but I support many conservative policies.JanusWang@2004-01-19 14:03
politics is far from me. I only support those who can wake up the economy, and can offer more jobs.jsan@2004-01-19 22:57
Don't have any faith in politics right now. So I am none of the above.ambivalence@2004-01-20 02:14
By world's standard, even the Democrats can be considered "right". because the U.S. values freedom and capitalism more than other countries.Harmatia@2004-01-20 05:24
引用最初由 JanusWang 发布
politics is far from me. I only support those who can wake up the economy, and can offer more jobs.
JanusWang@2004-01-20 07:03
引用最初由 Harmatia 发布
九儿@2004-01-20 08:08
美国政治,插不上嘴,更插不上手~第1000帖路过~Harmatia@2004-01-20 08:30
引用最初由 JanusWang 发布
Athough I think I'm somehow pragmatic, I have my bottom line and the moral standard.;)
霸王哆啦@2004-01-20 08:31
政治取向么?republican和democracy之间有区别么?自由经济政策两党似乎没有分歧,在诸如穆斯林女学生要不要戴头巾或是同性恋可不可以结婚这样的问题上的不一致基本上等同猪杂汤里的生菜。Harmatia@2004-01-20 08:36
对了,我的政治方向比较奇怪,说穿了就是哪个PARTY都讨厌Harmatia@2004-01-20 08:38
引用最初由 霸王哆啦 发布
霸王哆啦@2004-01-20 08:43
经济是衡量政治成功与否的第一把标尺,社会公平和公共安全是第二把,第一把和第二把相互作用,至于说一人一票的普选权力和绝对的言论自由那都要靠边站了,在第一把和第二把上,新加坡政府和日本倒是某种程度的典范。对于美国来说,第一和第二似乎都不存在大的问题,如此一来原先需要靠边站的议题就堂而皇之的列阵在前,不是问题的问题也就成了问题,政治就是如此。Harmatia@2004-01-20 08:47
引用最初由 霸王哆啦 发布
emb422@2004-01-20 10:54
actually, this doesn't really apply only to US politics...