[HB继续中...] 有了工作,也祝福大家新年快乐
seiyafan@2004-12-31 02:53
Today I accepted a job offer which I received a couple of weeks ago. After countless interviews last semester I can now take a break. The feeling is sort of like you are looking for a key in a house with black painted walls in darkness, you bump into furnitures a couple of times but eventually you find a key chain that has the key you want and a bunch of other key, then you find the light switch in the room.JanusWang@2004-12-31 02:55
恭喜饭饭,开始成人了。ha霸王哆啦@2004-12-31 03:00
好是好事,新年就应该有新的好事才对。雨过天晴@2004-12-31 03:03
恭喜~~~~~~`虾米样的工作?beidog@2004-12-31 03:50
新的一年~新的希望~Novia@2004-12-31 06:08
GXGX~~~~要买车了~~~~~~最近到处都素HB区呀............lol~~~Blanche@2004-12-31 06:40
恭喜恭喜呀~openicq@2004-12-31 06:42
GXGX,祝工作顺利愉快~新的一年里开开心心~Ammy@2004-12-31 06:45
Happy New Year and Congratulations ;)红舞鞋@2004-12-31 07:06
that is deep man~congrads~kakashi@2004-12-31 07:49
恭喜, 恭喜. 祝新年愉快和工作順利. ^^silverpin@2004-12-31 08:18
这个是一定要GX一下的voilet@2004-12-31 08:35
恭喜一个了~dykxb@2004-12-31 08:43
恭喜楼主了花开煌煌@2004-12-31 10:16
congrats and happy new year ^^