最初由 upyzl 发布
此外,这些m2ts貌似都是24fps cfr,但为什么网上的BDrip都是23.976fps cfr?这是做了什么处理?
upyzl@2010-10-16 19:13
事先在网上查了下,如果m2ts视频编码是H.264,需要DGAVCIndex或者FFMSIndex导出一个工程文件,我看megui里面有现成的File Indexer,就直接用这个,压了500帧看了下效果,发现用FFMSIndex压出来的严重马赛克(x264全默认参数),DGAVCIndex的正常;但我在网上看到的说用FFMSIndex处理要方便点,不知道什么意思,更何况现在我这里都出了问题Re: [请教]第一次做BDrip,有些问题需要请教大家
roozhou@2010-10-16 20:05
引用最初由 upyzl 发布
此外,这些m2ts貌似都是24fps cfr,但为什么网上的BDrip都是23.976fps cfr?这是做了什么处理?
ssnake@2010-10-16 20:09
首先你说的两个Index都不是AviSynth的Function,我不知道你是怎么操作的,无法分析。另外提问前把版本、脚本等等信息写全是基本。upyzl@2010-10-16 20:26
引用最初由 ssnake 发布
(感谢liti姐姐翻译= =)
ffms方便主要体现在你不用"事先"跑一遍index上。另外就是Frame Accurate。
引用LoadPlugin("D:\Program Files\MeGUI\tools\dgavcindex\DGAVCDecode.dll")
引用LoadPlugin("D:\Program Files\MeGUI\tools\ffms\ffms2.dll")
upyzl@2010-10-16 21:05
直接用x264 ffms压了下m2ts辉耀@2010-10-16 21:23
30000/1001,24000/1001的帧率属于历史遗留问题……BD终于开始解决了(拖upyzl@2010-10-16 21:34
引用最初由 辉耀 发布
(M2TS, TS: Seeking seems to be off a few frames here and there)
至于BDrip处理……minori movie collection vol.2这碟子至少是需要debanding的嗯
另外一说,我记得这碟子里的eden op走DGAVC某几帧会花屏;而ffms2压ef1 op某个场景也会花,不知是我版本问题还是如何……(当时用的哪版已经记不得了……)
reekilynn@2010-10-18 16:39
引用最初由 ssnake 发布
ssnake@2010-10-18 16:41
我又没蛋疼的去看fps= = 24.000和23.976裸眼能看出来就是神了。引用最初由 reekilynn 发布
06_taro@2010-10-18 21:20
記得說ffms2搞m2ts,手動關seek就可以了……upyzl@2010-10-20 22:22
引用最初由 06_taro 发布
06_taro@2010-10-21 17:51
DSS2理论上是frame accurate的,不像DSS会加帧砍帧。引用最初由 halsboss 发布
Originally Posted by Blue_MiSfit
DSS2 works very well - it's an improved DirectShowSource. I use it for my BluRay encodes all the time
引用Originally Posted by Blue_MiSfit
... then using DSS2(...) to load the MKV. DSS2 is part of avss.dll, which can be found in your installation directory for haali media splitter.
DSS2 is Haali's implementation of Directshowsource. It has the advantage of being frame-accurate, but only supports VFR by converting it to CFR; at least that was the case when I tried it last time, it might have changed.
Well if this is going to be turned into a general DSS2 thread... the syntax is:
- dss2(string infile, float fps)
- loadplugin("avss.dll")
- dss2("X:/test.mkv",fps=23.976)
Unlike the original DSS, it does not support loading audio. It also always converts VFR to CFR; i.e. it acts like the original DSS with convertfps=true does.
Avisource uses VfW codecs and the VfW framework only. Think of it like VirtualDub but in Avisynth. As long as the AVI in question doesn't have any particularly funky hacks, it will always have frame-accurate seeking.
Directshowsource uses Directshow codecs and is hence the Avisynth equivalent of Windows Media Player. It's usually NOT frame-accurate, but it does support VFR, kind of; either through converting to CFR (convertfps=true) or by just reading all frames and ignoring timecodes.
DSS2 is Haali's implementation of Directshowsource. It has the advantage of being frame-accurate, but only supports VFR by converting it to CFR; at least that was the case when I tried it last time, it might have changed.
引用Originally Posted by Zwitterion
There are some problems with it, however (M2TS files from Blu-ray, using Haali's splitter and ffdshow in the graph):
- artifacts when seeking in AVC video. They disappear after a few frames.
- When seeking in VC-1 video, sometimes it shows two or three duplicate frames before continuing in the stream.
- It can't load graph files (This isn't a bug, but it'd be a nice feature).
So you can't rely on perfect picture quality in the first few frames after seeking. But at least you know that it is the right frame unlike with DSS, where sometimes the whole stream gets shifted by a few frames.
引用Originally Posted by neuron2
It just means you have seeked to an open GOP. That's the price you pay for frame accuracy. If you suppress the orphaned frames, then you haven't really seeked to the frame number requested. This is why the DG tools back off by one GOP and decode all the frames necessary to correctly decode the seeked-to frame.
引用Originally Posted by neuron2
(DSS2)... relies on the stream having completely accurate and continuous timestamps throughout the file, and of course raw streams don't have timestamps. Just clarifying the different niches for DSS2() versus DG. I think the SPS/PPS injection heuristics are a bit better in the DG tools also, which can be relevant for some streams.
roozhou@2010-10-21 21:26
引用最初由 06_taro 发布
DSS2理论上是frame accurate的,不像DSS会加帧砍帧。
06_taro@2010-10-22 08:20
所以DSS2的frame accurate要求有completely accurate and continuous timestamps……roozhou@2010-10-22 09:53
引用最初由 06_taro 发布
所以DSS2的frame accurate要求有completely accurate and continuous timestamps……
那個傳聞中可以直接支持vfr的AVS 3.0到底啥時會出來……