最初由 brandnewbin 发布
靜謐の竜@2008-04-20 18:24
因为HY锁他贴啊~享受不到做m的待遇Another_Flaw@2008-04-20 18:24
引用最初由 brandnewbin 发布
胜利@2008-04-20 18:31
引用最初由 Another_Flaw 发布
ghtta@2008-04-20 18:52
引用最初由 fallingpowerg4 发布
mixing two language is kinda inefficient, if I ever have that problem I would stick with the one I can properly type. And seriously it aint that hard to fix an input problem. You can always type english as long as you have a working keyboard.
seriously I don't like all the fancy input tools like sogo or whatever, too many adds and plug-ins. I just stick with IME and I type whatever I want just fine.
引用最初由 fallingpowerg4 发布
I was just recalling the ivyers I've seen or heard of in PPG over the past 5 years, they surely don't sit here all day.
源秀定@2008-04-20 20:22
= =fallingpowerg4@2008-04-20 20:34
引用最初由 ghtta 发布
yes, you are right . inputting is certainly not a serious problem as long as you buy or download some softwares. But, some people (including me) might find these
things annoying as you mentioned above.;)
it should be inefficient to buy a proper chinese-typing software for "灌水" in PPG as in my case. I rather prefer to keep using 中英混合-style in PPG because sometimes 中英混合 could give more explicit meanings.:o
It seems that you might misunderstand my point, I am not saying that those people would sit here all day. [/han]
I mean I don't think it's reliable that there are so many ivyers in such a medium-sized bbs.
I also don't know why you can be so sure whether those "ivyers" you've "seen( ? )" or "heard of( ? )" in PPG are genuine. :confused:
if in case you've already varified their identity off-line, then fine. just treat me "孤陋寡聞". ;)
PS: az_0k might be a typical 中分低能. "全球前100" is definitely not a big deal to show off. [/TX]
thee@2008-04-20 22:50
附录不错.....周末了。ptrzero@2008-04-20 22:54
此人在你的忽略列表上. 看此帖子点 [这里]心二@2008-04-20 23:09
最初由 az_0k 发布
我这个博客的目的只有一个, 就是对自己看到过的作品做一个客观但也有自己主见的评论.同时我也会对一些新番作出适当的跟踪. 我可以向大家保证, 不敢说每天都会写(我还没宅到那种地步), 但一个星期肯定写上一篇到两篇有价值的东西.
下个学期我就开始8个月实习了,所以周末的时候肯定有时间写的.最后就想说, 我的动力还是来自于大家的支持.^_^ 3q3q了.
ghtta@2008-04-20 23:18
引用最初由 fallingpowerg4 发布
IME is already in your windows system(unless you use a mac or linux), all you need to do is turning it on.
For top colleges verification, one typical way is to let them show a shirt with their college markings, if they're able to then it's like 75% true since these items don't sell everywhere.
but some noobs like the one who started this thread don't even pose a mature characteristic. That makes his identity hella fishy from the very start.
For those who already appeared in this thread that I know, we have U.Sydney, U.Adelaide, U.Tokyo and Tsinghua.U.(aint Ivy though but all within world top50 for 2007 review), I know them personally and they're properly verified. I myself graduated from USC cinema school in U.S, and I verified myself fine in the past. If we already have this many showing up at this point, it's not hard to imagine how many had visited here over the past 5 years.
a similar example of forum is hongfire, compared to ppg. That is a hell of hentai lair yet they have like a whole club of confirmed ivyers. I have to say that I hate fakers more than anything else on this planet, that's why I pop up every time when these toons show up.
they need to learn that ppg is not a place where one can fake their identity, the lurking ones could easily blow them to mars.
fallingpowerg4@2008-04-20 23:46
hell right, I never thought it's a wise thing to list up where you actually graduate from or now studying in. I might post a list of my scholarship and found myself ultra-disgusting just an hour later. That's what happens when someone gets on your nerves. But for a guy who intends to bull up in here from the very beginning it might be an efficient way to let them know it's time to go home.藥屋大助@2008-04-20 23:53
这帖晒了学校 奖学金 又晒英文么[/han]心二@2008-04-21 00:07
此时LZ该泪流满面了~~~Lems@2008-04-21 00:25
引用最初由 心二 发布
只想知道 noobs是什么意思- -
蒹葭公子@2008-04-21 00:32