最初由 匪兵乙 发布
中国人其实对于血统上的异族并不是太关心,所以等汉人反抗消停以后,无论成功与否,异族此时已经不再是异族了。 :D
th!th@2009-03-19 23:00
引用最初由 匪兵乙 发布
中国人其实对于血统上的异族并不是太关心,所以等汉人反抗消停以后,无论成功与否,异族此时已经不再是异族了。 :D
只猪走天涯@2009-03-19 23:13
中国这个地理位置,一旦失去了北方天险,游牧民族一马平川攻下来,只不过是时间问题。别忘了宋朝是怎么灭亡的。最重要一点,北方产战马,满清占领北方后,南明连战马也会给满清封锁了,宋朝当年没骑兵也是这个原因。th!th@2009-03-19 23:16
南宋也是撑了很久的 南方多山水 这对游牧民族很不利eee904ha@2009-03-19 23:18
引用最初由 fallingpowerg4 发布
Well ya'll have to know that the failure of classic mechanics when discribing high-velocity objects LEADS to the birth of S-relativity. In fact yur half right about this. Classic mechanics is a simplified, or said "an approach" to quantum mechanics. Q-mechanics= a lot more accurate but it wouldn't have been there if C-mechanics havent exited in the first place. When a good number of objects apply to a calculation, C-mechanics is required at the sociology level since it's considerably less complicated and provides quicker answers ACCURATE ENOUGH(almost accurate) for the use of it. People calculate cuz they want answers.(some sci-freaks go calculation for calculation though)
one more thing, if you're going astronomy you gotta stick with C-mechanics 4ever. Those things can never be described in a whole with Q-mechanics.
And relativity too...not everything travels that fast, On a Low-velocity Low-mass level relativity can hardly be observed. You either gets C-mechanics in here or just stand yourself up.
well I thought you were talking about armies and social things so...
BTW, Japs were never accurate reguarding military stuff, at least I havent really seen one accurate enough.
th!th@2009-03-19 23:18
我的意思其实是 如果明朝退守南方 必然会向海外发展 就必然会与西欧接触rgw87@2009-03-19 23:25
the physics they develop (of course, we can not call it physics anymore) will not be the same as C-mechanic or Q-mechanic.Reverie@2009-03-19 23:48
引用My point is, if the thinking method of an imaginary civilization is completely different from us, the physics they develop (of course, we can not call it physics anymore) will not be the same as C-mechanic or Q-mechanic.
只猪走天涯@2009-03-19 23:49
哈哈,看南明各势力联合抗清,还真有点国共抗日的味道呢~~fallingpowerg4@2009-03-20 00:02
引用最初由 eee904ha 发布
Ok, I get the idea now. Q-mechanic is the extension of C-mechanic. But the developing of those subjects requires an unique way of thinking (ie. reasoning, logic), and it is unique to the humans. In fact, the thinking method that leads to the development of physics is unique to the western civilization. You know, there is a reason why modern science was established by them rather then by the Chinese. My point is, if the thinking method of an imaginary civilization is completely different from us, the physics they develop (of course, we can not call it physics anymore) will not be the same as C-mechanic or Q-mechanic.
In other words, the universe is so huge that no one can see its whole picture. As humans, we develop science in order to explain the part of universe we can see.
3323653zj@2009-03-20 00:11
引用最初由 th!th 发布
从另一个角度来看 清朝对待外国的态度可比明朝要保守多了
看明朝后期 虽然火器发展的也不怎么样 可人家愿意向外国学习
所以我就一直在想 如果崇祯当年心胸能再开阔些 把太子弄到南方去 那么后来的南明抗清势力也不会为了各自的利益相互攻伐 清朝南下的势头便很有可能因此而被遏止 实际上当时攻打南明主要靠的都是汉人的部队(耿精忠 尚可喜 吴三桂) 所以此时南明可以利诱汉人部队 而让他们在进攻时不那么积极 一旦时局稳定下来 南北对峙之势已成 再加上态度不明的汉人部队南明可保一时之安宁 然后就像南宋那样积极向海外发展 如此 必然会与当时发展势头向上的欧洲诸国积极交流 考虑到明末无论官方还是民间的有识之士对于西方的积极态度 思想上的逐渐开放 政治思想上的进步(已经出现限君权的思想) 南明的发展还是很有希望的
另 我不认为 明朝继续发展最多 西班牙乃至俄帝
西班牙 那是三产(特别是娱乐业)玩过头了 没法展实业 又不像荷兰玩的那么有水平 后来就没落了
俄帝嘛 他的改革是自上而下的 他本人他本人确实对当时的欧洲的科学技术很感兴趣 但也仅限于此 毕竟他是独裁者 所做的一切是不会威胁到他的统治地位 对于欧洲的民主思想是绝对不会感兴趣的也不会引进的 所以俄帝的改革是有限的 所以俄帝有大地主 但没有大资本家 而明朝不同 明朝末期 君权已被极大的限制了 民间言论学术研究的风气是很自由的 这就为孕育新的政治思想提供了土壤
qianhe12@2009-03-20 00:45
引用最初由 3323653zj 发布
XWZ@2009-03-20 00:48
国际友人?qianhe12@2009-03-20 00:50
明朝灭亡,真是天灾人祸,要是没有天灾,或者皇帝能比较强,再延续个几十年还是可能的。fallingpowerg4@2009-03-20 00:53
因爲有人先說了要討論他傾向于使用英文正义的朋友@2009-03-20 01:03
引用最初由 3323653zj 发布