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Lizard@2005-05-05 07:30
emb422@2005-05-05 12:32
I am sorry to tell you that I found MIT nothing short of ATROCIOUS, as far as its campus goes, during my last visit.
Now... some really nice colleges are Yale and Princeton, as far as their campuses goes. Harvard is quite ugly, too... filled with red bricks. But I guess it's considered good when compared to that... THING.... down Mass. Ave...
jingwen@2005-05-06 04:51
最初由 ywang84 发布
寢室的那張的風格實在有失水准 阿
jingwen@2005-05-06 04:55
最初由 emb422 发布
I am sorry to tell you that I found MIT nothing short of ATROCIOUS, as far as its campus goes, during my last visit.
Now... some really nice colleges are Yale and Princeton, as far as their campuses goes. Harvard is quite ugly, too... filled with red bricks. But I guess it's considered good when compared to that... THING.... down Mass. Ave...
atrocious?? ur comment is funny.
anyway, u don't have to be sorry. I have been there too, and I feel the campus is OK. The college campus doesn't have to be pretty, that's not the point of undergrad education. If I want to go to a pretty school, I would choose Cornell rather than MIT.:p and I think Cornell is prettier than Yale and Princeton, even the setting is fantastic. lake...mountain..forest...state park...:p
seiyafan@2005-05-07 04:33
The point is you go in, get your degree, then get out and live a better life. School is a very temperary thing.
jingwen@2005-05-07 05:29
最初由 seiyafan 发布
The point is you go in, get your degree, then get out and live a better life. School is a very temperary thing.
exactly right!
emb422@2005-05-07 15:05
First... yes... Cornell is absolutely gorgeous (as people from Ithaca would proudly tell you, for two meanings).
And, no, undergrad., or any type of education does not depend on the apperance of the campus. However, I don't quite agree with the statement "The point is you go in, get your degree, then get out and live a better life", as I believe that such view trivilize the importance of the education itself by debasing it to a method that gives one a chance for "betterment", either in wealth or fame. I think that the value of education, as a process, or rather, as an end upon itself, ought to be cherished. It is exactly the learning itself, rather than the provacative consequences that follows, that ought to be valued.
Of course... these are only statements from a hopeless idealist... pay no heed if it bothers you.
jingwenjingwen@2006-11-03 12:19
Killian Court
East Campus
McCormick Hall 以下几张都是在我宿舍楼底下
New House后面的樱花
Killian Court - the big dome Building 10
图书馆和Walker Memorial之间的过道
Green Building- the tallest building on campus
雨过天晴@2006-11-03 13:17
啊哈哈哈是马甲吗 =v= 比我的马甲还明显```
最初由 seiyafan 发布
School is a very temperary thing.
but so is everything else in life
i bet ur sitting in office right now and thinking: this job's not exactly great but it's just a temp thing, the next job will be better.
so when will this end???
personally i'd rather live in the now than the past or future =3
jingwenjingwen@2006-11-03 13:19
最初由 雨过天晴 发布
啊哈哈哈是马甲吗 =v= 比我的马甲还明显```
but so is everything else in life
i bet ur sitting in office right now and thinking: this job's not exactly great but it's just a temp thing, the next job will be better.
so when will this end???
personally i'd rather live in the now than the past or future =3
雨过天晴@2006-11-03 14:10
啊? =v=..怎么会?没给理由吗?
jack34b@2006-11-03 14:19
jingwenjingwen@2006-11-03 14:35
最初由 雨过天晴 发布
啊? =v=..怎么会?没给理由吗?
chiron灰羽@2006-11-05 19:00
yueya133@2006-11-08 10:59
最初由 jingwen 发布