这首叫long lost penpal的歌给人的感觉很好...听起来倒挺甜美的,今天偶然又听到,想起好像还给别人发过
刚好把歌词找出来细看了,结果后悔....听歌的时候就凭着直觉听懂一半刚好。可原来是这么个意思。大意:笔友你好久不见,十年之后我还记得我们的过去,但我欺骗了你,我的生活没有我说过的那么好。我没有一个朋友。笔友你好,请不要再联络了,我不是骚年而是几个孩子的中年蜀黍,正当不惑,家庭空虚。希望不要恨我。但是我还是需要一个朋友....(也不知道最后这句词是上述两人中哪个说的.....真不知道....... 人的现实可能就跟歌词差不多,所以我倒是不想把它弄懂,差不多这样罢..... 如果那时深究了歌词的意思,就不会纱布地发给别人听了。 Hello [00:18.78]Do you remember me [00:21.70]I am your long lost pen pal [00:26.59]It must have been ten years ago we last wrote [00:34.81]I don’t really know what happened [00:37.96]I guess life came in the way [00:43.38]Let me know if you’re still alive [00:47.01]Let me know if you ever used that knife or not [00:53.23] [01:08.69]Hello [01:09.51]Yes I remember you [01:12.32]I’ve got a husband and two children now [01:17.18]I work as an accountant and make fairly good money [01:25.45]I still have your letters, you used a pink pen to write them [01:34.07]And you would comfort me [01:37.52]when my tears would stain the ink [01:42.54]And I would send you mix tapes with Kate Bush on [01:49.12] [01:52.00]I have to admit I sometimes lied in those letters [01:57.06]Tried to make life better than it was [02:02.52]I still wasn’t kissed at sixteen [02:06.11]And I still need a friend [02:09.76] [02:20.47]There was this letter [02:23.63]I never told you this back then [02:28.68]But it would be fair to say it saved my life [02:37.15]I sat in the window [02:40.37]The only one left out from a party again [02:45.05]Pretty sure I didn’t have a single friend [02:48.58]Then I checked the mailbox [02:52.40] [02:54.12]Dear long lost penpal [02:57.32]I was lying the whole time [03:02.61]I’m really a 46 years old man named Luke [03:10.94]I have three children [03:14.05]and a wife, she doesn’t care [03:18.73]And I hope you don’t resent me [03:22.91]And I hope you do not hate me [03:27.06]For trying to find my way back to what it’s like to be young [03:32.62] [03:37.20]I have to admit I sometimes lied in those letters [03:42.20]Tried to make life better than it was [03:47.58]I still wasn’t kissed at sixteen [03:51.56]And I still need a friend
“在剧情游戏马克思佩恩2中有一段话诡谲而精妙:佩恩在情人莫娜死去后的自白--“(当她死去),现在她是我的了”“......我梦到了我的爱人。她死了。但一切还好。”(but it was all right.)为什么主人公受了那么大刺激,生活也完全破灭了以后还能说出but it was allright?我很长时间也没弄懂这句话,那是很久之后才明白的--有些话只有告别之后才能讲,有些事只有不见之后才能想,有些拥有只有失去后才能称得上。朋友也好,喜欢的场所也好,想守护的事物也好...因为此时此刻在你的世界里彼人彼物再也不会演化改变,与物质或客观世界中现实的联系烟消云散不同,而是定型、永久。现实世界所有的变迁和不确定性永远地消失了,不再细若发丝危若累卵噤若寒蝉犹疑不安,终于可以毫不避讳地认定“永远”,所以,一切还好......这或许太过帕拉图式神交,不过在明白那句话以前,我早就习惯如此地活着了。所以那些到达终点的事,不复存在的物和不会再见的人,才会在脑海里被屡屡提及,仿佛我总是和它们在一起一样。反过来说,我也失去太多了罢。如此一来让我总是对未来抱有不确定性,不敢太寻欢也不愿打包票,不敢认为今天遇见的友人,明天还会在那里。久而久之这样大概把我毒害了,所以在强制性的淡薄中也从没做过维系什么使之长久的事罢。这样子遇到了这么个人,一直以来二三句话淡如水若似无细若发丝危若累卵却持续至今,大约真的是相互选择的结果。如何使这种交互更长久,我没有多做,也做不出,暗暗揣测对方或许也是这样的。所以这曾经的最后一根真心与世界之间的渠道就此如雾弥散,而我也将别样而活。 这样子,有些话终于是可以说,有些永久终于是可以提了......无论原因各异,结果如何,我都还好... 所以...