whazup2002@2002-12-05 04:20
所以呀,他迷路是有原因的。sitandli@2002-12-05 11:44
还没有出现这种情况!DARKGRAY@2002-12-05 13:24
我主要是不记路名(很快就忘了),又不辨方向(路旁有路牌除外),再加上不喜欢问路,所以…………只会上学和回家——用走的。kanrinrin@2002-12-07 02:13
我一般只会坐车下错站。呵呵bbyy@2002-12-07 07:53
同情良牙,我进大商场,要转我几圈才能出来的changjx@2002-12-07 08:29
One of my friend has no sense of direction at all. She got lost at the school that she has been attending for 3 years already. So after I got to know here, I started to believe that this kind of person really exist not only in the comics, but in real world also.shengyun@2002-12-07 18:18
我迷路都成家常便饭了Surreal@2002-12-09 03:24
呵呵,我在这个城市住了6年都还会迷路,汗!公子小蛇@2002-12-09 03:44
想不到我的路盲朋友还不少啊,哈哈哈徘徊者@2002-12-09 16:34
本人也接近路盲,唉落樱飞雪@2002-12-09 16:37
汗~~~~~~~易风行@2002-12-09 17:38
同情良牙mysnock@2002-12-09 17:48
只能说他是个路盲,就在家后面也要走3天WarPlayer@2002-12-09 21:16
晕了~~mihuyu@2002-12-10 09:12