『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

jingwen@2003-04-06 08:03

最初由 whatever 发布

And you are right about the different of study between Anhui and Canton. Canton is a big city, especially, when Panyu and Huadu became a district of Canton. And Canton have everything, and there're too much fun that can attract you, especially the game rooms or the computer rooms. Many students in Canton are not study hard. It's really easy to become a slacker in Canton, and that's why I press myself to study more courses. I studyed piano, and sketch on Saturday, and I took an extra literature and English class on Sunday when I was in Canton. So that I don't have time to go to game room, or waste my time for shopping. And it's really useful. Even there're many students good at drawing and piano in Canton. But there're not that much studnets good at it here. So now is my show off time, I always have some drawing show on the district art show. And I could played some music for chorus. That's really cool. And I like the summer here, unlike in Canton, if you want to take the summer courses you got to pay a lot of money. Here, your school will pay for you, so I am going to take some courses during summer.
I’m good at drawing and singing, though I never taken special classes about these after school. I am in my school’s choir now. I was in Choir1 last semester when I just came here. This semester, my choral director upgrades me to the Advanced Treble. I am a soprano, but in fact sometimes I can’t sing so high (those black girls can sing very very high, horrible). I wish I had learned how to play the piano. My parents never asked me to learn any kind of musical instruments. But in fact I really like music, I like piano. I prefer classical music to pop music. I like Beethoven, Bach, and Vivaldi best. Which type of music you guys like?

jingwen@2003-04-06 08:04

Anyway, study in North America is easy or hard, we should study hard and successfully. And we can do that, can’t we?
PS: to whatever. Feel sorry about yesterday I signed out without saying goodbye, because my dad abruptly came back home. This kind of things often occurs. I’m always in danger when I am on line.

whatever@2003-04-07 01:17

最初由 jingwen 发布
I’m good at drawing and singing, though I never taken special classes about these after school. I am in my school’s choir now. I was in Choir1 last semester when I just came here. This semester, my choral director upgrades me to the Advanced Treble. I am a soprano, but in fact sometimes I can’t sing so high (those black girls can sing very very high, horrible). I wish I had learned how to play the piano. My parents never asked me to learn any kind of musical instruments. But in fact I really like music, I like piano. I prefer classical music to pop music. I like Beethoven, Bach, and Vivaldi best. Which type of music you guys like?

Oh, you are in chorus too. Great! I am in chorus too. I am in second soprano, but for next year I may change to sing alto, because many alto voices will graduate soon and so does our current accompanist. So I may just be an accompanist next semester. I wasn't in chorus when I was in 9 grade. I love music, but I didn't like chorus once.Why? Because the horrible memory about my elementary chorus. First, my elementary chorus director made me go to chorus, and she was so mean to me. I was in the sport team that time. And I must practice for the province sport competition, so that I can't go to chorus and practice. And she blame me everyday with spite. From that on, I hated chorus. And somehow i hated the female music teacher too.
Fortunate, my counselor changed my mind. She told me that I will love the chorus here. She is really right. people in chorus like me, I got many friends from chorus.
And I like all kinds of music, except country.

jingwen@2003-04-08 00:38

最初由 whatever 发布

And I like all kinds of music, except country.
Idon't like rap and some of too noisy rock.Some of country is OK, but most of them I don't like too.

Lizard@2003-04-08 03:51

:D :D this thread some how goes back to music again
i like pop music as well as chamber music

whatever@2003-04-09 10:41

To Jingwen:
It's OK. Because we were in the same position. I am also in dangerous, when I go online. :D

whatever@2003-04-09 10:45

Any type of music have good one, and bad one. I like all the good music, except for country music. If I have to choose one for my favorite type of music, I may choose rock or classic.

whatever@2003-04-09 11:07

Well, the spring break was over before yesterday. But I felt like I was not readying for school yet. I felt so sleepy, I fell asleep in English, Algebra II, and Chemistry. But fortunate, my teachers didn't blame me at all, and they didn't give us some hard homework(look like our teachers were not ready for school either :D ).
However, this week I am really busy(Monday was a exception). Today, we have a NHS meeting, and talked about the things we will do in April, and voted the officials for next year; tomorrow, I got to go to chorus for the show; after tomorrow, I got to go to another meeting after school and take the CPT test in BCC(my friend told me it's easy, and she failed the reading test, and she is smart, so I guess that test is really BT); then Friday, I got to stay at school for raising money, and I got to sleep on the football field over night, and people will wake you up anytime for walking for "Relay for Life". Then, Saturday, we got to continue walking and raising money. And Sunday, I got to finish my 5 pages essay for English.
We always get a busy week after spring break. That's not good, and next week is also a really busy week. I will tell you guys later.

jingwen@2003-04-09 20:16

I am very busy too. Well, the spring break has already over two weeks ago here. I have to go to choir rehearsal this Thursday, and Friday from 12:30-6:00pm we have rehearsal, then we have to eat together, 7:30pm-9:00pm we have concert to show. Next Monday we have to go out off school for URL competition and stay there for whole day.

jingwen@2003-04-09 20:19

最初由 Lizard 发布
:D :D this thread some how goes back to music again
i like pop music as well as chamber music

go back to music?
well, I don't have posted here for a long time. I don't have read the whole poster already, so many, it's already page26. How long this topic have been hold here?

whatever@2003-04-11 09:09

Gr..........I had a really really bad day. First, I need to raise money for "Relay for Life", but my young aunt and uncle don't let me ask my neighbors to donate some money, even my parents said that I should not ask my neighbors. They said, if I ask 10 neighbors, and each of them give me $1, then next time they raise money, we have to donate of $1 for each, total is $10. It's 10 times more than they donate. So now I have to idea how to raise it, and the money is due on Friday night. I have no time to go to warmark or publix for that. Gr......... (dt).
Second, I just took the CPT test in BCC. I guess I don't even need to tell you guys my score, you could guess correctly. Grr..............now if I want to take some courses during summer, I have to take the extra reading and writing courses(dt). That test is such a BT, when I was doing it, I thought it was easier than the FCAT, and pre-SAT, but I failed the reading and the sentense skill test(even I knew I was going to failed it, but ah my reading score plus the sentense skill score is much much less than my elementary algabra score, that's terrible). Grr.........I am going to have a horrible summer. I will have to take at least three courses during summer. :(

xxiong@2003-04-11 14:13

最初由 @pple 发布
your grammer is suck:(

your grammer error. you should say'your english sucks'. r u really from canada?:D

jingwen@2003-04-11 20:19

最初由 xxiong 发布

your grammer error. you should say'your english sucks'. r u really from canada?:D

your grammar's errors/your grammar mistook

雨过天晴@2003-04-12 04:10

would u guys plz stop saying things like "u made a mistake","ur grammar sucks!"etc.(and try 2 spell "grammar" right)
i just hate it when people brags like this! chill out will ya? every1 make mistakes sometimes and as far as i kno, nobody's much better than anybody in this section.

Lizard@2003-04-12 06:47

最初由 雨过天晴 发布
would u guys plz stop saying things like "u made a mistake","ur grammar sucks!"etc.(and try 2 spell "grammar" right)
i just hate it when people brags like this! chill out will ya? every1 make mistakes sometimes and as far as i kno, nobody's much better than anybody in this section.

we r supposed to correct others' mistakes as possible as we can. the purpose of this thread is to improve english.maybe it seems impossible, but it is the point of the whole thread. so i don't think anything is wrong by pointing out mistakes.
the thing i want to remind u is that no one is trying to look down others.:o
p.s. im glad if someone can help me to correct mah mistakes
