『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

Re: T^T......

whatever@2003-04-24 07:59

最初由 Lizard 发布
u r so lucky.....i envy u ur good luck...

i don't wanna protray mah life as hell, but it is the reality(at least now).
i have only 4 subjects per day..calculus, photography, physics, and english. don't ever think that i can breath.T-T I'm like havin' tons of homework/assignments/presentations everyday..everyweek. oK, thatz enough..
.. hopin' i 'll get a single chance to relax....nah.@_@.that must be summer holidays..

I won't have any time for relax, when the summer come. I registered to study in BCC during summer, and I have to take at least two courses. And when next semester come, I will be really really busy. The major reason is our current accompanist will graduate soon, so my friend Charlie and I have to take over the piano business. There're lot of music we got to play. And I have to take SAT next year, it'll be awful. T_T

whatever@2003-04-26 05:34

Hey guys, we had a great concert last night. That's the best chorus concert we never have before. We sang the songs which we sang for the distict competition, and we also sang some news songs we learned. Because the concert was in the church, so it's pretty quiet and comfortable, and it's really easy to hear how we sang. But ah, I also got a lot of homework that night, so I got to finish my homework when I went home. And I didn't go to bed until 12:30. So I am really really tired today.

whatever@2003-04-26 05:41

Hey, I got my school yearbook. It's really cool, it has many cool pictures in it, and it summarizes every special things happened in school this year. And we had an hour to let our friends to sign or write something on our yearbooks. Does everybody have a school yearbook too?

Lizard@2003-04-26 06:39

最初由 whatever 发布
Hey, I got my school yearbook. It's really cool, it has many cool pictures in it, and it summarizes every special things happened in school this year. And we had an hour to let our friends to sign or write something on our yearbooks. Does everybody have a school yearbook too?

yeh~i have yearbook,too^^.. i think most schools have yearbooks..
how come ur yearbook is published so early?? we get our yearbook almost in the end of school year--june..

whatever@2003-04-27 01:58

最初由 Lizard 发布

yeh~i have yearbook,too^^.. i think most schools have yearbooks..
how come ur yearbook is published so early?? we get our yearbook almost in the end of school year--june..

It's not early. Our school year almost end. The graduation is on May 16, the exam is on May 19-21. And I will begin to study at BCC on May 16. And we will have a 10 weeks summer. But look like I won't have a break.

Lizard@2003-04-27 02:26

最初由 whatever 发布

It's not early. Our school year almost end. The graduation is on May 16, the exam is on May 19-21. And I will begin to study at BCC on May 16. And we will have a 10 weeks summer. But look like I won't have a break.

Oh~i c~
how many suject u take in bbc?

whatever@2003-04-28 04:49

I will take two courses so far. But I will take one extra courses for English.

Lizard@2003-04-28 05:49

最初由 whatever 发布
I will take two courses so far. But I will take one extra courses for English.


u know what... mah provincial is so dumb!! the government cuts our education budget a lots..so now~it ends up cutting summer programs,too..especially mah school board! No summer course is provided for grade 9-11 students.. DUMBDUMBDUMB:mad: so dUMb!!!!!

whatever@2003-04-29 09:04

Oh, then I must be really lucky. Because I am doing dual enrollment, so my school will pay the fee. And I am going to take the classes in Brevard Community College(BCC).

whatever@2003-04-29 09:21

Hey guys, I played golf yesterday with my cousins. It's fun. After all that was my first time, so I didn't play well. And I played really dangerously, for ex: I was trying to hit the golf ball, and I swung really hard, and I didn't heat anything but air, and the swing spun me completely around. And I almost hit one of my cousins. Ok, then I finally hit the golf ball, and the ball didn't go to the front, but the side way, and it almost hit the guy playing next to me. Whew.....that was close. Anyhow, it was fun. I am going to play that again next weekend.

Lizard@2003-04-29 10:41

最初由 whatever 发布
Hey guys, I played golf yesterday with my cousins. It's fun. After all that was my first time, so I didn't play well. And I played really dangerously, for ex: I was trying to hit the golf ball, and I swung really hard, and I didn't heat anything but air, and the swing spun me completely around. And I almost hit one of my cousins. Ok, then I finally hit the golf ball, and the ball didn't go to the front, but the side way, and it almost hit the guy playing next to me. Whew.....that was close. Anyhow, it was fun. I am going to play that again next weekend.

I played golf once,too. It was long long time ago,appro. 7-8 years ago. I couldn't even control the stick~lol~ and i'd never hit the ball

whatever@2003-04-30 10:19

yeah, it's really hard to control the stick, I always hit nothing but air. :D

xliz@2003-04-30 17:21

my friend "plays golf" with very light and porous plastic "golf balls" at home~~~ it's kind of fun. u dont need to go to the golf court and can play whenever u like...

whatever@2003-05-01 08:17

Well, it's cool to play in the golf court, and you don't need to pay any money, if you don't lend those golf balls. And there's a golf court near my home, so it doesn't matter.

jingwen@2003-05-02 04:13

play golf?
seems a very noble thing...
I don't have many activities everyday, only thing can do is read some books from library.
I even don't have chance to listen to the music, because of my parents.>_<
