最初由 星之海洋 发布
Did you ever consider about the DVD-writer? DVDr can do nothing without it. So it forces you to calculate the price of DVD-writer and DVDr. You can't ignore the base equipment.
羽翼之神@2004-04-08 17:52
硬盘再大也有不够用的时候,刻录机这东西也是必须的。beanwang@2004-04-08 19:30
欧怕病毒RedNax@2004-04-08 20:41
引用最初由 星之海洋 发布
Did you ever consider about the DVD-writer? DVDr can do nothing without it. So it forces you to calculate the price of DVD-writer and DVDr. You can't ignore the base equipment.
fanli8053@2004-04-08 20:50
一直认为硬盘好但是直倒硬盘超过了600Gtuctlee@2004-04-08 21:06
还是DVDR好啊~shinji@2004-04-08 21:07
用DVD保存比較好吧、HDD再大也不夠用的xsam@2004-04-08 21:44
DVD刻录机好贵啊,现用CD—R暂时用者,等DVD刻录机便宜点就用DVDr,硬盘再大也有塞满的时候啊!pcbug@2004-04-08 23:28
DVD-R 好呀,一步到位,也不是很贵拉香烟@2004-04-08 23:30
用硬盘Arael@2004-04-09 02:32
除非真的要大量收dvdiso (就是日本出甚么dvdiso都下载刻盘),somegodder@2004-04-09 09:12
神威@2004-04-09 09:44
你就来吧 有多少刻多少 硬盘总是有个限制goddesschi@2004-04-09 11:07
抓avi用DVD燒比較划算點iarepeter@2004-04-09 13:33
都有最好阿~~~Sherry35@2004-04-09 13:51