最初由 kane2 发布
3公主果然棒:D :D
phantom_14@2009-02-18 17:48
口胡,我的梦破碎了....bluesphere@2009-02-18 18:01
继续玩XB的好了kane2@2009-02-18 18:07
痛觉残留@2009-02-18 21:58
LS那张是PS的图吧 :rolleyes:atkio@2009-02-21 13:23
请问特典的曲子都一样吗?SAGA0Arcueid@2009-02-21 19:16
引用最初由 kane2 发布
3公主果然棒:D :D
Kagetsu.AL@2009-02-21 19:24
入了正但是還是4.01= = 明天再説了 睡覺了boberyang@2009-02-22 04:04
预约期间在hmv定的东西,不知道有没有特典[/han]wingkelvin@2009-02-22 12:07
atkio@2009-02-22 20:27
Amazon上初回限定炒到12800了alien@2009-02-23 12:17
M33用神电刷回官版的系统再Z碟升就好了~玩其他的再刷回来~mc-sid@2009-02-23 14:23
目前DA官方论坛上的版主正在稳定军心并且不推荐你去刷新ofw引用I personally do not recommend that you update to 5.05 OFW even if you have a pandora and MMS as rumor has it that sony will be releasing an OFW update soon (using the usual channels such as the internet)... Hence after that, there should be an M33 update (to continue PSN access)... so just hang in there, and you will be able to play your game on CFW soon...
Its not like not playing the game for a few days/weeks will hurt you!
and yes, if what pie is saying is correct, and there is a new feature in 5.05, then you will not be able to play the game no matter what you try until you dont have the FW... coz there must be some essential component it requires and hence will crash at one point or the other!
引用I will repeat my words... Do not update to 5.05 unless you have a pandora and magic memory stick!
Its suicide... (for the PSP)
wingkelvin@2009-02-23 18:41
引用最初由 mc-sid 发布
小猴@2009-02-24 03:48
http://namco-ch.net/idolmaster_sp/enquete/img/wp1280.jpgAhsoka@2009-02-24 06:52