最初由 shaka 发布
to learn one language, one has to forgo another, is that really true...? i really admire those who can master several languages and switch at will.
DemonhunterNE@2003-02-05 04:56
i have a friend,he came to U.S 10years ago,but he still can read and write^^sharky@2003-02-05 06:33
引用最初由 shaka 发布
to learn one language, one has to forgo another, is that really true...? i really admire those who can master several languages and switch at will.
雨过天晴@2003-02-05 06:57
澳门学中文吗?记得一次电视上采访那个唱《七子之歌——澳门》的小女孩,她说当时自己唱的是什么意思都不知道,只是照葫芦画瓢唱出来的!Arael@2003-02-05 08:30
引用最初由 sharky 发布
I don't think so, you just need to think in the language you are using. If you are speaking/writing in Chinese, you should think in Chinese at the same time. If you are using English, you should be thinking in English.
I know both Chinese and English pretty well and a little bit of Japanese. I try to think in the language I'm speaking or writting at the time. It works very well for me.
Now just need to learn how to TYPE chinese and I'm set.
jingwen@2003-02-06 06:31
引用最初由 荷路 发布
少是肯定的了,但是,就算是有,也要有钱才买的到啊~~:( T_T
Arael@2003-02-06 11:21
引用最初由 jingwen 发布
myrion@2003-02-06 11:45
引用最初由 jingwen 发布
引用最初由 Arael 发布
可以到學校打印嗎 ? :P我以前試過用學校printer印網上小說...
SHIRT@2003-02-06 19:07
偶的具体情况不知,很久没写中文了。但由於天天打电话,现在自认为很有语言天赋的偶身上出现了怪现象:英语阅读特好,日语听力特好,中文口语特好,任何一门语言的手写都特差,除了敲键盘打出来的。。。myrion@2003-02-07 08:38
引用最初由 SHIRT 发布
sharky@2003-02-07 12:18
引用最初由 Arael 发布
If you are from mainland China or Taiwan, you should be able to type Chinese with pinyin?
Unless... you're from Hongkong?
vip@2003-02-07 18:27
汗~~~,楼主那里人?jingwen@2003-02-07 21:21
引用最初由 雨过天晴 发布
kenshincc@2003-02-08 01:13
i sort of have problem to write chinese too........coz' no chance to write........but reading is fine.....coz' i always read comic ^^dmd216@2003-02-08 01:28
I only finish 5th grade in China. I had been in the U.S. for about 10 years. I have the same problem as you guys. Able to read but forgetten how to write. If you don't use something for a while, eventually you will forget it.Re: How many of you can write chinese?
vincentfu@2003-02-08 06:13
引用最初由 IpoetI 发布
I am just wondering, I lost my writing skill a few years ago after I came to US.
I can read and understand Chinese writing fine, but I just cannot write it. I simple too lazy to relearn it.
Damn this suck:P I am not very professional at English, and now I also lost my Chinese skill...... ummmm
(Please don't let me lost my reading skill too, I still have to finish Gundam seed)