『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

whatever@2003-05-02 08:44

最初由 jingwen 发布
play golf?
seems a very noble thing...
I don't have many activities everyday, only thing can do is read some books from library.
I even don't have chance to listen to the music, because of my parents.>_<

Well, actually you could do some exercise at home, such like sit-up, push up, stuff like that, or joy around your neighborhood. That's activities too. And it can make sure you won't get more and more weight. :D

jingwen@2003-05-04 05:43

your advices seems funny
But I know that Cantonese are always very thin indeed.

whatever@2003-05-04 06:34

Oh yeah, many girls are skinny, just like me. :D

whatever@2003-05-04 06:42

Hey guys, I went to my friend's birthday party, it was fun. After we had lunch, we went to play bowling. We were all bad at that. But my friends told me that it's much better than before. And for the first game, my friend(the heroine), won, and I lost the game. But for the second game I won, and my friend(the heroine) lost. HAhaha, and there're lot of funny things happened during the game. I had a pretty nice day.

whatever@2003-05-04 06:51

Oh, one more thing, my friend's mom want her to get an hair cut which cut it short. Well, not really short but like shoulder long(ps:my friend had long hair, really long, longer than my arm). But my friend didn't want to change her hair, so we all tryed to convince her, and her mom made a deal with her, if she cut her hair, her mom will let her dye her hair. And convincements plus deal, finally we won. And my friend cut her hair. But she missed her hair, and after she cut her hair, her face looked like she is going to cry. Anyway, her hair look pretty nice and cute now, it's much better than her hair before, and she is going to dye her hair on Sunday. Ahhhh, I can't wait to see her hair with the new color. Oh, well I will see her on Monday. Gr.....I am not able to play her hair again.

whatever@2003-05-07 04:34

AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no. Guess what? That freaking BCC don't let me take the class during summer, they said I should work on my language. That's ridiculous, they are ruining my summer plan, and next year plan. Damn it.

Lizard@2003-05-07 04:53

最初由 whatever 发布
AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no. Guess what? That freaking BCC don't let me take the class during summer, they said I should work on my language. That's ridiculous, they are ruining my summer plan, and next year plan. Damn it.

mah school board ruined mah original plan,too..
i gotta find a part-time now, otherwise mah summer holiday will be wasted again..:mad:

jingwen@2003-05-08 00:32

INS ruin my summer plan.Damn it.
There is a typo on my Green Card, then I came to INS office to change it. The officers told I will received the new correct card. But when the half year has already past, the post a news on line, said that this kind of cases because of the change in US goverment this year, will take one whole year. bad working efficient indeed
I plan to work during the summer, but because the mistake in my INS ducuments, I cannot get SSN, therefore I cannot go to work legally.

jingwen@2003-05-08 00:34

最初由 whatever 发布
Oh yeah, many girls are skinny, just like me. :D
I am jealousy. I am a little bit fat in contrast.:(

whatever@2003-05-08 07:05

(Sigh), look like you guys are just like me, I got to make a new plan, I may self-taught again. It'll be hard though, oh well. I don't have choise. And today, I went to BCC, and talk to my advisor and asked her what else I could do. She talked really nicely, but basically, she was just telling, me there's nother I could do, because my score of reading and sentence struture are too low. Oh, well, I may go to work, so that I could have more experiences and earn some money.

jingwen@2003-05-10 04:15

want money?
so go to work!
though very exhausted.

whatever@2003-05-12 01:40

Wow guys, yesterday was the chorus state competition. Cuz, we got straight superior in district, our combine group, women mix group, magical group, women's madrigal, and mix madrigal group had to sing. Well, actually we sang pretty well, and our women mix group, mix madrigal group, and women's madrigal group got a straight superior, others are all one superior and two excellent. Actually I thought we sang really good in our combine group, but I don't understand why we just got one superior. And our best group---magical group, they didn't sing their best, everyone was expecting they would get straight superior. For solo, and sweet outline, we had a pretty score too. Anyway, all the activities of chorus finally over.

jingwen@2003-05-13 05:55

we have state choral competition last month, we take the bus go to another city for the competition, and absense one whole school day.

whatever@2003-05-13 08:41

Well, we went to another city too. And we had to sing at 8:30 in the morning. Some of our students went on Friday afternoon, and just miss one class, and the rest of them went on Saturday morning, they had to wake up at 3:30 in the morning, then got to school at 4:00, and the 3 hours bus to Gansivill. I went on Friday afternoon, so I slept in the hotel and woke up at 6:30. Even I was really tired, but it's much better than wake up at 3:30

jingwen@2003-05-14 01:47

we took 2 hours on the bus to get there, and we spent one whole day in there, no lunch...@_@
