『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

emb422@2003-06-11 11:19

Hello Kami, welcome to the English thread!
It's nice to know that other people actually wants to communicate in English!
It's been a long day. I didn't wake up until 11am, and wasted most of my times watching anime...
I had a test tonight, and had to turn in a long paper that worth both a test grade AND a writing grade...
Anyway, I reviewed and finished my essay, and took the exam. I thought it was okay. Now I'm really starting to like psychology.
I'll need to plan my daytime better so I can actually put more stuff to my stupid brain, I suppose. I've got tons of stuff to learn, including SAT, psychology, History (by my own interest), Pre-Calc (borrowed book from my teacher), and summer reading (3 from English and more than 5 from AP US History).

Lizard@2003-06-11 15:23

最初由 kami 发布
Hi guys, i am so happy to find such a thread in popgo, i have only read 8 pages of this thread, but it's too long, i am too impatient to wait, i want to join immediatly!

Please forgive my poor english, i will thank you very much for point my mistakes out.

Let me introduce myself first. I am not oversea, i now living in zhejiang hangzhou, i am working on IT for nearly a year. It's the first post i put in popgo. like comic, like animation, like FF, like diablo, like starcraft... and of course, like friends ^^

it's hard for me to express my mind using english, but i believe i will do better and better under my practices and friends' help~

nice 2 meet u:p

having a horrible week...everything sux..:mad:

Lizard@2003-06-11 16:11

did i mentioned about the magazine? it was due yesterday.. it was pretty good actually, n' i think i should be happy that i've got rid of it finally whereas i am not.. mah group members sucks, most of 'em did nothing after all..in fact , i 'm ok with that.. but then, one of them even complained that i didn't put enough credits 4 her, something like art director/ layout editor/consultant.. what the hell did she do? she only handed in her articles which were written in class. I had to search pictures for all of their articles, i was a layout director, not photographs reseachers,Ok? so i asked her how come she wants to have the XXXX credits for not doing anything about XXXX. she was like, u can ask me to do that~~ BOSH! did she mean that it was my fault for not asking her to do it? nonsense!! I could n't even get in touch with her, she was always out until 9p.m. and that everyone knew that she wouldn't do any work even she was assigned. I don't mean it, but thatz the truth. that's totally freaky. i don't get why ppl who did nothing was complaining. I only slpet for 10 hous in 4 days, working on the magazine from scanning pictures to printing out the pages..I'd neva said a singal word.. that handed in the messy works, n' i got to edit them . otherise, we'll get level 2 or we;ll not able to finish it. I want our group to be good, if they r not able to do well, i m not capable of forcing them to do over and over again. the only way to get better marks is to do it myself.

the only thing i m happy with is that the semester almost ends. next week is exam week.neva ever work with them again.. suckers

Lizard@2003-06-11 16:16

did i mentioned about the magazine? it was due yesterday.. it was pretty good actually, n' i think i should be happy that i've got rid of it finally whereas i am not.. mah group members sucks, most of 'em did nothing after all..in fact , i 'm ok with that.. but then, one of them even complained that i didn't put enough credits 4 her, something like art director/ layout editor/consultant.. what the hell did she do? she only handed in her articles which were written in class. I had to search pictures for all of their articles, i was a layout director, not photographs reseachers,Ok? so i asked her how come she wants to have the XXXX credits for not doing anything about XXXX. she was like, u can ask me to do that~~ BOSH! did she mean that it was my fault for not asking her to do it? nonsense!! I could n't even get in touch with her, she was always out until 9p.m. and that everyone knew that she wouldn't do any work even she was assigned. I don't mean it, but thatz the truth. that's totally freaky. i don't get why ppl who did nothing was complaining. I only slpet for 10 hous in 4 days, working on the magazine from scanning pictures to printing out the pages..I'd neva said a singal word.. that handed in the messy works, n' i got to edit them . otherise, we'll get level 2 or we;ll not able to finish it. I want our group to be good, if they r not able to do well, i m not capable of forcing them to do over and over again. the only way to get better marks is to do it myself.

the only thing i m happy with is that the semester almost ends. next week is exam week.neva ever work with them again.. suckers

emb422@2003-06-12 10:30

Another day's fading away through the passage of time,
Here I am to share my feelings and thoughts of the day.
I just now started to realize the beauty of earth and the enviroment, as I enjoyed my morning ride around the area.
I rode to my school, and found out that there are still actually falculties working, it's almost 2 weeks after the last day of school!
I was facinated by the trees and grass, sunshine and clouds, and typical Floridan humid weather. Although it all seems common to most people who lived here long enough, but the authetic elements within them are always noticeble if one trys to feel the nature itself. Afterwards, I went swimming as usual, and went home for lunch.
After lunch, I realized the phone was ringing. I knew it was my friends who wanted to come over my house. I sort of wants him to be here but my other self who wants a peaceful enviroment refuesed to pick up the phone. I tried to take a nap and did some work by myself, but my friend kept on calling me. I didn't pick up. He must have thought that I wasn't home. I felt really bad knowing that my action is nothing but untruthful fraudment to my friend. So about 3 hours after the 1st call, I picked up the phone and he came to my house. I didn't tell him the truth. I told him that I went biking in the afternoon and fall asleep when I got back. I felt like that I'm deceiving myself and my friend. Anyway, we had fun, and there ends such an eventful day.

whatever@2003-06-12 11:48

最初由 emb422 发布
Hello Kami, welcome to the English thread!
It's nice to know that other people actually wants to communicate in English!
It's been a long day. I didn't wake up until 11am, and wasted most of my times watching anime...
I had a test tonight, and had to turn in a long paper that worth both a test grade AND a writing grade...
Anyway, I reviewed and finished my essay, and took the exam. I thought it was okay. Now I'm really starting to like psychology.
I'll need to plan my daytime better so I can actually put more stuff to my stupid brain, I suppose. I've got tons of stuff to learn, including SAT, psychology, History (by my own interest), Pre-Calc (borrowed book from my teacher), and summer reading (3 from English and more than 5 from AP US History).

You didn't wake up util 11:00............................gr...........................how lovely that is! That's not fair, I have to get up at 7:00, then I need to go to that boring intensive reading class, and I can't take a nap until 1:00, then I need to go to the library, I hate to be grounded.............................:( :mad:

whatever@2003-06-12 11:56

最初由 Lizard 发布
did i mentioned about the magazine? it was due yesterday.. it was pretty good actually, n' i think i should be happy that i've got rid of it finally whereas i am not.. mah group members sucks, most of 'em did nothing after all..in fact , i 'm ok with that.. but then, one of them even complained that i didn't put enough credits 4 her, something like art director/ layout editor/consultant.. what the hell did she do? she only handed in her articles which were written in class. I had to search pictures for all of their articles, i was a layout director, not photographs reseachers,Ok? so i asked her how come she wants to have the XXXX credits for not doing anything about XXXX. she was like, u can ask me to do that~~ BOSH! did she mean that it was my fault for not asking her to do it? nonsense!! I could n't even get in touch with her, she was always out until 9p.m. and that everyone knew that she wouldn't do any work even she was assigned. I don't mean it, but thatz the truth. that's totally freaky. i don't get why ppl who did nothing was complaining. I only slpet for 10 hous in 4 days, working on the magazine from scanning pictures to printing out the pages..I'd neva said a singal word.. that handed in the messy works, n' i got to edit them . otherise, we'll get level 2 or we;ll not able to finish it. I want our group to be good, if they r not able to do well, i m not capable of forcing them to do over and over again. the only way to get better marks is to do it myself.

the only thing i m happy with is that the semester almost ends. next week is exam week.neva ever work with them again.. suckers

I know how you feel, I remembered last year, I did a history project with two other girls. The project is to build a model castle. We could used stick, wood, cloth stuff like that. And those two girls are suck at building model, after all I am good at art, and I build the farm house and other stuffs pretty well. And the only thing they need to do is build a OK small castle (technically, I can't say castle, maybe a tower is more likely). But when they finished, the "castle" look like a falling tower. After all, I can't force them to build a better one, If I knew they are that bad, I would prefer do the whole project all by myself. And sometime, I feel that a project which done by myself would always better than done by group.

emb422@2003-06-13 00:42

How does it feel being grounded?
I've never been grounded yet, somehow.
You know, I have the same feelings towards group work. I am always annoyed by my groupmates' stupidity and ignorance. They become depandent on me after I gave them help. The worst thing is, they don't care at all about the work and grades, so group work to me is more like an individual work that will count for 3 or 4 grades. But I guess I have to bear with it, there are always fools around this pitiful world, and we can't do a thing about them, yet, for good or worse... For several times, my history teacher became mad at the entire class because the answers to questions are identical to severl people's, including mine...

whatever@2003-06-13 10:56

Yeah, and some time, be in a smart group also is really dangerous. Just like my older consin who is in a good college. Her teamates are as smart as her, but they are more cunning than my cousin. And the betrayed her, they turn in the project without writing her name down. So, sometime, I would prefer finish the project all by myself.

emb422@2003-06-13 14:19

It's 2 o'clock in the morning, and apparently I'm still on my computer. After my lesson tonight (I mean, last night), I excerised a little bit and then started to read school required summer reading book. It's Steinbeck's Winter of Our Discontent. I find the book quite impressive, and read 50 pages already. It tells the story of everyday Americans, but of course, in the 50s or 60s.

Lizard@2003-06-13 14:50

最初由 whatever 发布
Yeah, and some time, be in a smart group also is really dangerous. Just like my older consin who is in a good college. Her teamates are as smart as her, but they are more cunning than my cousin. And the betrayed her, they turn in the project without writing her name down. So, sometime, I would prefer finish the project all by myself.

omg! one of mah group members is like this!! !!
she is so self-centered, whenever we do anything, she always place herself to the most important position.she's so 难顶...(teach me if u guys know to say this in eng,,)..

gosh!it's alomost 3a.m. now, still i have 3 journals to do....god bless me...

n' tomorrow i mean today is the last day of school..exams exams exams are waiting 4 meT.T
Wish me luck..

whatever@2003-06-14 11:05

最初由 emb422 发布
It's 2 o'clock in the morning, and apparently I'm still on my computer. After my lesson tonight (I mean, last night), I excerised a little bit and then started to read school required summer reading book. It's Steinbeck's Winter of Our Discontent. I find the book quite impressive, and read 50 pages already. It tells the story of everyday Americans, but of course, in the 50s or 60s.

What is the author of that book. I am almost finish the book which I read currently. And I am planning to read another one, I would like to read an impressive book. Ps: do you remember any other books, which you had read are also imrpresive?

whatever@2003-06-14 11:11

Hey guys, finally that boring intensive reading class is ended. Actually is not ended yet, but considering my cousin and I have already passed every test and lessons which we did in the class, so we don't have to attend to class the rest two weeks. It's pretty sweet, finally I could sleep well, which means I don't need to wake up at 7:00am in the morning. But........that teacher require me to finish that boring exercise book in one week, and turn it in next Friday. Whatever, as long as I have enough sleeping time, any other things is meanless to me. Ps: Wish you luck Lizard in exam.

Lizard@2003-06-15 11:44

thank you so much^^

too bad!!i did nothing today.

emb422@2003-06-15 12:20

最初由 whatever 发布

What is the author of that book. I am almost finish the book which I read currently. And I am planning to read another one, I would like to read an impressive book. Ps: do you remember any other books, which you had read are also imrpresive?

The author for "The Winter of Our Discontent" is John Steinbeck, winner of Nobel Prize for Literture in 1962. He also wrote the famous "Of Mice and Men" (I didn't read it, though). He's a great writer of 20th century, I suppose. Here's some of my favorite books. First, "The Lord of the Rings", "The Hobbit", and "The Silmarillion" by J.R.R. Tolkien. I don't think I have to mention much of such great books, probably you've heard about them already. Second, "1984" and "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, They're great books that talks about the "negative utopia". Also, I like the books by Charles Dickens, especially "A Tale of Two Cities". If you like more "romantic" stories, try Jane Austin's "Pride and Prejudice" and "Sense and Sensibility" or Bronte's "Jane Eyre". Not good enough? Try Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace" or Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment". Russian literature tends to show a deeper meaning and are of great value. (I've got the books, but haven't read them because they're too long) If you're interested in "old classics", turn to Dante's "Inferno" or Shakespeare. I read "Romeo and Juliet", "Much Ado Abut Nothing", "Julius Caesar", and "King Lear". Of those, I would recommand "Julius Caesar" and "King Lear". If you like non-fictions, read some biography or some philosophy book. Plato's "Republic" is great. I'll try to read it next month.
