『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

emb422@2003-06-15 12:22

It's weekend again, everybody!
Today's been great. I didn't get up until 11, and took a nap from 3 to 5. Although I didn't really study or do anything else "useful", I went to and amusement park tonight. It's called Adventure Island, a water park right next to Busch Gardens. I loved it so much and spent 5 hours there until about 11 in the night.

emb422@2003-06-17 01:22

There's nothing much going on these days. My daily schedule's working well... I brought a new headphone and a new book yesterday. Both of them are great. (I'm broke now. The earphone cost me 30 bucks and the book 10) The book's quite interesting. It's an archaeology atlas, which's the map of ancient empires and civilizations. Although I'm not into archaeology, but I'm into history, so I think the map would help me understand a lot about the antiquity.

whatever@2003-06-17 06:00

最初由 emb422 发布

The author for "The Winter of Our Discontent" is John Steinbeck, winner of Nobel Prize for Literture in 1962. He also wrote the famous "Of Mice and Men" (I didn't read it, though). He's a great writer of 20th century, I suppose. Here's some of my favorite books. First, "The Lord of the Rings", "The Hobbit", and "The Silmarillion" by J.R.R. Tolkien. I don't think I have to mention much of such great books, probably you've heard about them already. Second, "1984" and "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, They're great books that talks about the "negative utopia". Also, I like the books by Charles Dickens, especially "A Tale of Two Cities". If you like more "romantic" stories, try Jane Austin's "Pride and Prejudice" and "Sense and Sensibility" or Bronte's "Jane Eyre". Not good enough? Try Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace" or Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment". Russian literature tends to show a deeper meaning and are of great value. (I've got the books, but haven't read them because they're too long) If you're interested in "old classics", turn to Dante's "Inferno" or Shakespeare. I read "Romeo and Juliet", "Much Ado Abut Nothing", "Julius Caesar", and "King Lear". Of those, I would recommand "Julius Caesar" and "King Lear". If you like non-fictions, read some biography or some philosophy book. Plato's "Republic" is great. I'll try to read it next month.

Thanks, I will finish the book which I read currently tonight, and check other books out in the library

whatever@2003-06-17 06:04

最初由 emb422 发布
It's weekend again, everybody!
Today's been great. I didn't get up until 11, and took a nap from 3 to 5. Although I didn't really study or do anything else "useful", I went to and amusement park tonight. It's called Adventure Island, a water park right next to Busch Gardens. I loved it so much and spent 5 hours there until about 11 in the night.

Hey, you are such a lazy sleeper, everytime you tell us your wake time time, you always like," I didn't get up until 11am." But ah.....me too........:D :D :D . Adventure Island???Sounds like pretty cool, I will go there when I have chance.

emb422@2003-06-17 10:20

I learned cooking yesterday, and tried it today. My mom was so happy about it. (although my broocli was soooooo salty, I couldn't stand it myself) I went biking in the evening today, but it started to rain... I got wet and ended up in my friend's house. So we talked a great deal about nothing.

emb422@2003-06-17 10:21

Hey, I'm the one who made the 500th messege! I feel special now!

rgm-79sp@2003-06-17 13:22


whatever@2003-06-17 21:55

Hey, hey, hey, upstair, what the heck are you talking about???And excuse me, this is an Enlish poster, please edit your poster.

emb422@2003-06-17 23:31

最初由 rgm-79sp 发布

yeah, using Chinese in an English thread would be inappropreate. (did i make a spelling error? I think i did) If you have any problem due to my "specialty" by making the 500th messege, challenge me, and we'll have a DUAL. (how's that gonna happen? I don't know, don't ask me! Maybe we'll have a "calculator fight" which I did with my friend before...)

Lizard@2003-06-18 06:44

i m so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i finished mah exams today>i'll be free in the following week~~~wooo~~~

Lizard@2003-06-19 05:33

yo````take it easy'''
i think rgm-79sp didn't read the thread from the beginning..
and..i guess he didn't come into this thread after he posted the 501 one...so he probably doesn't know what has happend after that..
i'll pm him.. it'll be fine as long as he edits it.

to em:inappropriate:p

whatever@2003-06-19 06:31

最初由 Lizard 发布
i m so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i finished mah exams today>i'll be free in the following week~~~wooo~~~

I know how you feel. I remember I slept the whole day after the exam. It's nice to have a break. I finished reading "1984", and now I am reading "Uncle Tom's Cabin". I guess maybe some of people had already read it. I plan to finish this book in 10 days, so that I could read another one.

Lizard@2003-06-19 06:35

最初由 whatever 发布

I know how you feel. I remember I slept the whole day after the exam. It's nice to have a break. I finished reading "1984", and now I am reading "Uncle Tom's Cabin". I guess maybe some of people had already read it. I plan to finish this book in 10 days, so that I could read another one.

1984...how long does it take u to finish it?

emb422@2003-06-19 10:39

How do you think of 1984?
I loved it all the way through, especially the last 4 words.
I think it reads "He loved big brother" or something.
Newspeak was quite a nice idea, I guess it's the best way to manipulating people's mind--in theory, of course.
The irony in the book was remarkable--ministry of love being that of hate, ministry of truth being that of lying, it really warns us something that might or might not happen.
Although 1984 came and passed by, the negative utopia Orwell created is unforgettable.
great piece of work.

emb422@2003-06-19 11:16

I've held another party in my house today.
It was nice, although not as many people as I hoped. There were only 6 people including me, and only 4 stayed for dinner, 3 didn't come...
But I guess it was better with fewer people. It was really quiet comparing to some of my earlier parties.
We had much fun. We discussed some subjects, (of course, influding FRENCH JOKES) and played cards. (Black Jack, I got the highest amont of money---but lost them all first)
Afterwards, we played video games.
