最初由 huaiqie 发布
hac0101@2007-05-01 20:33
引用最初由 huaiqie 发布
kilika@2007-05-01 20:48
京都真敏锐,跟着Gainax学招了taichiY@2007-05-01 21:14
引用最初由 ProjectDotHack 发布
9616777@2007-05-01 21:19
引用最初由 taichiY 发布
chongxin@2007-05-01 21:21
欢迎欢迎~·~蓝色随想@2007-05-01 21:49
原來我也是受眾很窄的其中一人了麽(摸臉)白日做梦@2007-05-01 21:54
有此方在.想不宅都难……火彩@2007-05-01 21:59
引用最初由 taichiY 发布
Re: 《幸运星》撤监督,京都的商业抄作。
wfire@2007-05-01 22:05
引用最初由 BTCON 发布
温泉豆腐@2007-05-01 22:16
This is very probably a fake inserted on the KyoAni site by vandals. Here is my reasoning:iewnus@2007-05-01 22:28
引用最初由 温泉豆腐 发布
This is very probably a fake inserted on the KyoAni site by vandals. Here is my reasoning:
1. No press release would say “because he has not reached the level of being a director yet,” as I read this one to do.
2. The announcement was posted sometime between midnight and 3am Monday morning, when staff is normally not at work.
3. Episode five will already have been completed by now.
4. The announcement opens in a small new window, unlike other announcements in the news list.
5. The announcement page was made in Adobe GoLive, using the “x-sjis” character set. The rest of the site appears to be simply in “shift_jis” and gives no creating software.
In my opinion, Lucky Star is a unique and superior show, and one of the best comedy anime I have ever seen, at a higher level of humor than all but a few other anime.
It seems to me likely that some kimo-ota, emboldened by their success over Gurren Lagen, are now turning their sights on someone else with a higher aesthetic sense than theirs.
Time will tell.
转贴。。。。。。。。。。 = =
蓝色随想@2007-05-01 22:32
引用最初由 温泉豆腐 发布
This is very probably a fake inserted on the KyoAni site by vandals. Here is my reasoning:
1. No press release would say “because he has not reached the level of being a director yet,” as I read this one to do.
2. The announcement was posted sometime between midnight and 3am Monday morning, when staff is normally not at work.
3. Episode five will already have been completed by now.
4. The announcement opens in a small new window, unlike other announcements in the news list.
5. The announcement page was made in Adobe GoLive, using the “x-sjis” character set. The rest of the site appears to be simply in “shift_jis” and gives no creating software.
In my opinion, Lucky Star is a unique and superior show, and one of the best comedy anime I have ever seen, at a higher level of humor than all but a few other anime.
It seems to me likely that some kimo-ota, emboldened by their success over Gurren Lagen, are now turning their sights on someone else with a higher aesthetic sense than theirs.
Time will tell.
转贴。。。。。。。。。。 = =
蓝色随想@2007-05-01 22:48
引用最初由 火彩 发布
该不会冲着原作去看的人很稀有吗 [/han]
sirbillk@2007-05-01 23:06
引用最初由 火彩 发布
该不会冲着原作去看的人很稀有吗 [/han]
9616777@2007-05-01 23:27
引用最初由 sirbillk 发布