『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

Lizard@2003-09-27 11:33

yo man..
i have two tests and a quiz today.! Since i have only four periods in total, this is a really tough day for me= = (the one lefted is photography)
I planed to cram the book last nite, but for some reasons my eyes didn't let open- -, so i slept at 11 something..that's too early.!! fortunately i studied for two of them the day before, so it was kinda ok...but for law= = i screwed it up.....that was so so so bad...when i handed in the test paper, i saw others writing the whole page of single space for a question...oh well, ppl in law class always write s lot= = on the other hand, i can't think of more than 2/3 page words .. i m definitly gonna get a passing level or even worse.. there are only two questions in this test, if i screwed up either of em, i''ll dddddddddie! aah~~~~~~~~~i don't like grade 12 at alllllllllllllllllllllll............

whatever@2003-09-27 12:12

最初由 雪 发布
Big mistake
Today, I got a Biology exam, I spent a lot of time of it. From 3PM to 4AM this morning. (Only spending 4 hours for sleeping)

There is a unforgiving mistake. The answer is Adhesion, but I put


THese two words are not relate each other...

Hoping I don"t have another unforgiving mistake......

btw,only god won't make mistake but god gets an A,i get an F..hahah


i work flat out the night, but it didn't work it out as i thought.

it is counter-productive to sleep late.so having more sleep is a part

of strategy of dealing with an exam...

same experience so i post again~~!

That's why I don't like biology, I had chosen IB chemistry II, instead of IB biology II. Although biology just the memorize stuffs, I never remember them exactly. lol.

whatever@2003-09-27 12:16

Man, I have so much homework this weekend. I got 5 journal with 50 quesitions, 3 essays, 1 chapter outline from AP US history, and 1 chapter outline from chemistry. And I am not going to do my math homework. Maybe there're more, cuz I always forget some homework from other classes, anyway, wish me luck.

jingwen@2003-09-27 23:29

最初由 whatever 发布
Man, I have so much homework this weekend. I got 5 journal with 50 quesitions, 3 essays, 1 chapter outline from AP US history, and 1 chapter outline from chemistry. And I am not going to do my math homework. Maybe there're more, cuz I always forget some homework from other classes, anyway, wish me luck.
We're in similar situation, and I have a job in weekend.:o :o

jingwen@2003-09-27 23:33

最初由 Lizard 发布
yo man..
i have two tests and a quiz today.! Since i have only four periods in total, this is a really tough day for me= = (the one lefted is photography)
I planed to cram the book last nite, but for some reasons my eyes didn't let open- -, so i slept at 11 something..that's too early.!! fortunately i studied for two of them the day before, so it was kinda ok...but for law= = i screwed it up.....that was so so so bad...when i handed in the test paper, i saw others writing the whole page of single space for a question...oh well, ppl in law class always write s lot= = on the other hand, i can't think of more than 2/3 page words .. i m definitly gonna get a passing level or even worse.. there are only two questions in this test, if i screwed up either of em, i''ll dddddddddie! aah~~~~~~~~~i don't like grade 12 at alllllllllllllllllllllll............
In United States, it's 11th grade more tough than 12th grade, because we have to take the college entrance tests in our junior year.:o

whatever@2003-09-28 11:54

Collect entrance test. Don't even mention it. It could also freak me out, I am so worry about it. I don't have too much time to memorize more SAT words. It always freak me out. Gr..............what do I suppose to do, I need at least more than 1270 to get bright feature and get in to UF. And now, I think I only to make up to around 1100, because of my SAT voca. is so poor. :(:(:(:(:(

Lizard@2003-09-29 01:20

最初由 jingwen 发布
In United States, it's 11th grade more tough than 12th grade, because we have to take the college entrance tests in our junior year.:o

SAT? what is the required %?
i dunno much about U.S..good luck then^^

oh,,but aren't grade 12 academic courses harder than those of grade11?:confused:

p.s.other than academic courses, we hav tests,too. for example, literacy test is part of the requirements for high school diploma.everyone must take that in order to graduate. and ppl who have not studied in english contry for last 4 or 5 years hafta take toefl or similar tests. the required scores depends.

最初由 jingwen 发布
We're in similar situation, and I have a job in weekend.

kaka..sometimes i hafta work in weekdays.

emb422@2003-09-29 08:51

I hate biology, too...
My schedule is filled with tests. I'm taking PSAT October 21st, SAT II Chinese November 1st (piece of cake), SAT II World History December 8th, and SAT I January 16th... these don't even include any competitions (math, debate, etc.) in between them. My mom's making me memorize about 150 vocabs everyday---It's HARD!

emb422@2003-09-29 09:25

Also, my mother is having too much expectations. She's hoping that I can get into a "prestigious" college. (the Ivy League? Give me a break!) I am ranked no.1 in my school, and am taking tons of AP courses. So she's pushing me in getting an "acceptable" SAT score. (to her, that's more than 1500.) And who's the victim? I don't quite know...

whatever@2003-09-30 07:07

最初由 emb422 发布
I hate biology, too...
My schedule is filled with tests. I'm taking PSAT October 21st, SAT II Chinese November 1st (piece of cake), SAT II World History December 8th, and SAT I January 16th... these don't even include any competitions (math, debate, etc.) in between them. My mom's making me memorize about 150 vocabs everyday---It's HARD!

Well, guessing I am much luckier than you. cuz my parents won't have that much money for me to go to a "prestigious" college, so that they don't make do 150 vocabs everyday. And looks like you take lot of test huh, I won't start taking SAT until Jan. 16th, and I will take ACT insteat of SAT II, after all I can not deal with so much English vocabs, ACT is more mathematic. And I got couple test too, considering I failed my FCAT reading, I am going to take it again in Oct. 7, and I am going to take a PSAT for practice at Octorber 21st too(same with your day emb422). I won't expected so much, all I want is go to a college like UF is ok for me.

whatever@2003-09-30 07:25

Well, I got a extremely bad day, that I don't even know how to tell. I can barely open my eyes in the morning, I was exhausted all weekend by doing tons of homework. Well, I understand the IB junior year is tough, all the IB students know, but it's just crap. I knew I did really bad on the math test, since I was spending all my time in AP US history and IB chemistry II, I have no time to look over my math, and I didn't even listen to the class. My math teacher was really disappointed by what I had done these couple weeks, I just feeling really bad.
And more worse, my friend mess up with my staff in the math class, that she took my lab paper that both of us didn't know until she got to the class. I was running around in the school for my whole lunch for finding my lab paper. It's lucky that someone saw my friend and she told her that she had my paper. So I find my lab paper later from my chemistry teacher. But I was being a klutz that I stabilized my math work with my lab paper, and turned them in, so I have to do my whole math work all over again tomorrow.
I just feel so bad, hopefully my tomorrow could be a little bit better. And I really don't want to do bad on the math test again, I mean although my math teacher is not a good teacher, but he put hope on me, and I really don't want to disappoint him again.

jingwen@2003-10-01 05:10

最初由 whatever 发布
Collect entrance test. Don't even mention it. It could also freak me out, I am so worry about it. I don't have too much time to memorize more SAT words. It always freak me out. Gr..............what do I suppose to do, I need at least more than 1270 to get bright feature and get in to UF. And now, I think I only to make up to around 1100, because of my SAT voca. is so poor. :(:(:(:(:(
How long are you bing here? I thought you came here longer than me. Well, as I remember UF is not a very good university, but for you it's a instate public university, so it's cheap, like I go to UT. The tuition for college is too high in U.S.:( But I still want to go to some good university, as my dream...I want to go to UC. LA, it's a very good public university in US, though it's outstate for me, so the tuition will be higher. I have to try to get high scholarship.

whatever@2003-10-02 10:49

最初由 jingwen 发布
How long are you bing here? I thought you came here longer than me. Well, as I remember UF is not a very good university, but for you it's a instate public university, so it's cheap, like I go to UT. The tuition for college is too high in U.S.:( But I still want to go to some good university, as my dream...I want to go to UC. LA, it's a very good public university in US, though it's outstate for me, so the tuition will be higher. I have to try to get high scholarship.

Well, maybe couple days longer than you as I remember. And I do want to go to some better college, but money is a big problem, and if I go to some college are out of FL, then my scholarship will all be gone, so basically I don't have to much choises. And beside, I don't want to work on 50 SAT voca. a day.
Am I a hard studier?Not quite. Am I a lazybone?Not quite either.

Lizard@2003-10-02 11:41

最初由 emb422 发布
Also, my mother is having too much expectations. She's hoping that I can get into a "prestigious" college. (the Ivy League? Give me a break!) I am ranked no.1 in my school, and am taking tons of AP courses. So she's pushing me in getting an "acceptable" SAT score. (to her, that's more than 1500.) And who's the victim? I don't quite know...

sometimes i wonder what kind of life of those geniues would br..and here i meet one...
how do u keep ur grade/? do u work rite after school/between classes/lunch time,etc....

jingwen@2003-10-03 07:11

最初由 whatever 发布

Well, maybe couple days longer than you as I remember. And I do want to go to some better college, but money is a big problem, and if I go to some college are out of FL, then my scholarship will all be gone, so basically I don't have to much choises. And beside, I don't want to work on 50 SAT voca. a day.
Am I a hard studier?Not quite. Am I a lazybone?Not quite either.
scholarship is not only bound to instate, outstate colleges and universities also can give you good deal of scholarship and financial aids.
