『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

jingwen@2003-10-11 23:58

最初由 whatever 发布

we could take those special courses or join in some special program to add your GPA, ( I am not sure what it is, but it can not add more than 0.5 for total).
sounds pretty good, it can make your GPA much higher. In my school, we don't have that furtune.:o

emb422@2003-10-13 08:03

About weighted GPA, it would be better to have more than 6. (This applies only to Florida's system, I think) The valedictorian last year got only 6.1. I'm aiming for 7.2. I just need to work on SAT stuff, since I'm already no.1 in my class.

whatever@2003-10-13 09:35

最初由 emb422 发布
About weighted GPA, it would be better to have more than 6. (This applies only to Florida's system, I think) The valedictorian last year got only 6.1. I'm aiming for 7.2. I just need to work on SAT stuff, since I'm already no.1 in my class.

wow, how come to have 6??? I thought the total is 4, and the higest is 4.5?? Did I screw anything?? Well, what you talk about the SAT stuff, it reminded me something. I have couple friends that join a special SAT class(really really expensive), and the class basically is not teach you how to memorize more SAT voca. or stuffs like that, but it teach you how to guess the right answers for different kinds of questions (of couse, it's not always works). Well guess what my friends got on their SAT scores??1400 or higher. I was just freak out. I mean they always get B and C in their reports cards, but they got a 1400 or higher in SAT???What's going on?? you know even we can get full credit on Math, but we still need to get up to 600 or higher for the English part, and we may need to work really really hard to get there. That's ridicular. I know for part of SAT, know how to guess is useful, and more important, we need to actually know those voca., how come my friends get a so high score on SAT, but a so low GPA??

Default@2003-10-13 14:43

that's strange to me?

How you can practice a good english (speaking) with Chinese?

if you want to do some good practice, just find some 'white' people to talk to.

Otherwise, just waste your time.

whatever@2003-10-14 06:38

最初由 Default 发布
that's strange to me?

How you can practice a good english (speaking) with Chinese?

if you want to do some good practice, just find some 'white' people to talk to.

Otherwise, just waste your time.

Well, it's not only about talking, the proposal for this thread is also share our foerign lives, and keep write something in English, such as diary, I write my diary here, and I would tell that I actually improve my writing a lot by only writing diary here. :rolleyes: Maybe I need to edit my first thread huh.

白狐妃@2003-10-15 19:47

So here's the brave guy who start this AMAZINGlY long thread... My eyes are poping out already....geez
(cough cough) may i introduce myself
I'm also from North America. Call me 'MEL'when you refering to me.^.^(it's all up to you)
It's my pleasure to meet you 'whatever'^.^
it's really wierd to call you in that way, cause I have to use this conjuction 'whatever' Maybe you should find a solution to that @.@
Just drop by to see what's going on. Hope you are fine.

emb422@2003-10-16 09:23

Oh really? So this thread IS long??? Only 45 pages???? And ?????
Okay, sure, I didn't make sense, did I?
It's absolutely reasonable for a neuratic like me to make such comments. After all, I am stupid, ignorant, irrational, and mad.

whatever@2003-10-16 10:44

最初由 白狐妃 发布
So here's the brave guy who start this AMAZINGlY long thread... My eyes are poping out already....geez
(cough cough) may i introduce myself
I'm also from North America. Call me 'MEL'when you refering to me.^.^(it's all up to you)
It's my pleasure to meet you 'whatever'^.^
it's really wierd to call you in that way, cause I have to use this conjuction 'whatever' Maybe you should find a solution to that @.@
Just drop by to see what's going on. Hope you are fine.

Nice to meet you MEL. Actually this thread is about one and half year old. The first time I started this thread just want a place to write my diary and practice my writing, also I really want to share my school life. And because of this thread, I made many friends suck as jingwen and emb422, and we are in the same grade too. It's great to share our study experiences too. Welcome to talk here, and makes friends

whatever@2003-10-17 12:15

Well, we got a day off tomorrow, so I got a three days weekends, however, I have a "three days weekends" homeworks too. Oh man, too much test on Monday......NO >_< especially history.....NO >_<, and I need to spend a day for my mole project........NO >_<............and I am try to get a piano, so that I could practice those songs which are going to sing in the Fall Concert, it will spend me lot of time.......NO >_<. Theremore, I need to finish my Chemistry reading, and finish those questions which might take me foreever to finish it.............NO >_<. And I need to spend many time for prepare the PSAT too.........NO >_<.

This afternoon, more than 20 poeple said "HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND !!!" to me, BUT..................."I AM GOING TO HAVE A BAD WEEKEND !!!" .......................NO >_<......................

xliz@2003-10-17 16:50

how poor, whatever...
i think no one will have a "good" weekend until the actual vacation starts... the long weekend is always followed by heaps of assignments and quiz... >__< <<--- i like this symbol~~

白狐妃@2003-10-17 17:59

最初由 emb422 发布
It's absolutely reasonable for a neuratic like me to make such comments. After all, I am stupid, ignorant, irrational, and mad.

You seemed to be a sophisticated person to me :rolleyes:

I am no beter than you guys, lots of maths work to do, plus biology, physics papers.....>__< nevertheless, doing work makes me feel satisfied....
In fact I enjoy doing them...i don't know why.
I know there's a contradiction
Can't explain in words........ Mixed feelings.....

jingwen@2003-10-18 04:53

最初由 emb422 发布
About weighted GPA, it would be better to have more than 6. (This applies only to Florida's system, I think) The valedictorian last year got only 6.1. I'm aiming for 7.2. I just need to work on SAT stuff, since I'm already no.1 in my class.
What kind of GPA scale your school is using?:eek: :eek: My school is using a 4 points scale, and if you take several AP or Honor courses, you can get one point up for these courses, because these courses are generally much harder than the regular ones.

whatever@2003-10-20 00:43

Yeasterday, I spend most of my time for finding a good piano, and shopping in the free markets I was force, and my dad was keep buying stuffs, and I was carrying at least 10 pounds for each hand for at least an hour, and my dad said, "I don't want to waste your strength, you should thank me that I didn't ask you to bring your backpack." Jeez, what kind of dad that is??
Later, we went to a piano shore on Melbourn, and there're many new and used piano there. And the lady who work there was really nice. She showed me different kind of new and used piano. And I saw couple pianos are came from our country, there're made by "Pearl River" piano factory. And that lady told me that "Pearl River" piano factory had became the biggest piano factory in the world. Isnt' that great. I knew it would, from the day I first used "Pearl River" piano (I own one when I was in China, and I had played it for 5 year, but I sold it to my uncle before I came here, pretty sad huh), I always felt that "Pearl River" is as good as "Yamaha", and one day, it would far beyond it. And I saw the one I used in China, but it's really really expensive here, it's $3889, man if in GuangZhou, it only cost a little bit more than $1000. I don't think I have that much money to buy a new piano, and those used one are either too bad or don't worth that much. The best deal is buying a digital one, but I am not sure how long it could be used (the regular one usually could be used for more than 20-30 years, even you play a lot, it could still be used for 15-20 years). And I may look for more garge sell or go online to find a cheap and good one.

QQLiza@2003-10-21 00:51


does anyone here like PopMusic (English of course)??~

I learned some spoken-english from lyrics.
(little tips for people who don't like writing)

Come on! sing it loud~! rock and roll ~!!!

emb422@2003-10-23 06:22

Rejoice at last!
The PSAT test is finally over. I have no clue how I did. (except for the math part...) I think I did okay for both verbal and writting. But, what really matter is, that I am finally free!!! (for a day or two, at least) After wasting at least 3 long weekends, I will take a break and have a party or two. (actually, my saturdays are already filled with stupid competitions...) I am so happy! (Am I really? I have to prepare for SAT II tests, and SAT I: reasoning test soon...)
