『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

whatever@2003-11-11 06:19

最初由 emb422 发布
It's such a short week.
I took SAT II Chinese last weekend, such a piece of cake...
I spent this entire week studying and doing more homework; the only intersting thing is that I played with my friends online a few days ago. Also, I went to the bookstore and brought Milton's Paradise Lost, but I don't really have that much time to read it.

Go try the IB one, those questions were like the high school or even college level for the chinese school in china(at least in GuangZhou, it wouldn't be easy), I need to spend two year to prepare for the IB Chinese exam. Gr................IB life sucks, I start to hate IB, it's sucks, especially when you have tons of tough IB teachers. Well, they're great teachers, but it's so tough on the grading. Anyway I need to go my project. Good luck everyone.

emb422@2003-11-17 10:13

I got 800 on SAT II: Chinese.

I feel so PROUD now. *just kidding*

seiyafan@2003-11-17 10:43

最初由 emb422 发布
I got 800 on SAT II: Chinese.

I feel so PROUD now. *just kidding*


whatever@2003-11-19 12:08

Gr..why does my history teacher so tough? And why does my music teacher so stupid?? Our history teacher went over two chapter in two days, and we will have a AP type of test tomorrow, and essay the next day. Noone know that he is going to do that, and we all didn't read, it sucks, and the test won't be easy, you need to read at least three or four time in order to pass the test. More worse, my stupid music teacher said that, "if you want to play the music for the concert, then you need to get ready by Thursday." Well, I didn't get the music until today, I mean what the HECK!!! You want me the play two pieces of new music perfectly in two day, and I can't spare too much time on it, considering I have to much quizes and tests. I may could get ready for that by Friday, but I will be gone to Metrotown on Friday morning, it just so stupid. This year sucks.

whatever@2003-11-27 12:09

Finally, it's the Thanks Giving break. What a great relief! But I do have ton of project and homeworks due after the break, anyway, I am going to bs my essay for the project, and pick up sometime for my outline. Whatever, it's a break, I will do some of my stuffs during the break, and forget about the homework for at least one or two days that I could spend my time with my family too.

emb422@2003-12-10 13:36

Winters approaches faster than I realized.
Few days ago, Floridian sunshine dominates the wheather... now, it can no longer stand the inevitable return of winter.

It's almost Christmas. This year is finally about to end. Many things happened this year. I do not think that I have the courage to review all the events, for the fear of pain shall struck me down...

I exempted 4 out of 7 exams, but I really didn't care about those 4 exams anyway. They are all easy, and I cannot exempt the other 3.

whatever@2003-12-10 14:32

My school had a chorus concert tonight. It was excellent. The good thing to me was I had an excellent performing on the piano; and the bad thing was my teacher didn't told me the order of the songs that we suppose to sing, so, I missed two songs that I suppose to sing.
Oh well, it's over now. But what after is terrible--my homework!!!The concert was over at 9:30, and I got home at 9:45, then I have to eat my dinner, and shower, etc. Ok, it's 10:30 now, then I start to do my homework, which it's a huge history project. Yesterday I spend three hours on the map of the battle and movement of the Civil War; and tonight I have to make a timeline chart that include all the important events that related to the Civil War, and explain it.
After that I need to read the chapters that about reconstruction, and write a essay about it.
Just like I always say: What a day!!!

emb422@2003-12-12 12:56

You are so lucky! Your history teacher actually cares about The War!!! Our teacher completely ignores the war by going though it in less than 1 class period. He said that AP exam doesn't care about wars and battles, only social issues. My study group just had a review session today... Hopefully I'll survive tomorrow's test. (It's hard, very hard...)

xtsubasa@2003-12-12 13:14

well i have no idea what's everyone talking about, so...
does it snow in any of your place? we snowed like crazy! i wish it snow more, so there is no school! >___<
anyways, g2g there is school tomorrow!

whatever@2003-12-15 06:42

最初由 xtsubasa 发布
well i have no idea what's everyone talking about, so...
does it snow in any of your place? we snowed like crazy! i wish it snow more, so there is no school! >___<
anyways, g2g there is school tomorrow!

man, I want a white christmas, but it's impossible for me and emb422, we live in Floriday, one of the hotest place in the world, it's December now, but I still feel warm here.

emb422@2003-12-15 10:46

Greetings everyone. I feel honored to make the 700th thread.

It's actually quite cold these days in Florida...
Final exams are coming up, I truly hope everyone to do well...
I am going back to China for the Christmas. Hopefully, it will be fun.

so25@2003-12-15 14:38

I think it if personal choice to post in english or not. But for me, typing english is just as natural as speaking chinese. So I perfer to do so. But for other people, I think it is depending on what you like and feel comfortable.

msn001@2003-12-16 23:00

well..guys.....that's what i wanna say...
nice chance,right?
anyway....it's pretty good .....

Marsiss@2003-12-17 01:57

I really hate typing English....nothing else,just always forgetting the spelling......I can write them correctly,but for type....

A teacher said that speaking English is just like singing a song,it's music,but not for write or type....I think we should care about that.

seiyafan@2003-12-17 04:10

Am I the only one see this thread as the "high school kids whining" thread? :D
