真草稚京@2002-05-26 14:23
杀~~~~kikiken@2002-05-26 15:38
男女主角的個性最可愛了reriko@2002-05-26 22:04
云母弥勒@2002-05-27 00:10
七宝。i like the cat
jhsieh9645@2002-05-27 06:59
sorry, short-term memory, i forget its name, but the cat is the one with multiple-tail and can become very large and attack 妖怪chmseu@2002-05-27 08:55
七宝和玲kaya@2002-05-27 09:35
七寶囉~~mingyemingye@2002-05-31 23:10
狗狗sleepflog@2002-05-31 23:48
狐狸精还是不错的罗比斯@2002-06-01 08:49
我选 七宝 啦`````zygu@2002-06-01 09:38
小铃啦,因为楼主说的是人^_^.好喜欢杀杀和乐乐feng@2002-06-01 09:44
七寶,變身前的雲母aumu@2002-06-01 10:26
七宝karoto@2002-06-01 20:17
七寶和雲母Kaede@2002-06-02 02:01
狗狗 七宝