karter@2003-06-07 10:27
看来下集有看头ikarigendou@2003-06-07 11:06
奈落真是强人啊,都这样了还好得!niederschlager@2003-06-07 14:30
何时才能看到尽头?!lanlyball@2003-06-07 16:38
为什么后面两页我看不见呀xiaer@2003-06-07 19:13
看了,希望后面的快点出oriexm@2003-06-07 19:35
THANK YOU !!!!!suyf@2003-06-07 22:54
Thank you so much!!sandoy@2003-06-08 00:10
楼主辛苦了,总算盼到了!kahochai@2003-06-08 03:16
thx popgo!!!艾莉@2003-06-08 11:11
原來出了二回呀!!蓝芸@2003-06-08 12:02
小狗就是可爱啊~~一生气就怕怕chuen@2003-06-08 13:06
I like to see Inuyasha and Kagome being together... especially when they are squable with each other....hahaha.g7yop@2003-06-08 13:41
thx u for sharing, download in progressbbhiro82@2003-06-08 16:48
Thanks for the inu .lianhuimin@2003-06-09 22:56