最初由 JanusWang 发布
I'm thinking about a very important thing: how about asking Areal to sing a song?
Anybody agree with this idea, please raise your hand
JanusWang@2005-01-11 07:34
I'm thinking about a very important thing: how about asking Areal to sing a song?Novia@2005-01-11 08:34
举手举手~~~~~举双手~~~~~~~~~~~~~lol~~~~~~~~~~~L.Lynn@2005-01-11 10:15
引用最初由 JanusWang 发布
I'm thinking about a very important thing: how about asking Areal to sing a song?
Anybody agree with this idea, please raise your hand
雨过天晴@2005-01-11 10:29
舉手!!舉手!!舉手!!!!!!Blanche@2005-01-11 22:58
引用最初由 JanusWang 发布
I'm thinking about a very important thing: how about asking Areal to sing a song?
Anybody agree with this idea, please raise your hand
myrion@2005-01-13 07:58
引用最初由 Blanche 发布
引用最初由 Blanche 发布
i guess he is in hongkong now~
JanusWang@2005-01-13 09:48
安安阿,不要替他唱啊,告诉他,这里大大小小都等着他唱呢,好歹出个声音啊Angelgirl@2005-01-13 13:27
后天就要考试啦,本来想录好一点的拿来....现在只有拿试唱的啦-_-~~~~Lizard@2005-01-15 10:38
过几个小时,电台有好东西听JanusWang@2005-01-15 11:28
星期六早上6点again,我打死也不起床的,等着下在录音把Lizard@2005-01-16 14:38
第一轮活动在漫游电台的周六八点档的节目中落下帷幕~要放鞭炮庆祝~~JanusWang@2005-01-16 16:59
安安牛死了!霸王哆啦@2005-01-16 17:49
还要现安装real.....Blanche@2005-01-16 19:46
...昨天偶刚好被同学叫去搬家很不幸的没听到现场啊!T_____Trek137@2005-01-17 02:22