最初由 FallenAngel 发布
老美可以听懂 70%
whatever@2002-10-25 09:26
but the foreign idioms are no longer than Chinese one. And you can't explain by just reading the words. such piece of cake, meaning very simple, such as touch wood mean forget what I just said. There're many such example, but Chinese one,many time you just read the words can understand what the idiom mean are.fujima6744@2002-10-26 01:18
呵 呵sandra@2002-10-26 04:29
引用最初由 FallenAngel 发布
老美可以听懂 70%
whatever@2002-10-26 09:04
引用最初由 fujima6744 发布
呵 呵
大 家 还 在 讨 论 啊
我 前 些 日 子 才 考 了 PSAT
哈 哈 , 虽 然 我 听 说 都 没 问 题
词 汇 还 是 小 得 可 怜
总 之 , 呵 呵 , 语 言 那 部 分 成 绩 是 不 会 高 滴
能 听 能 说 能 写 不 代 表 你 能 考 好 SAT噢
美 国 人 如 果 不 喜 欢 看 书 的 话 也 考 不 好
Arael@2002-10-26 09:54
引用最初由 whatever 发布
myrion@2002-10-26 10:12
引用最初由 Arael 发布
You can buy an SAT vocab book.
I think I bought a book with 2XX words at that time and it did improve my score.
I think some people even study those books with more than 1000 words.
I think a popular one is "Word Smart".
lnxnggng@2002-10-27 23:41
it took me a while, 'cauz the school i went to was a Chinese school, most people speak chinese there.whatever@2002-10-28 01:10
Well, first, I didn't buy the book, I borrowed from library, and I also borrowed a computer program of SAT&ACT from my friend. That computer program really help lot, but unfortunate, I CD-ROM often strike, so sometime I just can use the book.nasnec@2002-10-28 02:35
hahah.. talking about books...fujima6744@2002-10-29 06:01
呵 呵 , WHATEVERsandra@2002-10-29 06:37
there is no easy trick to increase your vocabuary. Just try to read more and practice a lot, and then you will suddenly figure out that your English is improving and your vocabuary is expanding...gunan81@2002-10-30 10:32
没有个人都不一样,有的1年,有的几年也不行whatever@2002-10-30 12:01
引用最初由 fujima6744 发布
咱 俩 是 同 命 相 连
好 好 努 力 考 好 SAT吧
呜 ~~~~
nasnec@2002-10-30 12:15
引用最初由 whatever 发布
TOT , 嗯,我会很努力的背单词的, 加油 @^_^@(可怕的SAT...........)
whatever@2002-10-31 08:57
But GRE is not necessary for FL, and we just got to take SAT or ACT.