最初由 fallingpowerg4 发布
Anyway, this thread is rotten, if you have further help request you can send me a personal message.
Numerous lame ppl including a board moderator had taken camp in this thread, things are getting out of control.
chen37106@2007-06-01 20:01
此帖已经被我当成moedan了povder@2007-06-01 20:02
I have mistaken Peter Skrzynecki you mentioned with other Peter Skrzynecki. The one you were talking about lives in Australia, the one I was, lives in Poland ;)cys_pitaten@2007-06-01 20:02
这帖子看的我喷了,外国友人的求助帖大家也搅……霸王哆啦@2007-06-01 20:02
引用最初由 fallingpowerg4 发布
Anyway, this thread is rotten, if you have further help request you can send me a personal message.
Numerous lame ppl including a board moderator had taken camp in this thread, things are getting out of control.
血天使@2007-06-01 20:03
引用最初由 三味线 发布
Hermes616@2007-06-01 20:04
Mr povder:fallingpowerg4@2007-06-01 20:06
引用最初由 霸王哆啦 发布
u looks much more like a moderator than i am huh?:D
霸王哆啦@2007-06-01 20:07
引用最初由 fallingpowerg4 发布
You let yourself rot and dropped below the civilian level, that's what happened.
I'm just reminding you this is far from a place to seek humor. Get back to your job kid.
cys_pitaten@2007-06-01 20:09
二位,不用这样吧,用中文战不行么,让别人笑话么……lovelymanzzh@2007-06-01 20:09
引用最初由 povder 发布
I used isohunt.com to download chinese fansubs. I don't really remember what I typed in google ;)
kircheis_0@2007-06-01 20:09
引用最初由 霸王哆啦 发布
good god!what a chinglish~!
fallingpowerg4@2007-06-01 20:10
引用最初由 霸王哆啦 发布
good god!what a chinglish~!
霸王哆啦@2007-06-01 20:10
好好的跨国交友帖就被这样搅了~失望~kircheis_0@2007-06-01 20:11
天气热....开空调....chen37106@2007-06-01 20:11