『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

captain@2002-10-29 06:22

i guess we're not sidetracked
since the first msg of this thread says we can talk about anything as long as it's in english
if u want to post a new thread for ppl who are "interested in managing this board", go ahead~ i'll join u there for sure~

Arael@2002-10-29 06:41

最初由 captain 发布
i guess we're not sidetracked
since the first msg of this thread says we can talk about anything as long as it's in english
if u want to post a new thread for ppl who are "interested in managing this board", go ahead~ i'll join u there for sure~

I guess sandra means that we should not discuss such issues in English...
Maybe we can all continue our discussions in kiasushou's thread.

myrion@2002-10-29 10:10

hi guys, forgive me for joining this discussion so late~~

i think the process between group talking or discussing is more interesting and meaningful for us to care about. if we do not insist on this resultless topic, let's start a new one. ok??

of course, it should stand firmly without "absoluate correct" grammar at first. it's just a free talk, not a exam. all we have to do is let every one joining this talk have more chances to practice writing. no one here has authority to ask others correct his sucky grammars. that's my opinion:):)

Arael@2002-10-29 10:31

It's so hard to avoid grammatical mistakes...
I think English just has a stupid grammar that is full of random rules. Well, I heard some other European languages are even worse... any comments?
I guess Chinese's grammar might be more logical than these latin-based languages? I wonder if any member here is not a native Chinese speaker.....

myrion@2002-10-29 10:39

hoho i agree~~
even americans speak random english, who cares??
to talk is one thing, to write is another:):)

whatever@2002-10-29 12:06

最初由 kiasushou 发布
the quality is in deed important..................
yet now there is no board master to handle the task.
and this board is just like being isolated hoho.
hard to merge with other board.

yeah, you're right, we got to have a board master to handle the task, so why don't we just hold a vote, that choose one more board master?

whatever@2002-10-29 12:16

最初由 dummy 发布

Oh, the irony....:p

'suck' is a verb not an adjective you ignoramus.
The correct saying would be:
"your grammar sucks"
"your grammar is sucky"

You are not qualified to judge.

BTW I think the only one who is actually trying to show off is you, @pple. Being pedantic is fine, but at least do it in a dignified manner, get it?

Pal, please don't mind me to break your richly imagination, she was talking about me, she said my grammer is suck, not you, pal. Anyhow, everybody like to show off, so, just let she do whatever she want, we have no right to disturb her business. Forget about it, just have the free talk. (I knew my grammar is sucky :D )
Tomorrow, our chorus will have a show, wish me luck. :)

kiasushou@2002-10-29 13:25

最初由 whatever 发布

yeah, you're right, we got to have a board master to handle the task, so why don't we just hold a vote, that choose one more board master?


so now there are few people notice this board has no one to handle.......but if anyone would like to be the board master, please do volunteer yourself to the admistrator and other board master.
You need to carry out a plan ,way of improve on this board so that people will come in and sharing their precious experience and suggestion in this board. If you are willing to do so, I would like to be the person who recommend and support you.........hoho.:p

and PS. to Whatever ,hope good luck and have a great performance by your chorus:D

captain@2002-10-29 13:39

最初由 myrion 发布
of course, it should stand firmly without "absoluate correct" grammar at first. it's just a free talk, not a exam. all we have to do is let every one joining this talk have more chances to practice writing. no one here has authority to ask others correct his sucky grammars. that's my opinion:):)

i don't agree /w you....
many people want to practice writing by posting eng threads here. if people with better english are not allowed to correct others' garmmar mistakes, how can they improve their english?
i think it's not a bad thing to tell others the mistakes they've made....
we're smart enough to know who's "teaching" and who's "showing off"~ actually i dun mind to see anyone shows off his english, as long as none of us here can find a single mistake from what he wrote~

kiasushou@2002-10-29 13:52

最初由 captain 发布

i don't agree /w you....
many people want to practice writing by posting eng threads here. if people with better english are not allowed to correct others' garmmar mistakes, how can they improve their english?
i think it's not a bad thing to tell others the mistakes they've made....
we're smart enough to know who's "teaching" and who's "showing off"~ actually i dun mind to see anyone shows off his english, as long as none of us here can find a single mistake from what he wrote~

For the purpose of correcting grammer.....I am though of changing the mind of forming the sentences in your brain....as we tend to use mandarin to manipulate and translate to english....in the end you will find lots of strange word formation. If you want to write english, think in english manner so that you won;t add any mandarin grammer inside.

Just the general comment which is always seen but hard to implement....hoho

captain@2002-10-29 14:05

hahaha~ what u said is exactly the same thing my teacher told me few yrs ago~ anyway... i dun "think in chinese and write in english", i usually write directly in english without thinking.....
btw, hv u considered to be the board master here?
dun be SHY, tell me honestly~~~

kiasushou@2002-10-29 14:10

最初由 captain 发布
hahaha~ what u said is exactly the same thing my teacher told me few yrs ago~ anyway... i dun "think in chinese and write in english", i usually write directly in english without thinking.....
btw, hv u considered to be the board master here?
dun be SHY, tell me honestly~~~

.....I have never though of doing the board master....and I am only free to visit popgo one more month.After that i will be going for industrial attachment. in the end just another board master disappear like BitByte , hoho. That's why i am hoping of someone to volunteer and I will fully support him till the end of this year......

Lizard@2002-10-29 15:27

Ms.@pple, u r quite shameless about sayin' such words 2 others. n' i hope u'll self-criticize wut u've done.

firstly, YOU dunt seem to understand da purpose of da thread which whatever made. dunt u no wut "suggestion" mean? no one force u do n'ething.
2ndly, ur statement n' ur behaviour r inconsistently. u strongly object 2 wut others suggest u 2 do.u deeply believe dat noone can force u do n'ything, ur so-called democracy,eh? if u dunt hav a clearly meaning of it, u'd betta take da basic civic coures seriously. On the other hand, u dunt let da people who still hav lower level skill to speak English.---"if you really want to chat in English, plz make sure that you know how to use it."---having say that,u dunt hav rights 2 force others,either.
thirdly,ur personality doesnt catch up with ur english skill.Obviously,u treat whatever with disdain. Even a perfect english speaker cannot hav such idea, itz deplorable! u dunt hav to look big, caz everyone is equal.

Hopefully, u 'll finally get the idea.

Arael@2002-10-29 15:51

最初由 captain 发布

i don't agree /w you....
many people want to practice writing by posting eng threads here. if people with better english are not allowed to correct others' garmmar mistakes, how can they improve their english?
i think it's not a bad thing to tell others the mistakes they've made....
we're smart enough to know who's "teaching" and who's "showing off"~ actually i dun mind to see anyone shows off his english, as long as none of us here can find a single mistake from what he wrote~

Well, I guess it's okay to point out others' mistakes politely. I think that myrion just meant that we should continue this dicussion despite that most of us make mistakes. But I agree that it will be useful to improve our English by finding each others' grammatical mistakes. We can just do so politely :)

" actually i dun mind to see anyone shows off his english, "
" actually i dun mind seeing anyone showing off his english, "
Any comments? I'm not very sure too...:P

By the way, Lizard sounds like a native English speaker?! :)

Arael@2002-10-29 16:00

最初由 kiasushou 发布

.....I have never though of doing the board master....and I am only free to visit popgo one more month.After that i will be going for industrial attachment. in the end just another board master disappear like BitByte , hoho. That's why i am hoping of someone to volunteer and I will fully support him till the end of this year......

haha, I wonder if BitByte will read this some day. :P
Well, among the posters in the thread, myrion is the most senior one :P She was a board master in the ftp section. We can invite her to overlook this board :)
