『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>An English thread, hope every ..

An English thread, hope everybody enjoy it

whatever@2002-10-24 08:42

I suggest , in this paster( just this one), let's talk in English ,don't tall Chinese. Well, maybe that's a little bit unfair, but I think, not all the people in here are good in English , some of us are still suck. So, we gotta practice and pratice. Well you may care about the gramma or the spelling, here is what my English and my French teacher said to me, "you don't need to care about gramma, you just practice, practice practice. Language is like music, the more you practice, the more you improve. Do you care about the gramma when you're a baby and you were learning how to talk?"

So, forget about the gramma, just talk whatever you want. And we also could share our school lives here, or you would write your diary here(just like me), you could complain here, and it's cool to keep writing something in English, that actually could improve your writing a lot.

kiasushou@2002-10-24 18:05

i dun think so,you can post english wutever,actually it is ok for all to post dif languagebut the problem is only whether your posting is readable and view by most of the ppl here. you cannot restrict the language of the posting in the forum channel,as its main purpose is to share anime events and relevant stuff among ppl.

standoffish@2002-10-25 01:08

Do you mean you want to enforce a English-only policy in this entire section? Not all foreign Chinese speak English you know.. some speak Japanese
Whatever, I will just write in whatever language as I please.

By the way, for future reference:
版 = section
帖 = thread
討論區 = forum


kiasushou@2002-10-25 05:00

or if you may apply for a top listed thread for just speaking english also. In this way we may also need to cater the japanese language, malay, indonesia, thailand, spanish, france, german ......?

whatever@2002-10-25 09:03

Well,first this just a personal suggestion(don't tell me you don't know what suggestion mean is) not enforce.
second, most the foreign Chinese in a foreign country which speak English.
third, this just the free talk in English.Think about it , many foreign Chineses' English still suck,(maybe one of the reason is they have many Chinese around them, so they can still speak Chinese)and they want to learn and pratice more, but even the forergn Chinese who can speak English well still ues Chinese to speak with them , how can their English advance?I just hope to give everyboby who want to learn more English a chance.NO OTHER PLACE have as many foreign Chinese as here so far.
Forth, If you or others think make some other special thread for other foreign language is good,then go ahead, every body have right to do it.

captain@2002-10-25 14:02

it's not a bad idea to learn english by typing and reading it
but i have to point out one thing. how do you know what we're typing is in correct format, grammar and spelling? we're not english teachers, even teachers make mistakes. learning from a 'not-so-good' english speaker won't improve your english, it'll just confuse you. here may not be a good place for you to learn english.

神威@2002-10-25 14:29

may be it is a good idea, however i want to practice in English of toefl! who could help me? ^^ sure that we have the grammar mistake,so we must do more practice! that is ok! we can try it! go go go!

@pple@2002-10-25 14:47

your grammer is suck:(

@pple@2002-10-25 15:01

To whatever: if you really want to chat in English, plz make sure that you know how to use it. You've got so many grammer mistakes that I personally think it is a shame of you to show off here. A good ESL grammer book would be helpful, such as "The BedFord" by Diana Hacker. By the way, there is still a chance for you to finish the TOEFL without guessing answers.
PS: if you don't get it, I can repost it in the Chinese version. It's up to you.

@pple@2002-10-25 15:13

Je deteste ton anglais.

captain@2002-10-26 01:47

@pple, u should show respect for others.....
his grammar is poor, so do i
that's why he requested us to type in eng so he can improve it
i think u dun like someone to tell u 'ur spelling sux, u dun even know how to spell "grammar" correctly', rite?
from what i read from u "if you don't get it, I can repost it in the Chinese version.", dun u think the one showing off is u urself?

oh btw, i dunno what's the meaning of ur last msg. is it french?
can u tell me the meaning? if so, plz tell me in eng or chinese~
u know, i'm so SUCK to understand that~~

whatever@2002-10-26 08:52

最初由 @pple 发布
To whatever: if you really want to chat in English, plz make sure that you know how to use it. You've got so many grammer mistakes that I personally think it is a shame of you to show off here. A good ESL grammer book would be helpful, such as "The BedFord" by Diana Hacker. By the way, there is still a chance for you to finish the TOEFL without guessing answers.
PS: if you don't get it, I can repost it in the Chinese version. It's up to you.

Well, first I gotta point it out, maybe you still don't understand why I made this thread, because I am one of the person who speak English suck( and I was not show off) and I also is one of the person who have many Chinese around me,so I know how the other foreign Chinese think and wish.The point is we gotta perform our English,and we want help. @pple, I think you can understand too, think about while you just came to the foreign country, did you ever feel happy when you meet a foreign Chinese who can speak English well? I really happy when I see this section of popgo, because I met you guys, foreign Chinese.
When I knew that many foreign Chinese just like me, I decided to made this thread, because we can perform out English, ( well I should say we speak English suck here, nobody laugh at you, but in school, that is different, if you speak English suck, many body don't want to speak with you , and some evil would laugh at you.That 's what I suffered. I knew some other foreign Chinese also suffered what I suffered. @pple or other foreign Chinese who can speak English well, could you kindly help us, please. Well just do our best.
By the way @pple, you knew I made many grammer mistake,please point them out , and correct me , thank you very much. let's be a friend.

@pple@2002-10-26 10:08

well, you can do whatever you want, but you've got no rights to tell me what i "should" do, Mr. Captain. Since i'm not your crew, i bet that i don't have to follow your order, huh? Alas, as i said it was up to "him" for translation, then it should have nothing to do with you, dearest Mr. Captain. by the way, are you from US? u have American style of "warm-hearted".

captain@2002-10-26 12:15

"warm-hearted"??? hahaha thx for admiring me~ XD
did i order u? let see..... oh i think i didn't~
btw do i really hv no right to tell what u should do?
hohohoh~ u're just so funny~~~~
u should sleep, u should eat~ come on~ stop me from saying 'u should'~~~ as u hv rite not to do it, i hv rite to say it
of cuz it's not my business for the translation, but....
as u said i'm just so WARM-HEARTED(thx again~), i can't ignore anything that i think is wrong.
i'm not from us, and that's not "American style of warm-hearted", that's called humanity.

nasnec@2002-10-27 10:13

this thread would be a good place to practise our english...
geez.. i seldom talk in english even i came to US... ^^||
