最初由 xzm 发布
zrliang@2004-10-05 12:03
作者搞复古Denny_S@2004-10-08 09:57
这次看得偶莫名其妙.....无语中kikobull@2004-10-08 12:46
想转换风格?强少爷@2004-10-08 19:21
引用最初由 xzm 发布
橘子酱忍者@2004-10-08 21:23
哈哈,楼主说的极是,没有原来的感觉了mikekyd@2004-10-08 23:04
偶才不管那么多呢,只要顶圣斗士名号的哪怕挂羊头卖狗肉都看~stark@2004-10-10 11:22
the story seems not that interesting.. even though focus seiya is trandition on this anime but the other four characters also important and way cooler than seiya.. just figure why they been defeated so easily..seekuface@2004-10-10 13:46
感觉上不如冥王篇好……gemini22g@2004-10-12 10:04
只有正道(漫画动画化)的才会关注,圣的原创动画,尤其是movie实在是看不下去。。。(北欧篇的例外)gp01gp02@2004-10-12 18:10