最初由 cross8 发布
never believe that that was a real ep 28... seems that fact has prove me wrong.. hope can dl it . anyone got the BT links? raw is fine
TiTi@2003-10-27 12:48
正等著出中文字幕版呢DKF90@2003-10-27 18:06
哇~~放出图片来吊我们的胃口。。noir-eve@2003-10-27 18:11
恳求reseed~~~~snailium@2003-10-27 21:15
引用最初由 cross8 发布
never believe that that was a real ep 28... seems that fact has prove me wrong.. hope can dl it . anyone got the BT links? raw is fine
snailium@2003-10-27 21:17
引用最初由 greatmax 发布
秋水无痕@2003-10-27 21:58
啊,28都出了啊,我这里只有27^C^@2003-10-27 23:26
27 28 是接在.hack//sign 後面的吗 !?落人@2003-10-28 00:11
想看呢 希望有字幕组会作呢Tobala@2003-10-28 08:10
好想看啊 >.<, 希望快點有字幕版的~UEI@2003-10-28 08:57
很是期等啊!漫遊不如做一下字幕!讓大家解解饞也好.雖然我的花幣也不少,但從來沒有花過.梦风铃@2003-10-28 16:53
55555555……都看到28啦,我还在看11呢!kuma@2003-10-28 22:41
27偶刚才看完,28下了还未有信心去征服伟大的RAW.......kuma@2003-10-28 22:44
顺便再重提下legend003@2003-10-28 22:53
夸张!好多我没看啊。Aira@2003-10-28 23:12
感觉没有播TV那段时间的兴奋了, 始终对完结篇的热度都会下降. 结束了嘛