最初由 yujiacyl 发布
abbc@2009-10-27 07:12
1 火影忍者 第46卷 US$9.99波少@2009-10-27 07:26
看来美国佬对萌系没有多大兴趣abbc@2009-10-27 07:35
喜欢萌系的人大多数也喜欢猫,美国的主流是狗派。。。yujiacyl@2009-10-27 07:37
吸血鬼与十字架不就是萌系么,美国佬还是喜欢吸血鬼题材啊,占了三个ZATE@2009-10-27 07:40
MD2的萝莉理论即将破产coud26@2009-10-27 08:35
就猜到第一是火影蛋疼娘@2009-10-27 09:23
2 吸血鬼与十字架 第9卷 US$9.99····临界线@2009-10-27 09:52
引用最初由 yujiacyl 发布
abbc@2009-10-27 10:06
引用最初由 临界线 发布
是肉系吧 怎么就算萌系了?
临界线@2009-10-27 10:13
引用最初由 abbc 发布
日系作品多少带些萌元素。就像TO LOVE RU,卖萌和卖肉各占一半。纯粹的肉系要像美漫那样的,包括肌肉男。。。
abbc@2009-10-27 10:24
引用最初由 临界线 发布
你也说了 日系作品多少带些萌元素 但不能说带萌元素就是萌系啊 那还怎么分类
cyberalogo@2009-10-27 10:30
铳梦也才排第八名而已……云梦华@2009-10-27 10:37
5 Vampire Kisses 第3卷 US$9.99abbc@2009-10-27 10:40
引用最初由 云梦华 发布
5 Vampire Kisses 第3卷 US$9.99
引用Vampire Kisses is a series of books written by Ellen Schreiber with consist of Vampire Kisses, Vampire Kisses II: Kissing Coffins, Vampire Kisses III: Vampireville, Vampire Kisses IV: Dance With A Vampire, Vampire Kisses V: Coffin Club and the new instalment in the series, Vampire Kisses VI: Royal Blood, which came out May 19, 2009. The series itself revolves around the relationship of a goth girl named Raven Madison and her vampire boyfriend Alexander Sterling and the conflicts they must overcome to stay together."
There is also a manga series written by Ellen Schreiber, drawn by Rem and published by Tokyopop, called Vampire Kisses: Blood Relatives. There are three out so far. The manga follows Raven and Alexander trying to have a peaceful relationship but like always something comes in-between, in the manga series, that would be Alexander's half vampire, half human, sexy, trouble making cousin, Claude Sterling, and his posse of fellow half breeds, Kat, Rocco and Tripp.
abbc@2009-10-27 10:43