『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>>___< Cambridge... I ..

毛毛@2005-01-17 23:54

啊咧 被OXBRIDGE录取的未必一定很强啊 被REJECT的也未必差啊
偶这边有2个上了OXFORD 2个去了CHAMBRIDGE 不过其中有个拿CHAMBRIDGE就是属於很普通很普通的学生 纯粹就是INTERVIEW的时候好运气遇到好的TOPIC而已
偶也在想要不要REAPPLY咧 不过中国人在这边考MEDICINE好难啊 他们喜欢非洲贫民国家的学生多点咧 考虑放弃中 = = ||||||||

星火联谊@2005-01-18 11:43


seiyafan@2005-01-19 03:04

Physics (13)
Chemistry (7)
Physiology or Medicine (6)
Literature (1)
Peace (1)
Economic Sciences (3)

But still, there is no Nobel prize given to "Asia and Africa Studies" major anywhere on earth, so it's hard to judge based on this fact.

Btw, Chariots of Fire is a great film, get it if you can.

jingwen@2005-01-20 15:40

I think the acceptance rate is still very high over there in Cambridge according to the second thread(3500/15000=23%). Stanford has a 11% acceptance rate, and MIT 14%. I got deferred from MIT last month, I was very dissappointed just like u, and I have to wait till March for the final answer, but I don't think I have much chance left now. pray I get into Stanford or Cornell~~or otherwise I have to go to U of Texas at Austin, where I really don't want to go.

风之阡陌@2005-01-20 16:56

Huu = =||

Good luck for you then, jingwen.. by the way, which course have you applied for?

neofreestyler@2005-01-20 21:51

I'm kinda blur about how good the school/uni is~~All I know is:

Don't push urself too hard. Everyway leads to Rome~~What you have lost today may be the cause of ur success tmr.

Don't be too sad about a small failure in ur life. Tell yourself you have tried hard and those who did not choose you were just missed a big big block of gold.

Forget all the sad things. And have a good chinese new year.
It is a brand new year and tmr is always a good day.

Good luck in new days.

蓝发夹@2005-01-21 06:08

TO 蓝发夹:
The systerm of Cambridge could be different from your one, because someone in my school did receive offers through the second interview (the pool). It's just I'm not good enough for them to give me a place in other colleges.

However I do agree with you... British people always try to "sound good"...


jingwen@2005-01-22 17:10

最初由 风之阡陌 发布
Huu = =||

Good luck for you then, jingwen.. by the way, which course have you applied for?
I applied for Electrical Engineering, but I probably will change it to pre-law, coz I'm not really that like enineering~~I dunno what I should major in……

hans@2005-01-23 10:32


前两天偶有一个同学拿到了,上面写overseas students的学费是20000GBP啊……………………(不包括accommodation,说是有8000多tuition,2000多college fee,还有个什么senior tutor fee 差不多1w……)光3年学费就要100万RMB啊……真是狠……


jingwen@2005-01-27 04:38

The tuition for American private college is usually around $29000, the whole college expense is more than $40000. Even u are going to a out-of-state public U, the expense still will mount to around $39000 each year.
and what I am talking about here is only for domestic students, not even international students.....

Lizard@2005-01-27 04:45

最初由 jingwen 发布
The tuition for American private college is usually around $29000, the whole college expense is more than $40000. Even u are going to a out-of-state public U, the expense still will mount to around $39000 each year.
and what I am talking about here is only for domestic students, not even international students.....
US colleges hav a lot of fundingsssssssssssssss.........T^T

chungkarma@2005-02-01 22:40

AWWWW...u shouldn't cry
Cambridge's people are MAD!
They may be clever but they are crazy and NO fun -_-

Ayanaly@2005-02-05 16:02

最初由 jingwen 发布
I applied for Electrical Engineering, but I probably will change it to pre-law, coz I'm not really that like enineering~~I dunno what I should major in……

Oh,from EE to law, that is a big move. I think you are talent. :)
What is you undergraduate background? Did you get the degree in a US Univ.?
I was rejected by MIT and now I am waiting for Cornell and Northwastern

小慕容@2005-02-06 02:14

so sorry to see that~~~ 偶灭发言权,只希望阡陌桑表因此一蹶不振,还想听你的歌呢~~~~

TO 蓝发夹:你不回来啦????

jihaichuansy@2005-02-06 03:46

