drix@2003-10-12 13:02
哪有第1集下啊?看看怎么个难看:)icewind82@2003-10-12 13:05
看完了,嘿嘿~inuyasya@2003-10-12 13:53
我也看完了~覺得比第一集好看~slconan@2003-10-12 14:04
想看但没空看啊~Satanf@2003-10-12 15:44
冒着危险下来看看peianiz@2003-10-12 16:39
好奇中...下來看看~ 有趣有趣...WINGtan@2003-10-12 23:20
充满幻想啊,哈哈哈,下来看看先~cross8@2003-10-13 00:58
its really not that bad, just take the example of you are under arrest live action, both of them are quite good and remain quite original to the story except the cast, and signs of it getting better is therezqf@2003-10-13 09:51
真的没有字幕组在做?ilbzv@2003-10-13 10:15
唉…現在都是幫別人下的…库洛洛@2003-10-13 11:59
最近胃不舒服,DOWN一集来呕呕apriltsa@2003-10-13 12:06
嘩...............玩不够@2003-10-13 14:35
已经在下了,第一集在那亚?也想瞧瞧yiliang_ling@2003-10-13 18:34
没有种子~~~~~~~~~~可恶!~binone@2003-10-13 19:19