『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>今天终于把向某所日 ..

kakashi@2005-01-12 14:28

Congratulations!. ^^

老几@2005-01-15 09:28


standoffish@2005-01-16 03:48

最初由 Lizard 发布

不只是卧虎藏龙, 海外版簡直是elitist
也不出奇, 能出國讀書家境也不會差吧

樓主congrats了, 可以在世界上最先進的兩個國家留學的確是難得的事..

Harmatia@2005-01-16 06:19

最初由 standoffish 发布
不只是卧虎藏龙, 海外版簡直是elitist
也不出奇, 能出國讀書家境也不會差吧

I know you didn't mean anything negative by that comment, but I just want to clarify...since I started this thread and all.

In my personal case, I came from a very regular family in China with no "connections". My parents borrowed money to come to U.S. nine years ago and started from zero knowing very little English.

My family was quite poor when I went to high school----we worked in a laundromat and sometimes we picked up clothes our customers had thrown away, washed them, and wore them ourselves. My senior prom dress cost $60 and my mother wanted to return it to the store after the prom night because we couldn't really afford it. On FAFSA, my family's expected yearly contribution to my college expenses was like $40.

Through a combination of hard work, luck, enterprise and kindness of others, my family has been able to prosper in recent years. Even though I have a sometimes difficult relationship with my parents, it doesn't take away my enormous respect for them on this account. That's why I wrote this reply, because I don't want people reading this thread thinking my parents are like the parents of those LV and Prada girls.

Thank you.

L.Lynn@2005-01-16 06:24

最初由 Harmatia 发布

I know you didn't mean anything negative by that comment, but I just want to clarify...since I started this thread and all.

In my personal case, I came from a very regular family in China with no "connections". My parents borrowed money to come to U.S. nine years ago and started from zero knowing very little English.

My family was quite poor when I went to high school----we worked in a laundromat and sometimes we picked up clothes our customers had thrown away, washed them, and wore them ourselves. My senior prom dress cost $60 and my mother wanted to return it to the store after the prom night because we couldn't really afford it. On FAFSA, my family's expected yearly contribution to my college expenses was like $40.

Through a combination of hard work, luck, enterprise and kindness of others, my family has been able to prosper in recent years. Even though I have a sometimes difficult relationship with my parents, it doesn't take away my enormous respect for them on this account. That's why I wrote this reply, because I don't want people reading this thread thinking my parents are like the parents of those LV and Prada girls.

Thank you.


Are you a good looking girl?

that's what I really care about^.^''

Harmatia@2005-01-16 06:25

最初由 L.Lynn 发布


Are you a good looking girl?

that's I really care about^.^''

I don't care what you really care about. :p

L.Lynn@2005-01-16 06:26

最初由 Harmatia 发布

I don't care what you really care about. :p

But I really do care about what you don't

care :p

Harmatia@2005-01-16 06:28

Then we agree to disagree.


vivitar@2005-01-16 10:35


standoffish@2005-01-16 12:17

最初由 Harmatia 发布

I know you didn't mean anything negative by that comment, but I just want to clarify...since I started this thread and all.

In my personal case, I came from a very regular family in China with no "connections". My parents borrowed money to come to U.S. nine years ago and started from zero knowing very little English.

My family was quite poor when I went to high school----we worked in a laundromat and sometimes we picked up clothes our customers had thrown away, washed them, and wore them ourselves. My senior prom dress cost $60 and my mother wanted to return it to the store after the prom night because we couldn't really afford it. On FAFSA, my family's expected yearly contribution to my college expenses was like $40.

Through a combination of hard work, luck, enterprise and kindness of others, my family has been able to prosper in recent years. Even though I have a sometimes difficult relationship with my parents, it doesn't take away my enormous respect for them on this account. That's why I wrote this reply, because I don't want people reading this thread thinking my parents are like the parents of those LV and Prada girls.

Thank you.

移民當然是另計.若是citizen或是resident的話上大學當然是花不了多少錢: grants, loans即使成綪不好也一大堆(更不用說只須給in-state-tuition) Hell, 窮人反而比有錢人方便...可不必擺出一副”I have had it rough" 的樣子:p

Harmatia@2005-01-16 13:04

最初由 standoffish 发布

移民當然是另計.若是citizen或是resident的話上大學當然是花不了多少錢: grants, loans即使成綪不好也一大堆(更不用說只須給in-state-tuition) Hell, 窮人反而比有錢人方便...可不必擺出一副”I have had it rough" 的樣子:p

I am afraid you have missed my points entirely.

I have stated, very clearly and in bold, the reason for me to respond the way I did. It's not a sob story, in fact I think I am very fortunate to be where I am today.

I was merely stating, in an entirely non-hostile way, that my family is not that kind that you referred to in your original comment.

There is a certain connotation to the idea of somebody being rich in China today, and I think we all know what that is. You can talk about overseas students and their family background in a different thread all you want, but if you say this as a response to my personal news I am entitled to make relevant clarifications regarding my family.

standoffish@2005-01-16 14:31

最初由 Harmatia 发布

There is a certain connotation to the idea of somebody being rich in China today, and I think we all know what that is. You can talk about overseas students and their family background in a different thread all you want, but if you say this as a response to my personal news I am entitled to make relevant clarifications regarding my family.

我一開始說的”能出國讀書”並不是說妳去日本的事啦.. 我是指"海外版"整體. 那是回應Lizard"这里真是卧虎藏龙"的言論. 

另外, 我指"家境不差"不是指那種一擲千金的留學生,只是指有能力負擔每年USD 25000 的學費+ 生活費的家庭罷了..其實當我說"能出國讀書家境也不會差吧" 我也把自己的家庭包括在內.

Lizard@2005-01-16 15:48




神威@2005-01-18 15:55

燃烧吧 青春!!!


木谷@2005-01-24 23:06

Congratulations!. ^^
