neofreestyler@2004-12-08 10:41
联想定于12月8日上午9点以$2billion USD正式宣布收购IBM全球PC业务。Blanche@2004-12-09 01:14
明明是strategic alliance....引用IBM董事长兼CEO Samuel J. Palmisano说,“在过去的多年中,我们主动地将IBM重新定位为:全世界领先的‘随需应变’解决方案的提供商,为各种规模、各种行业的企业和机构提供服务。这要求我们专注于企业级客户,对研发持续大量投资以积累智力资本。同时,这一产业中的PC业务越来越需要巨大的规模经济,以专注于满足个人用户和个人购买者需求。今天的宣布进一步强化了IBM对企业级市场的专注,另一方面又打造了一个更好地定位于抓住 PC产业发展机遇的全新的全球业务。”
引用"...未来的管理层将以来自IBM及联想现任高级管理人员和技术管理专家为基础" 交易完成时,联想将拥有大约19,000名员工。其中大约10000名员工来自IBM(他们中间有接近40%的人现在已经在中国工作,少于25%的员工在美国工作),大约10000名员工来自联想。可以预见,此次交易将不会对两个公司的雇员编制、福利待遇带来很大的影响。
fears@2004-12-09 20:04
做得大不代表做的好,愿联想一路走好morte13@2004-12-09 21:17
看到了,惊了|||aaqqiu@2004-12-09 22:15
其实IBM根本看不上pc市场的,只不过是随便玩玩的(包括IBM的pc硬盘). 要知道他可是international business machine啊. 市场定向于大型和中型机. 既然这么多年来看不到pc的利润提高, 不做了也是无所谓的.被联想并购只不过是扔掉不需要的部分而已. 而且这次并购谁又保证没有政府行为呢?星火联谊@2004-12-10 05:48
IBMPC 业务已经好几年 亏损了,早就该卖出去了,被HP和Dell的PC抢走了太多的市场,毕竟PC市场有些饱和了JanusWang@2004-12-10 07:03
I really like IBM laptop. But I'm afraid I will not buy it later onseiyafan@2004-12-10 09:06
I read an article on MITBBS, thinkpad is not part of the deal.JanusWang@2004-12-10 09:25
really? It is a good news for me.half_angel@2004-12-10 16:27
引用As part of the transaction, Lenovo and IBM will enter a broad-based, strategic alliance in which IBM will be the preferred services and customer financing provider to Lenovo.
Lenovo will be the preferred supplier of PCs to IBM, enabling IBM to offer a full range of personal computing solutions to its enterprise and small and medium business clients.
myrion@2004-12-11 07:16
引用最初由 seiyafan 发布
I read an article on MITBBS, thinkpad is not part of the deal.
seiyafan@2004-12-12 09:10
I read the official news on MSNBC, laptop is part of the deal.Harmatia@2004-12-12 09:12
.....so I guess I have to buy Dell from now on? I really don't like HP computers.JanusWang@2004-12-12 09:31
5555555~~~~~~~~~~~, which one I should buy now? Lenovo is sucks, Dell is not so good either.Harmatia@2004-12-12 09:35
I used a NEC way back when but don't remember anything about it....maybe I'll get a Toshiba next time.