『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>[请教]有關美國的SAT考 ..

emb422@2004-09-30 10:47

最初由 jingwen 发布
I am in Speech and Debate team too, but I don't have the forensic class, coz there is not enough space on my schedule. I choose stay after school to do my debate practice.

PS:forgot to say earlier, my least favorite class is Biology, it's so boring for me.

Wow, we are really alike, are we? I personally enjoy forensics, too, and I also don't take the class because it simply doesn't fit my schedule... (But the only thing that I ever do is Student Congress, 'cause I don't feel like doing anything else).

In addition, I also hate biology... (The only AP class in our school that I'm not taking except for Art and Spanish, because I take French...)

Novia@2004-09-30 10:54

对了...大学录取的人是不是不care你take什么SAT II?..... 那偶能不能take两个数学......外加一个中文?............- -|||||||

emb422@2004-09-30 11:13

最初由 Novia 发布
对了...大学录取的人是不是不care你take什么SAT II?..... 那偶能不能take两个数学......外加一个中文?............- -|||||||

Definately not recommended...

jingwen@2004-09-30 20:08

最初由 Novia 发布
对了...大学录取的人是不是不care你take什么SAT II?..... 那偶能不能take两个数学......外加一个中文?............- -|||||||
depends on what college u want to apply.....ex.MIT and Cornell engineering college require three SATIIs from one humanity, one science, and one math.Stanford and UCs required one writing, one mathIIc, and one whatever u like.
I have taken SATII physics and mathIIc, and didn't do well at it, coz I didn't study for it at all, just go and take it that day. lol, not prepared...I'm going to take writing, Chinese, and physics in Nov. probably take some more SATIIs in Dec. I enjoy taking SATIIs, coz they are easy.:D
I got a 4 in AP Physics B last year....grrrrrrrrr I thought I got 5, but I actually only have a 4.:rolleyes: coz I only finished 2/3 of the multiple choice section, I'm kinda slow always.....:p

jingwen@2004-09-30 20:19

最初由 conanhsieh 发布
some one has 6AP,,,kill me~~~I only get two and I can't handle it already....................AP....History.....I hate history....and Language also!!! i have regular US history...our AP history.....is AP Europe...the only AP history class in my school
新SATI.....死在essay....25分鐘生不出什麼東東來.....寫了兩段就時間到.......還好是PRE SAT....不然就死了!!!英文就是不行.....這學年才刚離開ELD而已....終於脫離ELD的魔掌了.......但是面對SAT....3月就要考了.......essay是真的玩完了!!!
I always got straight As in all subjects, and I'm taking almost all honor courses except classes like PE or health. well, actually because our school is comparatively easy, some schools are harder. I like AP US History.I took it last year. I like all history classes in general. even when I was in China, I always got high mark in history. history is my favorite subject.
SATII writing only give u 20min to write an essay.
AP English exams give u like roughly more than half an hour to write an essay, and u have to write three in the AP exams......

无极之天@2004-10-01 00:35


Novia@2004-10-01 04:10

最初由 jingwen 发布
depends on what college u want to apply.....ex.MIT and Cornell engineering college require three SATIIs from one humanity, one science, and one math.Stanford and UCs required one writing, one mathIIc, and one whatever u like.
I have taken SATII physics and mathIIc, and didn't do well at it, coz I didn't study for it at all, just go and take it that day. lol, not prepared...I'm going to take writing, Chinese, and physics in Nov. probably take some more SATIIs in Dec. I enjoy taking SATIIs, coz they are easy.:D
I got a 4 in AP Physics B last year....grrrrrrrrr I thought I got 5, but I actually only have a 4.:rolleyes: coz I only finished 2/3 of the multiple choice section, I'm kinda slow always.....:p

.....not easy for me......就偶的英语......读懂题目都很成问题................T T


jingwen@2004-10-01 05:02

Novia, how long u have been in US? still have problems with understanding questions? -_-

Novia@2004-10-01 08:21

已经1年了......T T

conanhsieh@2004-10-04 00:09


i adore u~~~u are the kind of student that every teacher loves.....so......smart!!
unlike me.........so dumb!!= = stick in ELD for almost 3 years and now, finally get out of that but still have some grammar problem and my US history teacher...once told me that ....my history essay ....every thing is perfect.....except my poor grammar!!!= =
oh grammar......why~!!why is grammar so hard for me ==lll
anyway...hope i can pass the SATI 
and i probably will take a SAT II for chem. cuz so may experts recommand not to use the Chinese one..so...........i think i'll take one more SAT II test

to Novia
