『漫游』酷论坛>『海外生活』>A scene in New York subway

1111111@2004-09-05 10:59

is it 34th st or 42nd st. station? There are different groups at 42nd

standoffish@2004-09-07 08:35

最初由 emb422 发布
What, hobos?

I think the best one I've seen was an old man in a subway station in Toronto when I was there 5 years ago. Apparently, he was playing Vivaldi's Four Seasons on his Violin... He had... no audience... but he still played... That was a true example of a spirited man....

..... and an true epitome of a "former arts major" as well.
Yes, they are all "tortured artists" on account of their penury.

That reminds me of a joke:

A physics major asks: why does it work?
An engineering major asks: how does it work?
A finance major asks: how much does it cost?

An arts major asks:

do you want fries with that?

